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Blue Fairy Pocket Fairy Discussion part 2

Dec 18, 2012

    1. Hope everyone is having a good summer!
      Here is Sophie in her soft summer dress:

    2. ...your Sophie is so cute! I love this new dress and love the fabric ^--^

      ...with all the confusion because of the changes made over at Flickr it seems I forgot to post a pic of my new Noma Pepper...

      ...Marine Didi, Strawberry Didi, Noma Pepper, Jimmy Pepper and Yoko Sugar
      Bluefairy Pocketfairy Noma ws Choice Box Opening by midolls, on Flickr
    3. midolls*melissa OMG! What a wonderful company.

      My Sugar received a new dress from bluefairy. She is so sweety
      IMG 166-copy121 by ~Asuka~, on Flickr
    4. midolls*melissa: Thank you! And congrats on your new Noma Pepper! I just love your little group! They are always so well dressed!

      Darina: It really is a cute set! Congrats on getting it, it looks really nice on your girl! And her suitcase is so cute!
    5. Today is laundry day!
    6. Oh how cute is Sophie and her laundry? and hello to all the other cuties on the thread too.

      Yay, Ophelia finally got her new wig (a monique hannah size 4) which is a perfect fit. It's so nice to not have to wrestle with her wig for photographs so expect to see more of her now! Apologies for the hastily snapped photo - we've had a series of very big earthquakes this afternoon (one a 6.2!) and I'm a bit scared to leave her standing for any length of time.

      Ophelia is a little out of sorts by honeythorpe, on Flickr
    7. honeythorpe: I love Ophelia's new wig! It suits her! The tan is just so pretty! Hope you did not have too much trouble with the earthquakes.

      Sophie in a new dress. I got some new pretty fabrics I've been having fun with this summer!
    8. Hi guys~ I've just ordered a Minimay on Sugar body, so thrilled *O* But I'm not sure about the wig size for her~
      Have any of you ever tried to give your sweet pocket fairy some other brand of wigs other than Bluefairy? The official size is 4 inch, but most of the time we see 4-5 inch and 3-4 inch wigs, so which size will fit her better? Can I buy pukipuki size wig for her? Thanks<3
    9. geyin96: First, congrats and welcome! As for wigs, some FL puki wigs fit, some don't. It just depends on the wig. I have some that do and some that don't. Cancan is what my girl wears, and I do use a wig cap with it, but it fits nice. I've also noticed that Leeke has some new wigs in their size 3. I did buy a size 4/5 from them for a BF and it was huge. Those are the one's I know about!
    10. Thanks so much for your suggestions, dear<33 The 3 inch Leeke wigs are just what I'm most interested in, some of them are so sweet in the official pics~ I know that puki's head is a little bit smaller than PF, so that might be why some of the puki wigs won't fit. I don't know much about the Cancan wigs, but they seem to fit your girl perfectly, and lovely on her:) Did you buy them from the official website?

    11. Congrats geyin96. Minimay is gorgeous - I have her in tiny fairy size and would love a WS one eventually to go with Mitten and Ophelia. The monique size 4 wigs fit perfectly and stay on really well - You can get them from facets by Marcia. it's what Ophelia is wearing above. Here's a link to her size 4 page. (make sure you get size 4 and not size 4/5). Note she doesn't style her wigs so they usually look much better when you actually get them home.

      The cancan wigs are great too - they're designed specially for pocket fairy and I love the fibres that cancan use - nice and fine and in scale (leeke fibers can sometimes be quite coarse). Mitten no longer has hers as it left with her little sister but here's a picture of her in it

      feeling summery by honeythorpe, on Flickr

      She actually wears a fairyland pukipuki ballerina wig which was waaay to big on pukipuki but that's just a fluke - and it still doesn't fit as nicely as the facets wig. I will eventually swap out her wig for a facets one. All the other 3/4 wigs I have are too small. The only two BF brand wigs I have are a horrible fit. I wish they would work with cancan j series to supply their wigs. Ophelia's wig was a little too small and won't stay on her head and the wig I ordered with Mitten was too big so neither option was good.
    12. Thanks dear for so many useful tips!^3^ Your Pocketfairys are so darling, wow!!! I'm so glad to meet you guys here who're also PF lovers, and I already can't wait to get my girl home and share with you!!

