1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Bjtales Tiny discussion part 1

Aug 4, 2013

    1. I absolutely love love your two! They are styled so cute! I would love to find a mouse, too........
    2. I really wanted a girl mouse and I missed all three preorders T_T I missed the last two by a couple of weeks. She was the first doll I saw that I loved.
    3. It has been a long time since JpopDolls had a preorder for one of Lydia's dolls. Does anyone know if she has stopped selling through JpopDolls?
    4. Lidiya has a Facebook page where she sometimes makes an announcement. She posted about a new (preorder?) for Mouse on the 11th of June:
      Here is her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lidiya.snul?fref=ts

      Hope that helps ^_^
    5. I just discovered these cute little mice and was ecstatic to discover on Lidiya's facebook that she still had some available. Having just ordered from her, I'd like to prepare for my mouse's arrival. But I can't seem to find measurements anywhere :( Does anyone know the bust, waist, hip, neck, shoulder span, and height? Or if she can wear clothing for other dolls? (I thought I read somewhere that the mice also fit PukiPuki clothing but can't find the reference now). Thank you.

    6. I would love to know too, and if I find anything out I will let you know!! :) I just got one of the first ones, the second ones are a bit different but Lydia says they are the same size pretty much.
    7. My new little white mouse just arrived! She is quite a bit bigger than my older two! I have lavender, and flesh tone. I also have a boy and Asrai. I have to run out right now, but I will try to post a comparison picture later tonight. She's so tiny I don't know if I could take accurate measurements.
      • x 1
    8. Lavinia (lavender Mouse) and Camellia (normal mouse) are thrilled to have a new sister to help with weaving in the yarn ends. Gardenia (new style white mouse), doesn't even have a faceup yet, but I adore her already!
      [​IMG][/URL]IMG_20150821_090949_998 by Melani, on Flickr[/IMG]
    9. Cress, my tiny mouse, has just arrived. Yay! I thought I should answer my own question about clothing in case anyone else wanted to know. Unfortunately, I can't find my ruler at the moment and she is so small that it will probably be difficult to get measurements for the chest, waist, and hips. I am estimating that she is 14 cm tall, as she is slightly taller than a headless picco neemo doll but much smaller than my 16 cm tall dolls. Except for the tail, her build is very similar to a picco neemo. She seems slightly thicker and needs an escape hole for the tail, but otherwise I think their clothing may work for her. I also tried a Sad Sally dress on her which did not suit her well. The top snap would not close, though the one right above the tail did.

      I do have a couple of comparison shots of her with the picco neemo if anyone wants to see. As someone who usually just lurks on these forums, I am uncertain if it is okay to post photos of naked doll comparison (esp. with a non-bjd). However, they are on my Flickr.

      Now for my next question. Her headcap keeps popping off. There seems to be some small magnets but they aren't doing much. As someone who is still in the process of learning all the BJD tricks, I am not sure if there is some other way to make it stay on. Does anyone have suggestions?

    10. Jelliebean ... it sounds like maybe your magnets are reversed in your headcap. That happened to one of my realpukis and I had to tape her cap on. But I know there's a tutorial out there about getting the magnet out and reversing it.
      Hopefully that's not the problem. Can't wait to see your little mouse! Lidiya's dolls are my coveted dolls and as I am trying to get rid of most of mine, I decided I needed to try one of hers out to see if it's one I want to keep. I have
      a gorgeous girl on the way!
      • x 1
    11. I have had this problem with many dolls. I use a tiny bit of the clear moldable silicone earplugs. I use them to keep eyes in, wigs on, props in hands etc.. You can buy them on amazon, at Walmart , or any pharmacy. It's really sticky stuff, but comes right off of the dolls without leaving a stain.[h=1][/h]
    12. Does anyone have BJtales Mouse's measurements? I can't find them anywhere xD
    13. Mouse's Measurements:
      13cm tall.
      6mm eyes, size 3-4 wig.
      Bust 4.5cm
      Waist 4.2cm
      Hips 6.2cm
      Inseam 5.0cm
      Waist to Ankle 7.2cm
      Foot: 1.8cm L x 1.0cm W
    14. Lidiya's got another preorder going now, through December 12.
      I'm in love with the elf body and this preorder is the last chance to get it. She's 28cm tall, which is after my own heart!!
      But these are SO expensive. I'm not sure I can justify it! The posing seems amazing. I wish she had prettier hands.
      Also, Alena (Lidiya's rep) told me there are 3 head options for this preorder - Phoenix, and two others, but I don't know which ones
    15. I'm getting word on facebook that these girls don't pose very well. Can anyone tell me (or better yet show me) if they hold poses very well?
    16. they are very flexible but do not pose standing on there own?...my mouse and asrai are cute but they mostly pose sitting or laying. so it depends what you want with them...the most pictures from lydia are always laying down or sitting...it is a different kind of doll more for taking pretty pictures like some people do, not for playing like I do :) but I am really in love with my mouse and asrai they are lydia's smaller dolls...love the bigger girls but like I said they are more art dolls for taking pretty pictures?
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    17. I just bought a Mouse girl from the marketsplace. she's so small and cute! although I can't make clothes. at all XD Does anyone know if there's any clothes she'd fit in? I don't have any puki puki clothes to try with so.. Figured I'd ask!
      I know there's some custom ones at etsy, but not quite what I'm looking for.
    18. The mousies fit in Spampy clothes as she even leaves room for their tails to stick out on pants.
      also you can find some Dollmore tinies clothes for Banji sized BJDs. and always use a Kelly top from the Barbie collection, or those Sullivan Families of tinies plastic dollies, even though they are sometimes a bit wide-
    19. Does anyone know how can you order one of the dolls?