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Bobobie/Resinsoul Pixiu and Pi Fantasy Dragon Discussion part 2

Oct 14, 2012

    1. Sooooooooo.... I got my medium tan Pi that I ordered!.... His face is adorable and all his parts look nice, though he does have some obvious sand lines at his scull cap. Hes a little floppy too, but I was prepared for that, he needs a re-stringing and sueding but.....

      But my main problem is he's totally not the color I wanted at all. The tone is similar, but the color it all wrong! T.T Hes purple!!! He is a grayish, brownish, purple.... Not medium tan at all. I should have said something along the lines of Mexican skin tone but I didn't want to put a race label on it. I felt that would be a little awkward but maybe if I did they would have made sure he was human in coloring... They must have mixed it differently than I thought. I guess I didn't describe it well enough. I'm going to email resinsoul about it, but I even sent pictures to show the color that I wanted and it wasn't very similar to the color he is. I wanted him to have a more human skin tone, but everyone in my family agrees that hes a little alien in color.

      They did send me a picture, but I couldn't tell that the colors were so off from the pictures that I sent. I hope I can work something out. T.T But what would you guys do in my situation? I sent them the pictures, and they said they would get it close to the right color, but the picture they sent (that I did technically approve) didn't do justice to his actual skin tone. Ideally I would want either a new doll with a different resin color or my money back, but is that too much to ask for? I'm willing to send him back in both situations, so they could still sell him again...

      But here are some pictures so you can see what I mean! I tried to get some that were acurate to the actual color, because of course it changes in all light, in some light he looks more yellow cast (human-like), but for the most part he looks as if you mixed the grayish purple that resinsoul has with their chocolate.
      Sorry pic spam!
      This one I think is most similar to what he looks like in person.

      These 2 show how different his resin can look from different camera settings.
      This one is more accurate to his skin tone
      And this one is more yellow cast, this is pretty much exactly what I wanted him to look like...
      And here is the album if you want to see more in various lightings: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dove_heart/sets/72157631866467955/with/8128722918/
    2. Wow.. I just have to say that I think that skin-tone is gorgeous, despite being purple-ish... are you thinking about selling him, yourself?
    3. I think he looks really beautiful too. A delicious chocolatey tone! Don't worry I'm not going to try to eat him :lol:

      I think its quite a human skintone too, but I can see how you would feel if it wasn't exactly what you were expecting. I hope Resinsoul can work with you to resolve it so you feel happy.
    4. I LOVE the more purple tone he has! I can see that it's not what you were actually looking for, but it sure looks good for a little gargoyle. Just about the kind of color I would want my own Pi to be when I order him if I don't just go for one of the grays for him.
    5. Well I'm glad you guys like him! Maybe you can buy him if resinsoul puts him up on the website. ^_^ They are super nice about it! I'm so happy! They said I can send him back (with a picture/ color sample of what I would like) and they will send me a new one! If they hadn't offered to make a new one, I would probably try to sell him and order a new one. But this way I wont have to worry about dishing out more cash.

      Honestly he is even more purple then in the picture (while in indoor lighting anyways). Think of a dark purple piece of candy. I might try to edit a photo to see if I can get it close. Just so when I talk about when Lysander was born purple people would know what I'm talking about. ^_^ (jaundice for dragons?) I was just very startled by the coloring, me and my sister agreed if my dragon was a girl it would be great. But since he was supposed to be a boy it was a little off. If you want to you might be able to request that color again! They were extremely helpful with the custom color and even now when I want a new one. They even offered to give me my whole payment back if I didn't want a new doll! ^_^
      • x 1
    6. I ordered the grey pixiu :)
      Was worried it wont get here in time for Christmas with Resinsouls new dolls out, so placed the order now.
    7. Bumping up the thread post-maintenance with some Kret spam, now that he's almost complete!

    8. Wow, that's an impressive paint job!!
    9. I finally hot glue sueded Tobi and it makes *all* the difference to posing, I can't encourage it enough! Here's a recent picture of him.

      Fairy Milliner would it be possible to see a nude comparison pic of your 5*Doll Aiden and any of your Pixiu? Basic side by side kind of stuff for scale. Can they swap clothes? I was thinking of getting a boy Amy as a companion for Tobi and want the best possible scale match.

    10. Wow that's an impressive paint job, ch3rrybl0ss0m. And I like that wig, Derae-Johnstone!

      I need to get Ella a cute winter coat to go along with the one my Bei has. I have ideas for photostories once there's snow on the ground again.
    11. Derae-Johnstone, here's my Aiden next to a Pixiu body.


      If you look at them side-by-side sitting down, you can see that the Pixiu body is a lot smaller than the 5SD B-body. The new C-body is taller.


      Loriel can get away with wearing the 5SD top (although it is 'oversized), but the pants are definitely too big for her. (This is Aiden's full set outfit...)
      My 5SD tinies can wear Dollzone clothes, but most of it is too big on the dragon kids.
    12. Thank you so much Fairy Milliner, that actually really helps me in my quest for a companion for Tobi. I'm hemming and hawwing over what company I should get him a friend from. I'm looking for someone similar height and build (another slim tiny?) who can be a wood elf/sprite/nymph, at this stage it might have to be resinsoul again. Does anyone in the thread have any suggestions?
    13. Derae-Johnstone; I've been considering a Fairyland Littlefee as a little SISTER for my Pixiu.. It seems she'd be a bit smaller, but chubbier than him. I doubt she'd be able to share clothes with him. I also have a 5StarDoll B body boy and I second Fairy Milliner on that. While the Pixiu can wear anything from Barbie to 'general' YO-SD clothing, things tend to be a bit big on him... generally things that are big on my Pixiu fit the 5Star. They actually look pretty cute together, but were talking a female companion.. You might want to go slightly smaller than the Pixiu
    14. My little dragon.

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    15. Derae-Johnstone: I thought that a Resinsoul Bei might make a good companion for Pixiu (I'd seriously considered getting her to mod into his girlfriend/mate at one point) but I don't know how the sculpt fares against Pixiu size-wise. Kret's my first tiny, so I have very little expertise in the field :XD:

      Your dragon's so cute, uliaA! The earthy tones of the wig, eyes and clothes suit well! :D
    16. Bei and Pixiu go very well together size-wise. Bei is thinner, and I think if Pixiu stands with his legs straight, he's a little bit taller, but not much.
      I have a Pixiu on a Bei body, and although the head is a bit oversized for the slender body, I like the effect.
      I know Think Pink in The Netherlands sold a Bei on a Pixiu body, which worked very well.


      Xu/Pixiu body; Pixiu/Bei body; Pixiu
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    17. That's a great photo Fairy Milliner. I love the way that the different resinsoul resin colours means that we can have fantasy creatures in fantasy colours.
    18. Bei and Pixiu are adorable together, in my opinion. But they're also my only tinies here :) I have no pictures of them together that aren't old but I can get some if you'd like!
    19. Ch3rryblossom, I like the work you have done on Kret.
      Fairy Milliner, I love the 3 of them together like that.
    20. The grey Pixiu I ordered is on board with driver. Hopefully pic's today :)