1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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BlueFairy (Tiny Fairy) discussion Part 12

Dec 16, 2018

    1. That makes a lot of sense. I guess I was in denial to think they wouldn't actually discontinue their sculpts, but some of these sculpts have been in syndication for over ten years in the second hand market. They're practically competing not only with counterfiters and other doll makers, but also with themselves. It'll be sad to see these classic sculpts slowly phased out, but if it means Bluefairy is sticking around for many more years then that's good. I'm not happy prices are going up, but I am glad they're making more bodies. Hopefully that's a good sign. I wouldn't want them to go the way of Little Monica.

      Unrelated -- I took my Rachel to a tea party today and felt like sharing a pic:

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    2. Has anyone seen the news on Bluefairy discontinuing regular sales of baked and basic skin? They just posted this today on their instagram


      "General sales of 'Basic' skin and 'Baked' will end in August 2023. The last order for head & body will be made during the monthly period in July and the paid exchange will be carried out until the end of July. For those who have considered a paid exchange, we would appreciate it if you could apply within July.

      Also, the cost of makeup will increase slightly from August due to the increase in labor costs. Blue Fairy's makeup is done by ‘Atelier Oz’. Sometimes, we show different styles of makeup during limited or collaboration but the makeup artist hasn't changed, so please don't misunderstand."


      I hope they'll still have special events in the future for these resin colors in the future.
    3. i saw on twitter. i don't understand why they're discontinuing the basic skin (or why there was an upcharge on something literally called basic?), and i still don't know what basic and light basic were in comparison to their old normal skin. it's exhausting trying to keep up with all the weird changes they make these days :(
      hopefully they'll bring them back in the future though, yeah
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    4. Does anyone have pictures of the basic resin in comparison to any of the other colors?
    5. I find it very confusing as well! And I wish that they would settle on a schedule for the preorders and stick to it. Why does it have to be a mystery every month? Wouldn't business be better if customers could count on a particular sculpt being available in the next, say, 2-3 months? Purchases could then be planned for and looked forward to. As it is currently, you don't know what sculpts are available until like hours before the preorder opens, and it only stays open for a few days at a time.

      I don't really understand this business model :lol:

      Edited to add: I don't have a problem at all with a limited order window (small company not wanting to be overwhelmed and all that). I would just appreciate knowing what sculpts will be available over the next few months instead of learning about them days or hours before the preorders open.
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    6. I saw it as well, I left them the question if they're going to offer them as limited editions in the future. Let's see if they answer.

      I have a few BlueFairy dolls, including basic, light basic, baked, old "normal", old beauty white... but I don't think I have pictures comparing them... that would be fun to do...
    7. Bluefairy's resin coloring is inconsistent from batch to batch, unless they've addressed that in the more recent years (does anyone know if they have?).

      These two are both WS; the May V is pinker. These three are all NS, the Louis is more brown. If you can believe this, both the Jasmine and Tommy girl in the middle are WS, and the boy Tommy is NS. Here is a large group pic! The baked tone varies a lot! You can see my baked May V is far cooler in tone than baked Robin.

      So a lot of my TFs are second hand, so they might have yellowed before I bought them (anything I purchased new has been stored in a closet, but even then, the color should slowly change over time). Also, I believe BF has recently added skin tones and changed names? If I recall, it used to be WS, NS, baked, and misty rose. Now we seem to have snow white, beauty white, light basic, basic, and baked (click here, scroll down). Most comparisons I guess aren't currently accurate? Still fun, though!
    8. baked definitely varies from batch to batch. I don't think they ever had an exact mix for it.

      I have a real soft spot for their older sculpts though. They're the first dolls that ever got me into bjds back when I was a broke student and so there's a certain nostalgia there.
      Olive and Louis particularly.
    9. as an aside, is anyone else really confused by their baked and basic event?
      it claims you can order any head, then lists ALL their limited heads as well.
      So... does that mean we could get those?

      It's pretty vague.

      Also, anyone else noticing this "free pass" thing on their monthly releases? Looks like some sort of lottery? Was that something from a while back or is that new?
    10. someone explained it a few pages back in the thread but small batch limited releases are the best way to make money in this post-recast doll economy i guess. similar to the concept of whaling in gacha/gambling, if you've got a few guaranteed big spenders then that's more stable than a larger but less spendy fanbase.

      but i agree, i really don't like not knowing a few months in advance if the preorder periods are going to be so limited. i like planning my purchases, not making surprise holes in my wallet, and when it's that expensive and that unpredictable, well, if there's a sculpt you're waiting for, sitting on that $500 becomes a problem when other companies are doing more predictable sales or a surprise discontinuation. there are plenty of other holes for that money to fill if you're not the type with $1k to drop on dolls every month. especially when waits for rereleases can take years, i think i waited like 3? years? between when they released allan and when he was available in tan and i was super lucky to be able to snatch him up then. like i know this is a waiting hobby, but it's also an expensive waiting hobby, moreso than most others.

