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Bobobie/Resinsoul Pixiu and Pi Fantasy Dragon Discussion part 2

Oct 14, 2012

    1. Dove_Heart congratulations! His color is incredible!
    2. KingOfChains: Thanks!!! I'm so happy with him, I can definitively see some points I need to mod on him. The resinsoul body is MUCH different than my Angel of Dream girl. I have to get used to the resinsoul body.

      But I love my Lysander boy, hes adorable! I'll be posting pics soon where he stole his new cousins wig! lols ^_^
    3. I am loving this gorgeous smile!!!
    4. Lysander Spam! First attempt at a wig for him. And new eyes! I switched with my cousin Marlo who just got her dolly.
    5. Aaaaaaaw! That hair, you finished it! lol I love the curly wig on him! He looks like such a cute lil stinker. ^^

      (BTW Dove, doesn't he kind of look like Josiah from the first faerie festival we went to together? Or is that just me? Especially with the light eyes and curly hair! :) )
    6. Thanks! I like it, but I think I need to add his faceup for it to look completely normal. He needs some eyebrows..... (BTW Advntr.gal is my cousin whom I stole the eyes from)
    7. what size eyes dose the pixiu us...I got mine from junkyspot and they do have eye size posted.
    8. I believe mine (post above) are 10cm. I have a picture of him with 12cm in earlier in the thread as well.
    9. Sorry to suddenly start spamming the thread with my posts, but have you guys had problems posing your dolls? I'm having some technical difficulties. ^_^;;; (But on a better note, hes not wearing some thrown together pants anymore! I finally had some time to make him real clothes! Though making them that small is hard! @.@ None of my attempts at shirts have been successful thus far.)
    10. Well, Marco's human legs have arrived, and he's been restrung! I guess we're heading to the human thread. Hmmm... where do pics of him with human legs and wings go? o.O
    11. Marco's new bod! He's extremely excited (albeit a bit disappointed that I have no shoes for him yet), and I am extremely excited to be able to take him out and photograph him again without him getting all pouty.


      It's funny -- the resin of his new legs/hands feels different from the rest of him (and from the resin of my MSDs). It's... rougher? It feels more like the resin of my DC girls. Weird. I like it, but weird.
    12. Dove, I think that's just Resinsoul dolls. lol. They come needing restringing/fixing..
    13. Okay good to know!
      Pinkandyellow: Cute!! Its funny that the resin is a different texture, It looks like the color matches really well!! I'm glad hes being more photogenic now!
      I keep posting Lysander here, even though he dosen't have the dragon feet. I personally think Marco's still good here! (though I'll try not to keep posting pics of Lys withougt wings or tail)
    14. That's a lovely gray color to his skin.
    15. SPAM! Lysander has a faceup now! Hes my shy little dragon!
      • x 2
    16. He's looking wonderful, Dove_Heart! I absolutely adore the colour of his eyes :)
    17. Loved visiting through all these cuties. I don't have one yet, and your pictures are pushing me over the edge. :0 ~~ I especially like the bold ones with unique color combos in resin, eyes, and wigs. You know who you are. :)
    18. I know at one point there was photos somewhere but does anyone have a photo of the Pixiu head on the Bobobie girl body?
    19. Pinkandyellow - Marco's new body looks awesome! I'm sure he will be fabulous to pose now too! :)

      Dove_Heart - Lysander is so adorable! I love his freckles and his curly hair! :aheartbea

      I haven't put a pic of Luna here for ages, here is one of her in pyjamas, she is ready to go to sleep now and so am I :)

    20. ch3rrybl0ss0m &Calio4 Thanks so much! I'm excited, I gave my dolls to my cuz to "baby sit" while I was struggling with finishing school. Now that school is over I can have them back! I cant wait! And more pic spam is always fun! (hint hint, nudge nudge.)