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Bobobie and Resinsoul Discussion - Part 12!!

Oct 29, 2023

    1. Congratulations on your precious newborn and your new doll.
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    2. Big congratulations @Syrill glad he arrived safely then! And I wish you well settling in with your new baby :hug: so exciting!

      The diary of my bigger boy body continues :XD: grateful he will sit now but the arms are still so bad. Hot glued and wired. Wire wasn't enough to help the shoulders nor a normal amount of hot glue. I know you said there are no locking mechanisms @Havra but mine does have this poorly designed upper arm at the shoulder that has a single ledge to lock into 90 degree outstretched position. Because of it when the joint rotates into anything other than 3 positions (straight down or up, or 90 degrees) there is no good contact inside the shoulder socket, space. If the shoulder were just a normal round shape without the lock it would be perfectly fine with basic hot glue for friction.
      So anyway, I have an insane amount of glue in there now and it barely almost is somewhat better. But I have to improve it and I think it may just need complete modification. I like this body appearance a lot and how lightweight it is, but I want to respectfully write Resinsoul and ask for them to sculpt new plain upper arm joints. :sweat
    3. @AlisonVonderland Maybe I do remember there being a lock at the armpit... which was fairly useless for natural posing for the reasons you describe. If a piece of wire going all the way through his chest from forearm to forearm isn't getting those shoulders under control, maybe you need stronger wire? At a certain point you're limited by the width of the stringing channel but that might be something to try. If the elbow joints are too skinny for more wire you could try one forearm to forearm piece coupled with one bicep to bicep piece, just to give the shoulders a bit more hold.

      For the record, I wire all my dolls by default, (shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, jointed hands) even those that came at a much higher price point. It's not just Resinsoul suffering these issues.

      @Syrill Congratulations on your lovely baby. My sister just had her second two days ago. Wishing you peaceful rest and a speedy recovery.
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    4. Yeah I'm sure there are multiple ways to fix it. Well, I Have dolls from many origins, and my demands aren't high, this one is just giving me special grief. ;) I also find wiring the arms is extremely hard for me now. I'm having significant hand problems I have to work around for everything. Anyway just wanted to update. Sometimes you never know what someone else finds useful to read in the future. I'll get his shoulders eventually.. maybe... Mostly he is on my dresser very pretty. As usual the eccentricities are not ruining my enjoyment. :XD:
    5. If anyone has jointed hands for 1/3 and/or 70cm dolls, how good are they? Are they the same size as the regular rs hands? I am very tempted to get some for my Cen and my Yang in the future, but I figured I'd ask for impressions first
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    6. I have some for my Charisma (she's on the 68 cm RS girl body - I think the "Ling" body IIRC) and I love them. I think the fingers are slightly longer than the regular hands, but it's hard to be sure because of course the regular hands have slightly bent fingers.
      At the time I got her regular hands, the jointed hands and the Charisma hands for her, but I've actually only ever used the jointed hands.
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    7. I finally chose a head for my 68 cm "bigger" girl body - a Volks SD10 Cristal/Crystal head. Loving it:

      I ended up swapping out the jointed hands she had previously for DF-H 68 cm hands. The resin is pretty close (paper white vs. paper white), and I like the proportions better.
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    8. Oh Qian is gorgeous in blue! I can't justify getting a second one in that colour, but having seen yours, the temptation certainly is there:D
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    9. @Tagath I will enable any and all fantasy colors. :evilplot: The blue is just so nice! It's definitely blue, but it's not over the top like the sky blue is (which is wonderful for its own reasons). I wanted more subtle for this character, and was debating on getting him in grey instead.

      And since my dolly arrivals all come together, I rescued the saddest looking Bobobie Elena? (I promise I'm not rich guys, just stuff all arrives at once/my luck comes in shifts. She's literally my cheapest doll to date). She's missing a headcap and is the floppiest gal, but she's sweet. I emailed Bobobie to see if I can get a replacement headcap, but if not I'll get to work with some apoxie sculpt. I'll give her a good scrub first, new elastics. I'm unsure if I'll keep her, but if I do she might get dyed.

      [​IMG]IMG_20240406_190541700 by Thymeseer, on Flickr
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    10. @Thymeseer - she really is quite somber, isn't she? She looks like she's saying, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" at - well, everything.
      What a lovely sculpt though! Congrats on rescuing her! What color were you thinking? I'm thinking of dyeing the horse body for my Resinsoul Dawn, but she's a mini, so I'll continue my discussion there.
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    11. I just painted my Qian! He's a zombie, but was specifically raised as a mute assistant to a wizard. Someone else now "owns" him and appreciates him much more. I need to take proper pictures of him. And the rest of my dolls.

      [​IMG]IMG_20240417_204839653_BURST001_COMP by Thymeseer, on Flickr

      @MaleficentMrsofEvil I'm unsure on what color for now. I kind of want to try something crazy? Multiple colors/patches, but I need to pick a theme for her (my wizard group? My more general fantasy group?) got her all scrubbed (the water was GRAY and nasty) and restrung but I'm waiting on larger elastic. I made a headcap out of apoxie sculpt. It's not perfect, but it's functional, and I'll work on it over time.
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    12. @Thymeseer she is quite disappointed indeed. :lol: She looks like she would be the manager of the wizards, and they have failed to do as they were told.
      I love that sculpt. She cleaned up very nicely!
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    13. He looks awesome!!
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    14. For folks who own the 72cm body, do general 70cm clothes fit it? Or is there a specific doll body that it can share clothes with? I'm planning a future purchase and want to know where I can get clothes and shoes for him
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    15. Hey friends, does anyone know what size of silicone washers fit the RS Mi body? I don't have the time to be faffed with sueding her right now, but I'm also running out of patience with how kicky she is!
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    16. I'd say 10-20 mm (1-2cm) diameter by 0.5 mm thickness, and insert very gently. They are thin and tear easily.
      Use 30-40mm diameter for larger joints (30mm for neck, 40mm for hips).
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    17. Thank you!!
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    18. Forgive the horrendous photo, but my Pandora's body finally came in! I love her in all her noodly glory! I initially planned for her to be a blonde, but the one unclaimed wig I had wasn't quite the right shade, and I'm falling in love with the red.

      My sky blue Pandora dreams have finally come true. :love I also only know one pose to put my dolls in

      [​IMG]IMG_20240625_165815372 by Thymeseer, on Flickr
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    19. @Thymeseer congrats!!! She looks gorgeous in that wig, excellent choice! Also I feel you on that pose lmao BBB/RS dolls are so good at it, it feels natural to pose them that way to me lol!
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