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Bobobie/Resinsoul Pixiu and Pi Fantasy Dragon Discussion part 2

Oct 14, 2012

    1. [​IMG]

      I don't have a name for him yet, but he will be like the Gargoyle tattoo on my head. (when I do his face-up)
    2. I've been eyeing Pixiu not as my first BJD, who I will be ordering in one week (yay!) but as my second or third. I'm thinking of either dark grey or sky blue, but I will probable eventaully want both. I'd love to see a picture of a sky blue Pixiu or Pi if anyone has one.
    3. So guys, Marco talked to me yesterday (which was awesome, because I've been neglecting him, so I expected him to cold-shoulder me). He told me that what he really wants is to wear shoes. Which he can't do because of his enormous feet. We talked about it, and I told him I would get him human legs and feet -- as much as I'll miss his claws and legspikes, I need the boy to be happy. Here's my question: when I get him human parts, will he still belong here, or should I post him in the other thread? oO
    4. Good question. I know with Lydia, I post her here when she has her wings, tail, and/or dragon legs on, and in the human doll thread when she's in her 'human mode'. So far so good doing things that way.
    5. Hmm I had never thought of that. Technically I posted my Lysander on here and he has human legs. This is technically the Pixiu/Pi thread, I figure so long as it is the doll it could fit on this thread.
    6. Maybe you could do a split with someone on a Pi..
    7. I have just taken pixiu apart. To start his transformation. This will be my first face/body make up on a bjd.
      Everything is on the tables ready, he is all in bits with wire to hang him after I msc him.
      I will post pics when I finish :)
    8. Leisas4 - I can't wait to see what he looks like when you're done! Well done for being so industrious, I have four poor dollies waiting for their faceups from me and I haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm sure looking at other people's dollies will inspire me though!

      Meanwhile here is Luna, she is modelling her new friend-to-be's wig and hat :) Her little friend hasn't arrived yet though. She's very excited :D

    9. Calio4: looks super cute!

      I'm super excited! I just got the pictures of the new resin sample, (I sent him with a paint color sample this time) and it looks great! I can see why the first mix up happened though, because if they didn't send pics where they put the resin on the paint sample it would have not looked like the same color at all. >_< Hopefully he will be back in the mail soon!
    10. Hey... I've been depressed about my Pixiu for a while now.. one reason is because his/her wig is getting old and I can't remember where I got it but the other reason is the darn magnets for the wing and tail parts. The wings especially... they were never quite strong enough, and after a year of having Xiaodan, the wings will no longer hold on top of the 'default' outfit I chose... The velcro in the back, along with the cotton material seems to be just too much for the magnets to hold on through. Is there anyone else having sever problems with the wings and tail? I even made a tail hole in his robe so it can hang on easier.. it seemed to help but at the cost of making the outfit more susceptible to some wear and tear... Should I ask RS about it? Been honestly thinking about parting ways with Xiao because of this and this was my FIRST doll.. its depressing.
    11. It's the easiest fix in the world. :3 Just stick an extra magnet on those parts. No need for glue or anything, the magnets will do their thing and stay in place. Those tiny, strong neodymium magnets work great.
    12. I feel bad because I've been neglecting my Kret a bit lately; whenever I get a new doll, I've noticed that I put the old ones aside while I try to make the newcomer feel welcome. But, Kret's sitting out with me today to watch the snow - I hope that makes up for all the time he's spent inside inside his case lately :XD:
    13. Darius was being very coy about who/what he was and it was frustrating the daylights out of me. He only speaks when he absolutely has to, which is not often at all, so he wasn't helping to reveal himself. I was getting a little despondent with him and thinking that I'd made my first "wrong" doll buy in getting him. Then I found a doll again that I'd loved at first sight (OT for this forum) and bam! I knew who/what he was.

      He's 1/2 Dalhan demon and 1/2 cockatrice. I thought he was a child of around 8. Nope. He's an adult and several centuries old. He doesn't wear clothes if he can help it because he doesn't like the feel of fabric on his skin. His red mohawk is because he is part cockatrice (which also totally explains his bird-like feet, finally). And the OT doll that made all this clear? His son, whom was a very unexpected surprise.

      *whew* An entire year for his character to come together. But now that he has, I'm quite pleased with him. Now if I could just get him the proper wig....
      • x 1
    14. If your looking for magnets try here: http://www.sciplus.com/search.cfm/term/magnet look at the 3 pack of rare earth magnets. (type in rare earth magnet into the search box, I couldent link right to the magnets.) I have some of them and they worked great on my Lysander when I had him!

      On that note I'm also finally getting him back! Resinsoul says they can send him within the business week! woo!

      (I just edited my post so I don't post right after myself)

      Lysander is in the mail!!! So excited! Sadly the tracking number they gave me is to a Chinese shipping service, so I cant actually tell how far away it is, but its on its way! >___<
    15. Sorry I'm goin to post right after myself. >_< I got my Pi back! I looooovvveee the new color! Resinsoul was so awesome for this! I'm so happy! He's so tiny! Pi is my first tiny that I've gotten, I'm surprised with how small that is!
      Want to vote on the color of wig I should make him first? (The fur in the background are wig swatches that I've gotten ready to see what works)

      If you want to see a few more pictures of the color the opening pics are here.
      • x 1
    16. Wow, that colors looks gorgeous! Any idea how it compares to the dark tan?
    17. Dove_Heart - So, what exactly did you do? You sent them a paint sample that they color matched, right? I'm wondering about seeing if I could make one of those stinking cute Soom Teenie Gem/Pixiu hybrids, but didn't know if Resinsoul would color match. I want to know all the details! :aeyepop: If it's too off-topic, send me a pm? :)
    18. Hmm I dont personally have a dark tan but I know someone on here does! I know this is lighter than the dark, but darker than the light. lols.

      I just emailed them at the email address listed on the sight asking for a medium tan, they asked for pics/ samples, they charged for a dark tan. Definitely send a sample!!! I emailed pics the first time but the color wound up being wayyyy off! The first Pi I got back was purple! (I can put a pic up lols) I sent him back with a color sample and they matched the color sample almost perfectly, but the photos they sent the colors are way off, if they didn't lay the resin on the color sample, they wouldn't have looked similar at all.
      • x 1
    19. Heh heh heh...that makes me a little hopeful then! Thank you very much. ^_^
    20. No problem! Glad to be of assistance!