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BlueFairy Shiny Fairy/(MW) Junior body discussion part 1

Mar 22, 2010

    1. They are very cute, but I'm glad I didn't have an instant feeling of must have. I think I need to think about them more. I'm a bit tempted to think about May or Hana, but... mmm.. must think some more. ^^
    2. Wel I am totally torn between this little May or another TF :roll:........shame I can't have both!!! ;)

    3. Bon Voyage May is killing me!!
      I NEED her but I'm w/o $$$ right now! >"<
    4. turbow I know exactly how you feel......I have had a photo of Shiny May up almost all day!!!

    5. Did someone ask for a side view of Shiny May?


    6. It was me....and thank you so much ((hugs))

      I think I am doomed!!! LOL!

      Thank you again

    7. That little Voyage May has me.. if only I could find the cash! Maybe someone buys my Beyla before they sell out?!
    8. Guess what....I've just adopted out my Rhythm to a friend for Bon Voyage May!! >"<

      Bye bye my sweet little Rhythm...at least she will live with a good friend of mine.

    9. Aw. Luckily it's a good friend of yours. Rhythm looks sweet and I'll find it hard to part with her. ><
    10. Aww bye bye Rhythm :(. Well I know you'll take wonderful pictures of Bon Voyage May.

      Anyone else a fan of the TFs think we may get a May V. Shiny Fairy? One can only wish :D
    11. I ordered Voyage May already!
      OMG!! Can't wait to see her soon!!
      Who else is going to have Bon Voyage SFs here?
    12. Aw, bye bye Rhythm. Is she being reincarnated as BV May or gonna be a different name?

      silentstardust, I think an SF May Valentine would be really popular...!
    13. SarahRachael
      Voyage May will have a different name.
      My friend who adopted Rhythm will still keep her name as Rhythm and I will get to see her from time to time :D
    14. turbow, I'm eagerly waiting what cute will you make from the white SF May. ^^ She'll be as adorable as Rhythm, I'm sure. :D Great that you'll be able to see her too!

      I didn't buy any of the Bon Voyage sets this time. :D I'm sure I'll get the right SF girl for me someday. May V would be soooo cute. I'd vote for her! ;D
    15. xaya : Aww hope you'll find the right SF soon!! But I hope I won't coz I have decided not to have more Yo-SD size doll. This size is never the right size for me but I really couldn't pass SF May!! She's way too cute to not have! X3
    16. turbow, :D I did! I have layaway on Benjamin second hand, I'm so glad I snatched him even before my friend even got to our forums market place. But I want to have more, since the girls are very cute too, just waiting for the perfect set and mold. ^^ May is so cute, I have a TF May and I find that mold very charming in any colour of resin there is. ^^
    17. Funny, Xaya, I'm totally set on a SF May too! I'm just waiting for a set I can't ignore :)
    18. bronzphoenix, same here. ^^ Must wait for the perfect set.
    19. Bluefairy released choice special versions of the SFs.

      I'm updating http://angeldolls.co.uk/ to reflect the changes now. :)

      Benjamin girl is my favourite, I think...
    20. May boy >< I've always wanted a TF version but now there's an SF version, hard decision xD The hana boy looks cute too.