1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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BlueFairy (Tiny Fairy) discussion Part 12

Dec 16, 2018

    1. @Mamo
      The outfit looks so lovely, congratulations!
      • x 1
    2. @Flaxen Hair Girl thank you so much!! It makes me want to take her out for a garden photoshoot :chibi
      • x 1
    3. Such a cute outfit! And Tommy is one of my favorites.
      • x 1
    4. I just bought this boy

      From a charity of all places.

      but what are we thinking? Niky? That was my guess based on the shape of the mouth anyway. Not many TFs have smiles.

      Also do you think that's a factory faceup? The pinkish reddish is very familiar. But I can't quite place it.

      It'll be interesting when he arrives to see what state he's in. Poor old boy will get a lot of tlc here.
      • x 3

    5. That's an Angel Region Little Fair Ami.
      The Little Fair line shared the same body as the original Bluefairy body.
      Take off her head cap and it should be inscribed Little Fair and underneath Ami, the inscribing looks hand done.
      That does look like and original factory faceup.
      #745 midolls*melissa, Mar 6, 2024
      Last edited: Mar 6, 2024
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    6. AHAH! thank you so much! I recognised the body and the face style. What's the link between AR and Blue fairy? Did they share an artist or offices or something at some point?
      • x 1
    7. Yes they shared the same sculptor.
      #747 midolls*melissa, Mar 6, 2024
      Last edited: Mar 6, 2024
    8. that explains so much!

      My Louis will get a sibling regardless heh. I have a soft spot for this artist's work.
      • x 2
    9. Me too. I have been buying every AR Little Fair that I can find. Be sure to post in the Little Fair thread I have some recent pics there and have been looking for an Ami myself.
    10. the sculptor should be denes! ìÑû¡ÞÔ :: ÀÎÇü»çÀÇ °³ÀΠȨÆäÀÌÁöÀÔ´Ï´Ù. has links to all his socmed :)
      honestly i don't know if he's still the main sculptor for bluefairy, i'm curious. especially with the clip they've been putting out new sculpts as of late.

      sidenote-- the TF free pass is still up, i'm wondering if anyone is going to order anything.... my birthday is coming up but i already have so many TF at this point and while i do want more i've gotten most of the grails and limiteds i wanted.... unless they bring back baked LOL. also i'm not sure if i like their new makeup partnership as much as when they were with estebebe, sigh....

      my biggest bluefairy want is now another one of their bigger girls :sweat
      • x 1
    11. I hadn't even realised the free pass was happening again!

      Im trying to be good about buying dolls this year though.
      I do kinda want an Olive, but i'm trying to be good! lol.
    12. News from Bluefairy . They are selling Bluefairy, Tiny Fairy, Shiny Fairy, and Pocket Fairy LAST SALE from their previous manufacturing plant. It looks like when they move to the new plant, prices will go up and some items will be discontinued. These sales run from May 15, 2024 to May 31st, 2024 (Korean time). All heads except for the 15th anniversary May "Fairy" head are available. I've been waiting for over two years to order Heemang, so I'm jumping at the chance to get her! Does anyone here have a Heemang that they can show pictures of?
      • x 1
    13. Yikes. They sure believe in giving not much of an advance notice....

      So most of the current bodies of Tinyfairies are to be discontinued? It also sounds like they're going to revamp the website, saying "product information" will be removed after the plant transfer. Time to copy and historical info you need, sounds like. Going to copy my order history too, just in case of revamp bugginess on the site.
      #753 hobbywhelmed, May 17, 2024
      Last edited: May 17, 2024
      • x 4
    14. Definitelyl they're changing their long-standing style of faceups. The last doll I ordered, a boy, had such a heavily blushed face (cheeks AND chin) it looked like a different company's doll. And yet it had the traditional TF faceup on the site. I was so bummed....
      • x 2
    15. Oh dear, this is confusing and such short notice.
      I always wanted Olive but never had the kick in the butt to do so.

      She's not even on the list anyway.

    16. It is weird that Olive is not included, I have no idea what criteria they used...
    17. Olive is an option. If you scroll down to where they link Tony Fairy Page 1, she is listed there. I don't know why they didn't include her with the pictures they had on the post. I ordered Heemang and she wasn't in that list of pictures either. I think the only head that isn't available is the 15th anniversary Fairy May one.
    18. Hello!
      I would like to share a photo of my two Tinyfairies, ordered in January, and arrived the past week.
      They're so cute!

      • x 11
    19. Congratulations!! Who's the girl on the right?
    20. Thank you! It's Celine :love
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