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Blue Fairy Pocket Fairy Discussion part 2

Dec 18, 2012

    1. no Pocketfairy for me with this preorder (just shoes, hand and feet parts for my TF's) was seriously considering snow white Fei because I don't have any with the snow skin but unfortunately I just don't like the renewal bodies even if they can pose better I don't like the longer neck and the tiny feet
    2. Hi, I mostly lurk here for now but I have plans for some PFs in the future. I'm going to have a small collection of dolls of Studio Ghibli characters and the Pocket Fairies are perfect for most of the kid characters. I've mostly just been looking for clothes and shoes that'll fit them when I'm able to get them, but there's a prop I've been looking for that I can't seem to find (or don't know what size to look for).

      Tombo from Kiki's Delivery Service (who will be a Choco) has a bicycle that he tries to put a propeller on to make it fly. I can find bikes meant for Barbie dolls, but they're bound to be way to big for a PF (even ones on the sugar and pepper bodies like what I have planned). Does anyone happen to know of any bikes these little beans could fit on? Any help would be appreciated! I'm stumped!
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    3. @MonochromeNocturne oh my gosh, you’ll have to post pictures!!

      For finding a bicycle, you might have luck searching for Lati Yellow props? I think Tiny Delfs and maybe Pukipukis are in the same size range as Pocket Fairies (I think they are those companies’ versions of PFs), so you might have better luck using those as search terms. If you’re using Sugar/Pepper bodies for your Pocket Fairies, Blythe-sized props miiiiiiight work for you, but they might also be a tad too big. Good luck!
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    4. The Christmas tree decorations Hallmark sold a while ago might work. Do you need a two wheel bike or a tricycle?
    5. I definitely will, when I get them! And I'll have a look at Blythe, some things sold for them look a tad on the small side, so they might work.
      Tombo's is a two wheel bike. I swear finding stuff for the original PF bodies is easier than for the Pepper bodies
    6. I don't have the two wheeled bike but I have Yoko w/Sugar body riding a hallmark trike, as far as clothes to fit the sugar/pepper bodies, Petworks Odeco, Nikki and Usaggi are the best fit width wise for the clothes, shorts fit but regular pants are a bit short. The outfit Yoko is wearing is from TTYA Lati size.

      [​IMG]bf-yoko-sugar_25908366735_o by Melissa Brenner, on Flickr
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    7. Random question but does anyone have a comparison of a recent pocket fairy head on the new small body vs the new sugar body? I never quite got attached to my sugar girl because her head always looked so much smaller than my PF minimay. On one hand, it could be the proportions, but my minimay is super old (one of the first le releases I think) so maybe the head mold was a different size? I need to measure for sure!

      I'm craving another little pocketfairy. Yoko reminds me so much of myself at 4 would also love to see pics of everyone's fei and didi, while I'm figuring out my potential mini me!

      question 2: my pocketfairy in the new sugar body seems really stiff, like I can barely tilt her head up and down and the arms tend to catch on that part that makes them stand straight out. Anyone else with this issue?
    8. I have the new and the old sugar body the only difference that I noticed was that the feet are smaller and the neck is longer on the new sugar body compared to the old sugar body I did not notice any head size difference I believe they are the same size new/old and little/sugar. My new sugar Annie isn't stiff.
    9. Thanks so much! Could be she's just strung too tight. I appreciate the double jointed posing but I kind of miss the old bodies I think!
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    10. Ugh. I have a craving. For a pocketfairy. Maybe a Yoko? With that little black bowl cut wig she looks a lot like I did as a kid
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    11. I may have just bought a Yoko (and a Fei). I need to get some more clothes! Does anyone have suggestions for sewing patterns? It's hard to find pocket fairy specific ones though I know they exist in magazines. They're a bit of a strange size for sewing haha
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    12. You didn't say which body you are getting but for the sugar and pepper bodies:
      Anything that fits Petworks Odeco/Niki it may be hair short in the leg or sleeve though width wise is perfect.
      Anything that fits Ruruko like Azone xs it may be hair long in the leg or sleeve again perfect width wise.
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    13. Oh it's for the little OG bean bodies but thanks! I have a sugar so that helps too
    14. The Pocket Fairys are recruiting again, but this time it looks like they needed a troop member who could see over the top of obstacles. :D New size for me, it should be fun!

      by clochette62, on Flickr
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    15. It's fun to gave a new size! She's adorable!
    16. Thanks, Nancy...she kind of fits in with the ED Hana and BisouAI group so she's not totally alone, but she's slightly smaller. I haven't worked with that group much...I rarely see the Joong/Bisou/Hana sized kids anywhere other than my own troop, so I'll likely take her to the CC panel in July. Iit will be a nice change to have her out and see if there are others in the local BJD community.
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    17. *performs necromancy on this thread*

      Hi gang! Have you seen the new “Dainty Fairy” available for sale this weekend? Here’s the link: Bluefairy International-I will always be here for you

      And here’s what a Dainty Fairy looks like next to a baby body Pocket Fairy:

      So what do you all think?
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    18. Cute! And there are a lot of friends available in that size!
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    19. I'm a little confused the Dainty Fairy says 16cm height where the Pocket Fairy Boy Body is 14cm... Am I missing something or just bad at math?

      I'm a big dummy. I figured it out!!
    20. Bluefairy just put up an announcement that they will be changing manufacturing plants, prices will be going up due to this, and some items discontinued. They are doing a "Last Sale" from this plant that includes Blue Fairy, Tiny Fairy, Shiny Fairy, and Pocket Fairy items, including limited heads, from May 15th, 2024 to May 31st, 2024.
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