1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Blue Fairy Pocket Fairy Discussion part 2

Dec 18, 2012

    1. Wow, it's really short notice for the "PF White Choice" event, unless I'm reading it wrong. Haha

      Blue Fairy said "More pictures and detail can be viewed under the "Pre-order" category." in their anouncement, but I can't seem to find it anywhere on their site...
    2. PetiteChair, they'll usually activate that pre-order section once the sale actually starts (which should be 5pm in Seoul--that will make it the middle of the night here in the US.)

      Dithering on whether to get one! And which sculpt!
    3. Wow, they are pretty, and the theme really fits the pepper/sugar as they are so dainty!
    4. Oh I so wish I'd have some money to spend. I'd order one Sugar and one basic bodied PF! >3<
    5. Aww, they are simply the cutest ever! If I didn't just get a ShinyFairy, it's be very tempted to get a PF with a Sugar body (love the slim overall look and the super cute legs), they've been on my wishlist for a while. The whiteskin makes this release even more drool-worthy! Eee!
    6. Wowwww,Locksley! Why do we always think similarly to each other?!!<33 Look at my doll wishlist in my profile, I've been alway wanting a PF May with sugar body!!! I remembered the Special Daisy MiniMay grasped my heart at my first glance, she's too gentle and sweet! But you're right, she's not able to come now because of our new SF May! However maybe both of us will own our beloved PF someday~ haha XD
    7. The new edition is just beautiful, does anyone know what sculpt the sugar boy is? I like his shy smile :)
    8. kayjay: I believe that is MinMay. And that is a very pretty faceup for her!

      Sophie just hanging out:
    9. juliepinetree - thanks but I meant the boy sculpt, without the teeth. I've dropped BF a message to ask.
    10. Kayjay: oops! I totally missed the boy part! Curious what BF says, but I think he is a Choco or Charlie.
    11. kayjay I think he's choco. I really like the way they painted his top lip. Choco is second on the options list and he looks most similar to the basic choco of all the sculpts.

      I wish we could see pictures of some of the other faceups - it would be nice to see a little group of them together. I really want MiniMay in white skin but I don't think it's possible this go round. That's ok as I'm sure there will be other opportunities.
    12. They're the two I was looking at, the limited faceup really makes it hard to see. Although my little PF Maisie is NS so I think I'd be better off getting her a NS brother and resisting these limited ones

      edit: Honeythorpe, yes I'm coming down to Choco, I'll post back what BF say. I love the Choice Choco so I might save for him rather than this edition which I can't really afford at the moment due to a splurge in dolls recently.
    13. I have been enjoying photos of the PF sugar body and getting ready to order Minimay. The white skin is very pretty. Is this a special face up or the same as basic?
      I have questions on BF but so far they have answered everyone's but mine. I wonder if my questions were confusing. Hi kayjay!
    14. *waves back*

      The faceups are special also, the default ones are very natural and barely there really. I added blush to my little PF which has brought her to life. The white ones are so pretty aren't they? I'm not sure how easy it is to get clothes for the sugar body, it's quite hard finding them for the chubby PF body as Lati Yellow is mostly too big and Puki mostly too small. But I love my little PF

      Theme: Rabbits by kayjay1809, on Flickr
    15. Thanks Kayjay! She is very cute. I have some clothes that will fit her, so I am good there. I would love to see a comparison of BF white and normal skin.
      I have the money but little time to decide. I do like color in a face up,but the wait time is 50 days. I am too impatient. I may be able to add shading like you did on your little one.

      juliepinetree: Sophie is very cute. What face is she? She looks so relaxed. Cute dress too.
    16. kayjay i think it's probably easier now finding clothes for sugars than it is for the regular pocket fairies. There are a couple of commercial dolls whose clothes fit quite well (nikki/odeco and tiny betsy) and some clothes made for middie blythes fit too as well as some lati yellow/pukifee clothing. Your little one is so cute. one day I must get another regular size pf.

      oliveoil I found this comparison picture online. I don't think the current normal resin is as yellow as this - it's a bit pinker but it might give you an idea
    17. honeythorpe Thanks! That is very helpful. The white is very pretty.

      Can PF wear Kish Riley wigs? I have a bag of wigs size 4/5. I am hoping to find something in there for Minimay.
    18. oliveoil no problem - I know someone said over on the tiny fairy thread (I think it might have been Xaya) that the BF white skin is very stable and doesn't change a great deal which is nice to know as some white skin from other companies is not so good.

      I think they're a true size 4 so the 4/5s might be a bit big but it depends on the manufacturer (Mitten wears a 3/4 from FL but I think it's only because that particular wig is oversized)
    19. This is a Riley size wig from RubyRed, it's a long time since I took this photo, and I can't remember how it fitted, but it looks ok here

      Little Maisie (Mai) by kayjay1809, on Flickr
    20. Has anyone placed an order for the white choice?

      I just did *jumps up and down* finally going to get my ws Noma Pepper
      now I will have another boy

      ...hope they do a baked skin choice next so that I can get my baked Remmy ^---^

      Here is one of my older pics showing natural skin Yoko, white skin Didi and natural skin Jimmy

      PF Yoko Didi Jimmy by midolls, on Flickr