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Blue Fairy Pocket Fairy Discussion part 2

Dec 18, 2012

    1. honeythorpe: Thanks! I need to make a decision this evening. I am not sure I like the 50 day wait. 10- 20 sounds so much better. I have a variety of wigs, some Tib Wool wig that may or may not work. I have some great hats made for Riley. Crossing my fingers they fit.

      kayjay: Aw, cute picture! It looks good. Thanks!

      melissa: Thank you for the comparison picture. It is very helpful. The white is very pretty.
    2. Melissa, what a wonderful trio :aheartbea Congrats on your order!
    3. I was ready to place my order only to find out the Blooming Sugar outfit is now unavailable. :(
      Do they restock often?
    4. kayjay that wig is really cute!
      midolls looking forward to seeing your new additions - you have such a gorgeous PF family. I would really love to be adding WS minimay but just can't manage it this go round, I need to either sell some dolls or do a lot of sewing before the next release. I'd also really like to add a TF baked boy if they make any more or a SF girl so for the meantime it's just Mitten and Ophelia here.
      oliveoil if it helps any, the BF NS resin is my favorite of all my NS resins. It has a beautiful pinkish undertone and has mellowed only slightly rather than yellowing like some of my girls from other companies. I didn't realise the WS had a longer wait time, but it makes sense. I remember the wait for my TF Maeve seemed agonizingly long! If you order a NS girl, I'd be surprised if the wait time is as much as 20 days.
    5. Why not drop them a question and ask if you can add it to your order later?
    6. Thanks! So far they have skipped my question from days ago. Answered everyone before and after me. Maybe my question is confusing.
      It was about wig color and when they will offer baked again.
      The normal skin does look very nice. I decided to go with ns.
      Good idea kayjay. I will ask them.
    7. He is a Charlie. :> Choco has droopier eyes...
      Which was what I was hoping to order sometime this year. I debated and debated and debated on whether or not I wanted to get my choco in white... but decided that it just isn't right for the character I wanted (who is a doll I have in TF size, I wanted to make baby version XD)

      ... here is my question though. Anyone know of good braid wigs that would fit pocket fairies?
    8. navci: Try CanCan wigs! If you like the style of their braids, the fit is great!
    9. navci If you're ok with wefted mohair there's a 4" wig available from several places on ebay that would definitely fit to stretch PF heads. Some shops have 3-4 and some a size 4" It is only available in a limited number of colours though. I have the 5-6 and 6/7 versions and can verify that there's plenty of stretch in the wig cap and in fact it runs a little oversized so looks best on heads at the larger end of the size range. The look a little oversized on the pukis they are using as models so I think would fit really nicely on PF heads. I've linked to a picture of my lati wearing it - I did replait mine and take out the extra bit of hair that they braid in for fullness as I wanted skinny skinny braids. She has a big noggin right at the top end of 5-6 and it fits her much better than my pukifee

      Cancan j series don't have a wig with full braids - only those tiny little narrow ones but their wigs do fit PF perfectly. I wish they had a few more styles as I really like the fiber they use - it's really fine and nicely in scale with the delicate PF features

      Oh and try kemper dolls - they have the "heidi" style, once again mohair and in a size 4-5
    10. They answered and he is a Remmy.
    11. I dunno why I said Charlie. I meant Remmy. XD Charlie was more of a smiley and Remmy was more like a baby Louis.
      My brain flew away and isn't working with me. XD

      Honeythorpe: That is perfect! That is more or less what I needed, in carrot no less. I am hoping maybe I can get bangs... I wonder how hard is it to trim a mohair wig? So 4-5 is what I'll be looking at then? *goes off to look*
    12. No problem Navci - the one that I have definitely has bangs and comes in a really rich shade of carrot. TBH I think a 3/4 would fit in that particular wig better than a 4/5. If you go with the Kemper dolls one, I might go 4/5 as I think they have the more rigid wig caps.
    13. Ah thank you I'll give it a closer look.
      The only thing that has stopped me from having a pocket fairy earlier is the size. It just seems like it is so hard to get things for them.
      But now that I have most of the things I want for other dolls .... I think I need one of these. <3
      • x 1
    14. Dolldaft - very cute girls :aheartbea
    15. I hope Bluefairy will release a white skin pepper body part.I mean I already have a white skin doll and I want to change it to pepper bodyi think it's easier to find clothes for sugars than the regular pocket fairies.The "PF White Choice"is very tempting but I don't want to buy a new one.
      Here is my PF jimmy I hope everyone will like him(yes he is a boy.)[​IMG][/URL][/IMG]
    16. kayjay: Thank you! Maisie looks so cute in her little outfit!
      dolldaft: Very lovely girls!
      teddylauw: Your PF Jimmy is very sweet!

      I am wondering what the new June dolls will be from BF!
      And Sophie Spam!
      • x 1
    17. Kayjay Maisie looks really cute in that outfit. She's so serious!

      teddylauw I don't know that BF would ever offer just a body option in white skin. It's never been available for any of their other sizes as far as I know as white skin always signifies a special limited release for BF.

      juliepinetree June is an MSD sized doll - a little smaller than a Tiny Fairy and with a curvy body and SF sized head. So maybe something like a Unoa 1.5 or a Chicline from Fairyland. No new tinies to tempt you...though they are going to have another baked release (I'm guessing for Dollism). I only heard mention of baked TF but it would be nice to see more baked PF. I like Sophie's tshirt!