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Bobobie/Resinsoul Pixiu and Pi Fantasy Dragon Discussion part 2

Oct 14, 2012

    1. Thanks, Raesha! Good to know as I am contemplating getting a Pi (now on a Pixiu body!) at some point.
    2. Ohh, thanks!
      I'm glad it fits.
      I was admiring some of the clothes.
      Now I can hurry up and buy him some before he gets here.
    3. I've finished paying for Silas! Now I just have to wait for the shipping notice. :)
      Can I have some more Pi spam while I'm waiting?
    4. Congrats rocketshipwalker!! Can't wait to see pictures of him
    5. Thanks! I should be getting the shipping notice any day now. :)
    6. I just got a Pixiu yesterday at my local doll show thingie. I traded some props for him even though I'd never even considered him before for my crew. I don't particularly LOVE his facial expression so I was planning on selling the head later, but after showing him to my boyfriend and us playing around with him and naming him (Julius) I've bonded and he's staying. I'm going to do some modifications to his eyes and mouth and ears, but not a lot. I am going to mod his feet though! I love them, but I want the toes to be jointed as well! *revs dremel* I'm actually pretty excited for him 'cause he's already showing his character. He is a pidgeon, and he thinks he's cool. Really cool. Unbearably cool. He's... not actually that cool, but you'll be hard pressed to convince him. I'll take some WIP pictures as soon as I can start working on him. (I would be doing so today but I'm sick, bleh.)
    7. I'm thinking about getting a grey skin Pixiu or Pi. The purple I had got a little bit wrong for the character I got in mind now.

      What wig size fits best?
    8. I don't have my Pi yet, but I've heard that they wear a 5-6.
    9. Hello, everybody! I haven't been to this thread before but I thought it'd be time to get to meet the fellow Pixiu owners. ;)
      Other reason for me to show up is that I am fricking excited about my Pixiu at the moment, since I finished painting him yesterday.
      Even though he has great potential to look a bit mischievous I really wanted him to be my sweet little guy. <3
    10. He's adorable, greenery! I have a blue Pixiu but I haven't taken any pics yet.
    11. My new wigs arrived today! Tobi's new faceup adn his wig make him look like a girl, but his gender definitely hasn't changed. His new companion is named Zephyrus Crook.
    12. Cute! I love the color! And your boys skin color is great!
      I need to post some pics of my Pi in his new wigs... Just need to take some first!

      Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk
    13. Oh, that's a nice colour! Love to see pictures of your little dragons! :)
    14. I have a sky blue Pi on my wish list. I'm really enjoying everyone's pictures :)
    15. Here is some Pi spam! This is Lysander with his new wig and faceup! (which he has actually had for a few months, but I haven't had the time to take a picture yet. heh heh)
    16. Aww, Lysander is so cute! :3nodding:
    17. Thanks! Let's see some more pic spam! I love to see people's dolls. It's so cool to the same doll have so many personalitys!

      Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk
    18. Here's a picture of birdman (I seriously need to think of a name!) showing of his wig I made for him:
      It's beyond me how you succeed to find the right sized wigs for this guy. I've bought so many but they're always either too big or small. Sorry for the nakedness, I'm ridicilously slow at sewing so his outfit isn't finished yet. ^^U
      • x 1
    19. For Lysander, I never tally wanted a normal wig for him. So he had only has fur wigs that I make him.

      Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk
    20. Darius wears a Spite & Malice fur wig as he need a mohawk that had black sides and red middle and I couldn't find the right fur on my own.