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Blue Fairy Pocket Fairy Discussion part 2

Dec 18, 2012

    1. I just got a Pocket Fairy Sugar and she needs clothes. She can wear "Miss Amanda Jane" and some "Lonely Hearts Club" outfits, but I need to know what else she can wear. I've seen so many cute pictures here of everyone's Sugars.

      SFC Marti
    2. Not to be rude, but don't you mean Only Hearts Club? That's what I'm planning on dressing my sugar Roel in when I get her.
    3. Yup, I meant Only Hearts Club. Good catch. Everything fits her except the full length slacks. The slacks can be shortened.

    4. This thread has been to quiet! Time for some spam!

      I made Sophie a new dress, and she will be having an adventure soon, so a story will come!
    5. This sounds like a really dumb question, but what size seam allowance do you use when you make your doll clothes?? They're always so adorable and professional-looking, and I'm just very impressed. :)
    6. I really like Sophie's new dress, it's so cute!
    7. Peppermintsheep: Wow, thank you so much for the wonderful compliment! But for seam allowance, it really depends on the fabric. If the fabric frays easily, I will cut my pattern a tiny bit big and just cut down the inside seam and use fray check. If there is almost no fraying, then I do as small as I can. But I think they are all about 1/4 to 1/8 of an inch.

      PetiteChair: Thank you so much! I really do love sewing for the her!
    8. Okay, well I have been on a sewing kick, so here is dress #2 of 5(so far...) I just love to make things in her size!
    9. Juliepinetree, where did you get those shoes? They're rather nifty. Also, does anyone know where to get a decent male wig for a Pocket Fairy? Bluefairy's options are limited.
    10. It's been a little while... so quiet!
      I got my hands on the PF clenching hands and gave one to my Vexa.

      I kind of wish there were more hand options for these little ones, Blue Fairy hands are so pretty!

      juliepinetree, your little Sophie is very lucky to have a mother who sews her lots of new clothes. It's something I'v been meaning to do... but haven't yet. ):

      Zeodyte, Leekeworld has some "bob" style wigs that'll fit, but I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for.
    11. Thanks. I will check them out. I am looking for something more masculine than childish, if that makes any sense. I saw some curly haired ones on Fairyland's site, but they only had a black one available. I was also thinking of making him into a mini Cloud Strife.
    12. Zeodyte: They are Patty O' Green's boots from Rainbow Brite, the 2003 release. For wigs, some Puki one's fit.

      PetiteChair: The hand looks cute! Vexa is looking nice, and I love her little sweater! Thank you! I just happen to have a job where I can sew while at work, so that's how I have the time to make the dresses!

      Here is Sophie and my Mulithead twins:
    13. Hey, thanks! Did you have to do any mod work to get them to fit?
    14. Zeodyte: I have the three girls from the release, and the boots fit great! The shoes from Carnary Yellow don't. I did nothing to them. They also fit puki fees.
    15. Just wondering--did anyone who ordered from the White Choice back in March get their dolls yet? I'm still waiting for my Roel.
    16. I'm still waiting on my Noma Pepper too
    17. Yay, got an email this morning saying my Roel has just shipped! We have guests coming in Monday night, so hopefully she'll arrive before then.

      Peppermint is anxiously awaiting her arrival!

      • x 1

    18. I didn't get an email... but I checked the Bluefairy site and my package says *on shipping* yay!!!
    19. Yay, my Roel arrived! Her name is Snowflake. The ballerina outfit that came with her was absolutely precious. Here are Peppermint and Snowflake, being silly.

    20. Reynardine: Such cute girls! Congrats! I really love your Roel! Such a cute sculpt!

      I made Sophie another dress: