1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Blue Fairy Pocket Fairy Discussion part 2

Dec 18, 2012

    1. Here's another photo of my Haruka with her new eyes which fit her much better, along with the lovely Rubyred boots and the outfit made by me~:)


      I've got another question about the clothes for her~ Did any of you ever try the clothes for Blythe or Licca on Sugar body? I've seen a pic of the body comparison between them, and I'm sure sugar body is slimmer and shorter than Blythe/Licca. But I don't know if they can share some clothes like tops and dresses~ There're so many adorable Blythe clothes and I really love to have some for Haruka if it works!!^^
    2. geyin96: It's been so busy, but I wanted to tell you that Haruka is adorable! And I love the clothes you made for her! For clothes, the only name brand I can tell you about that fits, is Azone Pure Neemo XS. The S size kinda works, but it is a bit big. And I know people have put those bodies with the Blythe heads, so you can most likely find a good comparison photo of the bodies on flickr!
    3. Thank you juliepinetree!!<3 I used to have an Azone doll in S size with some of the blythe clothes. But unfortunately I don't have any of them at home now so I was not sure about if they fit PF. Thank you for your suggestion, and I saw your girl was wearing such a pink dress which looks very pretty and fits her perfectly! I'm gonna have a try someday!^__^

      Here's another pic I took yesterday to share with you<3


      Haruka got her new Re-ment desk home! She's so excited!
      And the outfit is made by me again, which is kinda Mori-girl style~ XD
    4. Hi guys, I'm seriously considering getting one of these lovely dolls. Can anyone give me an idea of Blue Fairy's average delivery time?

      Also, any suggestions on where I should look for a pair of jeans that would fit a sugar/pepper body?
    5. Bluefairy usually take 1-2 weeks to dispatch and delivery is fast too. It might be slightly longer for PF, these guys will know better.
      Bluefairy sell a hoodie and Jeans set for sugar/pepper body that's worth checking out, it's in their outfit section. Their clothes are amazing quality.
    6. Thanks for the info! Hopefully I'll be able to place an order soon :)
    7. Minimay or noma, minimay or noma...
      Spam please??
      Decisions decisions!!
      I love Noma since she's like mini Olive, but not sure about her profile and I love Minimay too so it's a close call...
    8. Here's an oooooooolllllllddddd pic of my Minimay, Ivy
    9. Thanks everyone for keeping the thread going!
      I'm more of a lurker :( and rarely contribute, but I really like your photos :D

      Tough choice :lol: I got both!
      Sorry for the dark photo, but it's rainy here, and flash flattens their faces too much:
    10. geyin96: So pretty! And I love your room set up!
      clochette: Ivy is so sweet!
      Jasana: They are so cute, and they have matching outfits! Thanks for sharing!
      Smilga: Congrats! She is stunning!

      Sophie in a little dress I made!
    11. After wanting a Sugar Pocket Fairy for a long long time, I have gotten myself a baked skin Minimay and Noma. Let me introduce Noma first.

      Pocket Fairy Noma by WinterMonkey loves dolls~, on Flickr

      She looks so lost... At first, Noma looks 100% like a boy's sculpt to me, but now, I think she is absolutely a cute girl~

      Edit: Oh yeah, Last_Bus_Home was asking for Noma and Minimay spam, I can help with that, I will take a photo of them together soon.
    12. WinterMonkey: Congrats! Noma is so pretty! Can't wait to see your girls together!
    14. Thank you juliepinetree and midolls*melissa. Soon, soon, I have packed Minimay away, I will be shifting to my new house this weekend, so all the dolls are packed. I miss them already.
    15. I will be getting a Roel fairly soon (next year, I hope) so I bought a wig for her from Parabox with one for one of the dolls I already have.
    16. [​IMG]
      My Little Noma Pepper by midolls, on Flickr

      ...ever have that doll that just doesn't want to be what you had in mind...well my Noma Pepper doesn't want to be a boyish boy...he looks so cute here...I wanted him to have red hair and it just isn't working...I really like this dark wig... and he definitely looks better in this outfit than the stripey t I had him in ^--^