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Blue Fairy Pocket Fairy Discussion part 2

Dec 18, 2012

    1. I saw the cat too~ It's really cute, but I like the outfit more, the itty-bitty cat might grow on me though.

      Actually, my Minimay and Didi are both on Pepper body, but I prefer them as girls, so I put them in girls' clothes. When I bought them from Cathrine, only pepper bodies are available, I so kicked myself for not waiting. The Blanc Marine outfit is so adorable~ I love love love Baked Skin Pocket Fairies~~~!!!

      Here's a photo of my Didi who looks very proud.
      Proud looking Didi by WinterMonkey loves dolls~, on Flickr
    2. Ah, I would never have guessed they were on pepper body and why not dress them in dresses, who would know the difference! :) Your Didi is so adorable, I like that you can see her eyes in that photo!
      My Remmy is Pepper and my Minimay is Sugar, I have fallen totally head over heels for Remmy and even took him out with me today despite the fact I haven't bought or made him any sensible clothes!
      Does anyone know if any TTYA clothes fit? I am desperate for tshirts and Pants/jeans etc but am really fussy about style and colour ><" oh dear, wrong time to be fussy!

    3. Here's a picture of my PF babies back when I only had 3 of them.
      They are all wearing TTYA hoodies and Didi is wearing skirted leggings (all Lati sized),
      you can see how they are a little bit short in the sleeve and even shorter in the leg.
      I haven't gotten any of the jeans to see how they would fit. I'm sure the denim shorts they make would fit
      but the jeans will be like capri pants. And I haven't seen any T-shirt in Lati size on either of their sites.

      I do however think the hoodies look super cute and want to get two more for my newer PF's.

      BF Kyle Gentle, Jimmy Pepper, Yoko Sugar, Strawberry Didi and Marine Scout Didi by midolls, on Flickr
    4. Thanks for the photo!! That's good to know. I might buy the jeans and hoodie set from Bluefairy.
      I decided to buy my Remmy a pair of Pukifee size pants from TTYA, I guess I'll see how short they are when they arrive but I wanted some shorts for him anyway so I could always roll them up a little and he can wear them like that, or he can wear them with the tall boots he came with.
      I was tempted to put him on the sugar body and make him into a girl yesterday. I want a girl baked Remmy too! He's just too sweet, I want lots of Remmys! ><"
    5. midolls*melissa : I like your photos and dolls... so cute! And..Kyle is so dandy.
    6. thank you LueRu ^--^
    7. Here's a quick pic of my Jimmy Pepper wearing the Azone Pure Neemo S
      Skeleton sweater, if anyone is wondering of the fit, the sleeves are a little
      long but all in all I think it looks kinda cute

      Jimmy Pepper by midolls, on Flickr
    8. wow!! They can wear that size??
      Thank you so much! And Jimmy is so cute with this outfit^^
      I want his pants!!
    9. And I want that skeleton sweater!
    10. Lati Yellow/pukifee pants from TTYA don't reeeally fit Pocketfairy. I knew they would be short (They're actually a really cute length) but the waist is huge on Pocketfairy so I don't think they'll be any good.
      Just for reference:

    11. Oh no...I just ordered some too...guess that was a mistake :(

      Remmy is so cute though :)
    12. Well they might be okay with a little tightening of the belt and if the waist is covered by a tshirt, but trying them on their own after the perfect fitting Bluefairy outfits, they are rather large on the waist.

      He is cute, I can't wait until I have everyday clothes for him, then he can come everywhere with me!!
    13. I think my friend using same pants from TTYA, But looks good.
      After this I will talk this to her and want to hear how to use.

      PF Sugar & pepper Basic Jeans Set from BlueFairy is cute, I want one.
      This jeans fitting is no probrem??
    14. LueRu I want this set too! I have two outfits from Bluefairy that fit perfectly so I think Jeans set will too.
      Is the friend you mention Sim*Jam* on Flickr? :)
    15. Last_bus_home:Ohh you want too? This set is so cute^^ I think if boy, if girl, looks so good with this set.
      Yes, Sim*Jam*. She often bought outfits from TTYA for her PF and Lati.
    16. LueRu yes! I think it is great for girls or boys, the jeans look so perfect!
      Sim*Jam has such beautiful dolls, she sews beautifully also, I wish she sold PF Clothes! :)
    17. Last_bus_home: Yes,I often talk same things to her.
      She said next year I will try maybe...maybe?^^;;
      nono, please... I said--

      By the way, about their shoes.
      Where do you get?
    18. LueRu Tell her I think she makes beautiful clothes too and should make some to sell! :)
      I hope she will.
      I have bought my Pocketfairy shoes from Bluefairy, I love them. I want to try some Blythe shoes soon too!
    19. Last_bus_home: I got answer.
      When she use TTYA pants for PF, fasten their belt a bit tight.
      But almost all pants of her pepper boys are made by her. I said please again.

      wow, they can use shoes of Blythe???
    20. I just have to say that I'm quite happy what happened recently. I had a Minimay move in with really short notice a while back. And much more fun, the doll was the actual Kissing Minimay which I owned previously. I had sold her earlier, since I found I was struggling with bonding with the doll... and with few other reasons. But now that I have her back I couldn't be happier. I also managed to buy the Kissing Minimay outfit separately from a friend and I'm hoping it have arrived while I'm on holiday.

      Sorry for not having any clothes for her yet, but here's Anni.

      I'm waiting eagerly to get back home to play with her and Ofelia, my Yoko.