1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Bobobie/Resinsoul Pixiu and Pi Fantasy Dragon Discussion part 2

Oct 14, 2012

    1. Lysander, Luna and Marco are all looking great :-)

      Does anyone have photos of either a bei or bao head on a dragon body? I'm sure at least Bei has been done, but I couldn't find any pictures. I'm trying to get a feel for the different proportions of the heads to the body
    2. Thanks so much - that's exactly what I was hoping to see.

      And I've realised that there's a link in the first post of this thread to Fiarene's photos of Bao and Pixiu with swapped heads. So between the 2 that gives me exactly what I wanted to see :)
    3. Can I have some Pi spam?
      I've been wanting one for a while and I might be able to finally start the layaway soon.
      I want a grey one with purple blushing. His name will be Silas. :D
    4. Rocketshipwalker: I'll take some more pics of my pi and put them up! I havent got any of his new faceup! ^_^ I got him and his new body blushing all done!
    5. Thanks! I can't wait to see. :)
    6. Hey everyone! I bought a Pixiu in the marketplace, but I haven't put a wig on it yet. The measurement says 15 cm which is 5.9 inches. So do you find that a 5-6 wigs or a 6-7 wig fits better?
    7. For me the 5/6 wig fits very well.

      Here's some Pi spam. Technically Lorien is a Pi on a Pixiu body. She's light blue. Her wig is by Tabloach, and it's a Lati Yellow/Pukifee wig, which makes it a 5/6.

    8. Can anyone tell me what he difference is between the Pi and Pixiu bodies? Thanks.
    9. Just a penis. :3

      Pi is definitely a boy, while Pixiu is genderless.
    10. Does anyone have a grey Pi?
      That'll be the color I get Silas in.
      Although, I've been debating back and forth between the grey and lilac.
      His color scheme is going to be purple, black, and grey/silver.
    11. Nevermind about the grey Pi.
      I'll have my own to look at soon!
      I've finally put Silas on layaway.
      I've ordered him with Pixiu's clawed hands and I've also asked for a custom faceup/blushing.
      I asked that instead of the brown/gold tones I see, if they could do a black/purple/silver theme.
      They said they could, so we'll see how it turns out!
    12. Sorry about my posts being right next to each other, but no one has replied, so it can't be helped.

      I read about the Pi fitting into ken clothes and such, but would they be able to fit into littlefee clothes or other yosd clothes?
    13. They don't fit 5StarDoll or Dollzone clothing for YoSD. I haven't got a Littlefee, but I suspect those would be too wide.
    14. Since Pi/PiXiu are the same body size as the other 1/6 dolls, they definitely won't fit other YoSD sized clothing. I have a Bei and Bao, along with a pair of Littlefees, and there's a very definite difference in their sizes. Regular YoSD dolls are a lot "chunkier" and more childish, and the RS tinies are slimmer and more mature-looking.
    15. Hmm, okay!
      I guess it's good to know.
      I was thinking about looking for clothes on etsy or something, but they'll probably be wide.
      I'll just have to stick with ken clothes, for now.
    16. You could still check Etsy! Just make sure you're checking for the right size when you do it, is all. Look for clothes made specifically for them, or for Ken dolls.
    17. Does anyone know if Nubanded's stuff on etsy will fit my incoming Pi?
    18. Here is my Luna with some Nubanded clothing on. It looks very cute! I made her wig, it was an experiment :)

    19. Sorry for double post, please delete!