      i believe they've become much more consistent since they made baked a regularly available option, at least. i only have one blue fairy on me at the moment so i can't make any comparisons this very second but i remember my baked 2021 diana and allan matching my baked 2019 sarang perfectly. idk if that's coincidence though, my bluefairy ordering has been inconsistent in recent years, mostly due to their annoying ordering system. usually i try to get at least one a year but if there's nothing i like around my birthday or christmas well.... :\
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    11. They've confirmed that baked skin will continue for limited releases in the future, but basic skin is out completely.

      It was for their anniversary, it was a lottery to buy any doll that you wanted in any body and skin tone; you didn't have to wait for the monthly or limited sale. I was able to participate and I'm currently waiting for my doll to arrive home.
    12. The baked event is up, it is looking like you can order... Pretty much anything? Wild!
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    13. bluefairy always has the worst timing haha, i'd love to grab something from this event but i'm in the hole for a doll and two faceups right now so i can't swing it. :( anyone getting anything interesting? i'd love to see someone get the fairy may in tan, i don't think there'll be another chance for that outside of freechoice lotteries u_u i would grab a lisa in basic if i could but alas :...(

      tangentially related: i'm working on the tiny fairy page on the (other) bjd wiki, there's so many weird little sculpts they've only released once basically! is there anyone who feels like sharing info on some sculpts? i know may has gone through a few revisions, and each sculpt has a unique headstamp, i'd love to get confirmation (and even photos if possible?) on those if anyone feels like popping their doll's head open LOL

      an up to date and well maintained list of all their sculpts would be great! even their creatorlink page is missing a bunch they have on their site. would make it easier to pick what you want when there's a choice event!

      i would also love to know which sculpts belonged to minoru world (or other companies?) previously if anyone has any information, also RELEASE DATES!!!! :eusa_pray
      #713 mangameow, Jul 3, 2023
      Last edited: Jul 3, 2023
    14. their last "free choice" event they had a big ol' list/page of their head sculpts.

      I actually only own 2 bfs at the moment. Louis and Rudy. Rudy was only available briefly as far as I can tell though. Kinda odd.
    15. [​IMG]
      oh now this is interesting

      i just put a basic lisa on layaway with the help of my dad hehe everyone say thank you to my dad LOL
      sidenote, shipping for a single tiny fairy was almost NINETY DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!! HUH??!?? :aeyepop:
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    16. Has anybody recently noticed differences in faceup from the company photos compared to what you actually received? I ordered a tiny fairy last year. WS with a boy body and boy face selected. The photos of the boy had the typical company
      bf faceup, no blushing, paler lips. What I received was so heavily blushed on cheeks and chin, and brighter lips, it's essentially a girl faceup (done more like a Chinese style as well). Makes me leery of ordering directly now, especially since they had mentioned in one event promo that the artists were going to do - I don't remember the exact wording, something like "free style", "own style". Guess I'll have to pore over secondhands to get the classic, understated faceups I've always preferred.

      And even though I have a spare white girl body that would match the "boy" head, it's still going to involve doing removal of most of the blushing. Particularly the chin. I hate the look on a white doll where it looks like they have a fever and head cold....
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    17. I got a Robin last year and Arthur this year and both came with typical Bluefairy-style faceups.
    18. Hi gang, Blue Fairy posted this today December 4 2023:

      “Hello, this is Blue Fairy.
      I'm so sorry for the delay in delivery.
      The list of products currently delayed is as follows.
      * * TF May Premium Collaboration 2023
      * * All size Basic & Baked skin choice
      * * Pocket fairy - All type choice
      * * Parts & After service
      We deliver the product to customers who ordered the above product as soon as it is ready.
      Also, if you haven't sent it yet, we'll do our best to send it all within December.
      Thank you always.
      Blue Fairy.”​

      I hope they’re doing okay. They didn’t have any special going on in November (my bank account is glad), and I don’t know if they’ll have an ordering period in December, either.
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    19. I wondered what was going on. I ordered a Chelsy back in March and it hasn't arrived yet. This is the longest I've ever had to wait for Bluefairy.
    20. I ordered a doll last February (sd Olive) and got her in May, but she was blank. Maybe the hold up is in finishing.
      Then again, that was before the choice event huh.
      If so many people ordered them they can't keep up, then, I hope to see everyone's dolls here soon!
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