1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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BlueFairy (Tiny Fairy) discussion Part 12

Dec 16, 2018

    1. Uh oh, as of Sunday December 10, Blue Fairy’s website is offline. There’s a message saying:

      “This Site is automatically closed, it exceeded the service period.

      The backoffice/Frontshop mode may not accessible,because service period is over.
      Shop Master can reopen the site by paying the service fee.
      If the site is already closed, you have to pay penalty 5%.
      If you have any question, contact us at 1:1 care service board.”​
    2. Their Korean and Japanese sites can still be accessed but this is rather worrying :sweat. I remember they had an issue with a invalid certificate on their international site this year but I didn't think it would be more than that.

      But maybe that means we need to contact them via email in case of questions. Because I'm not sure if there's someone actively managing their IG-account atm.
    3. Looks like they have some new Monthly Special dolls up: Celine and Ashley, plus a new outfit set!

      The TF Chelsy that I ordered back in March finally arrived yesterday, with no warning. I was so relieved! Luckily, I was home to sign for her! I find it a bit sad that Bluefairy doesn't offer eyes anymore.
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    4. No eyes? Huh! I can’t say I mind... I always replace them with nice glass eyes right away, and feel bad about throwing away the acrylics... but I also can’t imagine opening the doll and having empty eye cavities staring up at me lol

      It does make me worry about Blue Fairy’s future, though; the website “slipping”, the fact that they skipped December’s order period, their almost non existent Instagram presence.... *_*
    5. I had ordered both the blue and pink versions of the Pastel Fairies outfits, which were to include: Dress, Panier, Socks, Drawers, Bonnet. All I got was a nicely packaged dress and drawers, with no socks, panier (petticoat), or bonnet. Both colors were like this. For the price of $188 per outfit, that was really disappointing. I did write to Bluefairy about it to see if they will send the rest of the outfits or give me a partial refund. Caveat emptor!

      This drop in quality stings. I'm a long-time Bluefairy collector, with several Tiny Fairies, Shiny Fairy Juniors, and some Pocket Fairy Sugars.
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    6. Oof! Yeah, the prices of the outfits has gone up and up and UP... I’m an adult with a job, and the prices of this hobby are making me feel like a high schooler saving up birthday and babysitting money again— it’s no longer an indulgence I can swing a few times a year; it’s an expense I reserve only for my birthday now.

      That’s really unfortunate that they forgot components, especially because I know the shipping for just an outfit is ALSO outrageous. Good luck!
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    7. my lisa arrived a few days ago too! i was so surprised that he didn't have eyes, i thought they forgot something but i guess not....
      crazy that you're forced to order a faceup with eyelashes and pay for those now and they won't even include some low quality eyes! i don't think i've ever even gotten a floating head from the cheapest company i know of without a random pair!
    8. Withdoll doesn't include eyes either. It's rare but they definitely aren't the only ones cutting costs this way. Personally I don't mind as I very rarely use default eyes.
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    9. Hello!
      I ordered a TF Celine during the last Monthly Special order and I was wondering if anyone else bought it. I really like the serene expression on her face. Celine would be my second TF - the first one was a Somang bought secondhand - and I can't wait to receive it even if, reading the previous comments, it seems that Blue Fairy waiting times have increased a little recently.
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    10. I didn't know about the eyes situation, I've always ordered no-faceup. I'd be disappointed if I received my doll with face-up but no eyes.

      Congratulations!! Somang is super cute and I'm curious to see your Celine, newer sculpts are hard to see.
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    11. @~A*K~
      Thank you! I hope Celine will arrive soon, can't wait to take photos of her! You are right, it's quite hard to find pictures of the newest sculpts...
    12. Blue Fairy announced their 21st Anniversary Tiny Fairy Free Pass Event!

      It starts January 25 and is limited to the first 20 orders. I’m a bit unclear on which TF heads are on offer... the link they provides goes to their regular TF lineup, so I don’t know if you can actually pick rarer heads, like Closed Mouth May or discontinued heads like Denis.

      I saw a TF Annabel on Instagram that got a faceup from a faceup artist.... now I need an Annabel :XD: she looked so good! However, I have to skip this event... if they were just selling heads, I would go for it, but head+body+shipping is just too much money right now.

      Good luck to anyone who participates!
    13. I would like to see that Annabel!
    14. Let’s see what I can do here:

      The faceup artist is art_jjanji and she's done quite a few Blue Fairy (and Day Dream) sculpts!
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    15. Thank you! Oh wow, she looks quite different, it's always amazing seeing custom Bluefairies and Daydreamers.
    16. @Peppermintsheep
      Oooh, I love Art Jjianji custom Bluefairies! So unique and well done!
      And, I would like to order a doll during their 21st Anniversary Event...I was also hoping Bluefairy would offer heads - without the body full option - I need an Olive Valentine!
    17. Well, I decided to spring for a Free Pass Tiny Fairy, as a birthday gift to myself. For the head I chose Alexia (Alex), with face-up. I expect she'll arrive sometime this summer. Really excited!
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    18. :love
      Ooh that was the girl I was extremely tempted by too. Unfortunately the timing isn't good so I'll have to pass but... Ah... I really did want Alexia.
    19. oh happy birthday and congrats! alex is an adorable sculpt, mine is actually my icon (not that you can tell from how crunchy it is from being shrunk and compressed haha), very sweet face, very fun to photograph. i need to grab him from my dad's house sometime soon ;w;
    20. This month I worked on a pinafore dress for my MW Blossom Tommy and it turned out so cute I wanted to share it here.
      So here's Dana Violet in her lovely new overdress! The warm lighting in here at night is really deceptive, it gives her a very rosy tone to her white resin!
      [​IMG]Round 130 Pinafore, complete! by Jules B, on Flickr

      One of these days I have to get my crew in pictures together! I have a Niky and a Jerome as well, but they're all part of different dolly "families" so I don't think I've ever actually gotten to getting them all together before.
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