      I just found several 4 inch monique wigs on eBay and decided to buy one, since the above dark brown wig suits your girl so well and it made me want a similar one! And yes, Cancan seems to be a wonderful wig provider for PF, the fibres they use for the wig reminds me of those Latidoll wigs, very smooth and neat~ I'll definitely have a try! :)

      BTW, those sandals your Mitten wears are so cute, could I know where you got them? Actually, the shoes size for PF is another question for me. I have a pukifee, and I know PF's feet are 3mm shorter than PKF's, but they could share shoes right?

    13. Thanks greyin96 I really need to start photographing my PF girls more. I love them to bits and get them out a lot but don't photograph them so much. The daintier looking pukifee shoes fit them really well and don't look too off balance with their little heads. Their feet are a little bit slimmer than PKF too. I think the sandals Mitten is wearing above are from ruby red galleria. I have some really sweet pairs from mimiwoo.com which are actually a better fit on the PF feet. I They are really reasonably priced too -about $5 a pair and no shipping cost if you buy direct from the website rather than ebay. My girls also have some cute little blythe boots from there too.

      I also want to get some of these boots for them which are a bit pricey but I saw a picture of a pocket fairy sugar wearing the white ones in one of my Japanese mooks and they looked super sweet on. Perfectly scaled for their legs. I'm hoping that their Ugg boots for blythe will also fit. My friend has a pair so I'll try them on Mitten.

      I'll try to take some "what shoes fit" photos this weekend for you. I have lots of pkf/blythe shoes from different sources and I really appreciated it when someone did the same thing at tiny fairy size.
    14. honeythorpe: Wow, the Miniwoo shop is way cool! I didn't even know such a place to purchase cheap and cute stuffs for dolls! Free shipping is just wonderful since I don't have to worry about the shipping cost when adding more items to the shopping cart! Yay!!>o< Thanks so much for sharing it with me, hugs!!!<3

      I just wonder which kind of shoes may fit PF better, since I saw there're shoes for blythe(12'' doll), middle blythe as well as lati yellow. They're all so adorable and I even wanna place order now however I hope I could have more idea about them with your reference photo!^^ And I saw in your Flickr the ugg boots your girls are wearing are just amazing, but I couldn't find them on Miniwoo.com, did you get them in somewhere else? Whatever, I'm looking forward to you photos!!!:fangirl:

    15. My ugg boots came from a shop called pocowai, which I think is around on ebay. I haven't seen them for a while though. The pukifee and blythe size tend to be the same. I only have plastic middie blythe shoes that don't fit. I've been tempted to order some of the more fabric type ones but I think they'll be too small. The only blythe ones that won't fit as far as I'm aware are the plastic ones and some of the very narrow high heeled ones. Some may look a bit big in scale though - I'll get my shoes out when I get home for you. If you see anythng in my flickr pics on my small girls, feel free to FM me or pm me and see if they fit pocket fairy too.
    16. It's so sweet of you honeythorpe! Since my girl arrived today, I'll look around to find some suitable shoes and wigs for her soon:)

      So I wanna introduce my Minimay, named Haruka, to you all!! I ordered one of my favorite PF wigs along with her, and I gave her a pair of 10mm glass eyes which were intended for my PKF, so I'll probably order another pair of 8mm eyes soon. The shoes she's wearing are also my PKF's, but they fit her well~ And the outfit is made by me^^


      BTW, I'm so glad that she's the perfect size for my doll room, as well as the re-ment miniatures!^o^ Hope to share more pics of her with you!<3
    17. She's so cute! I love minimay. One day I'd like a ws one to go with mitten and ophelia. I love your room box - it looks perfect for her.
    18. geyin96, your minimay is painfully cute! I love her clothes, she looks adorable!!
      I want a pocketfairy so much, I just lurk usually but I couldn't resist gushing about how cute she looks!
    19. honeythorpe: I love the ws minimay too! Since 2 months ago choice SF in ws was available for a limited time, I believe someday BF would also do this to choice PF~ Haruka made me wanna purchase more re-ment miniatures for her, cuz I know she loves the room!^o^

      Last_bus_home: Thanks dear<3 BF always gives me surprises~She's really really cute, and so tiny like a thumbelina! Love her so much!!:fangirl:Hope you could have one someday!