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Bobobie/Tinybear Hybrid

Sep 20, 2009

    1. I decided to try out a Bobobie Moony head on a Tinybear Moona body. Her name is Akimi.

      Edit: I no longer have access to these photos. :(
    2. Wow ...she looks lovely
      the body realy suits her
    3. Oh, thank you! Coming from you that means a lot! I wasn't sure how she would turn out, but I'm very pleased, and love her ever so much! :D
    4. tinybear i am still wondering if i could put a large mina head onto a coco/bonbon body. did you ever get to try that? if not, it's ok, i know you are so busy with dolls stuff and all the "life stuff" that keeps happening...
    5. Aww Moony's head looks really cute on Moona's body!

      I don't know if Carrie has done it herself but I tried out my Large Moona head on my BonBon/CoCo body and the CoCo head on the Large Moona body.
      The heads fit fine!
      The only thing is I don't know how Mina's head would look on that body, Large Moona's head looks good as it's wide and so is balanced nicely by the body shape.

    6. That Moony head looks great on that body! Are you going to keep it that way?
    7. Edit: I no longer have access to these photos. :(
    8. i really like the moona head on the curvy body!
    9. I agree about the large Moona head on Coco/Bonbon body. Very cute!
    10. oh great! it works!! (^_^)
      so i just have to figure out how it's possible to get them both in darktan without ordering two dolls. (~_~)
    11. If you go to Tinybear's site, The Sleeping Elf, you can send an E-mail asking to buy only the parts you want!
    12. i know but i think it's extra-annoying to do special orders in dark tan. i could be mis-remembering, though...
    13. the more i look at the large moona head and the coco/bonbon body the more i want one. i will have to wait until my lay-a-ways are paid off but hopefully in the next few months or early in the new year i can see about getting one.
    14. The reason for this is that dark resin shades are prone to issues during casting such as uneven colour, streaks, and the white residues and 'blooms' that tend to show up after. The darker the shade the more problems you can potentially get.
      This makes it expensive for the company making the dolls, problematic for the retailer of the dolls, and disappointing for the owner of the dolls. Bobobie stopped the dark tan for those reasons but due to demand have only started doing it again for specific requests.
      As long as you are aware and can accept the fact the doll may have these 'flaws' then ask away, I'm sure Carrie will do her best. :)

      nikopiko I love those pictures of Akimi, that little jumper and skirt outfit is the cutest and suits her perfectly. I'm glad you tried that body and head combination, they look like they were meant to be.

      For anyone curious about the results of the CoCo head and the Large Moona body I did stick some pictures up in one of Tinybear's threads but I'll also pop one here too.


      The head isn't sitting on the neck purely because the CoCo/BonBon heads have a small hole not a slot underneath and so the 'S' hook would have to be removed in order to place the head on properly and as I was only taking a quick picture I didn't do that.
      The head fits though and gives a more in proportion doll. This wonderfully slender creature would look gorgeous dressed in light flowing fabrics!
    15. its not extra annoying:aheartbea
      its just harder
      its just down to timing too LOL
      It is as Blod said ...I had to beg on bended knees to get Coco done in dark tan LOL
      it takes them double the time to do them .
      I also have to order 10 at a time ...so I only re-order when the 10 have sold out
      I can order parts , but they would have to be ordered when I put in my re-order ..and I never know when that can be ..as sometimes its months before I need more ..sometimes its less ..this time the dark tan tiny Mina sold out very fast ..so I have just re-orederd her in dark tan ...but sometimes it can be ages ...so I can never actually tell when Im going to be able to order them ...its a bit hit and miss I suppose :sweat as to when I can get them , it can be done ..its just a little harder ...I suppose I could always ask Dennis for one of their heads in dark tan too ..that way you could get the resin a perfect match too
    16. tinybear, you have explained this to me like 5 times so far, and this is the first time i understood. i guess 5th time's a charm, to my brain. sorry it took so long.
    17. lol ..no its not your brain at all LOL

      Trouble is as well...I cant order all I want too ..I just dont have the cash
      Im trying to get the new dolls developed
      the UK banks are not helping small businesses at all ..not one jot ..they promised so much LOL
      so I have to raise the money myself to fund the new dolls
      so the money I should have to expand ..like parts , clothes , eyes ...I dont have
      I hope to do another tiny for definite ..a couple have to go on the back burner

      ..but then .then I hope to be able to buy parts and have them instock too
      that would be my ultimate goal

      ...its comming ...but it takes time :)
      i WANT IT ALL NOW lol and I cant ...Oh for a lottery win LOL
      Then I could design away in all the colours under the rainbow ...and not have to worry about getting the money LOL

      BUT its great to see these hybreds ..
      I never have enough time now just to sit and swap about and see what fits what
      if the Moona head goes on the Coco body

      it should go on the Bobobie body or Lati Yellow ...time to try I think
    18. Blodeuwedd, thank you so much, I'm glad other people saw what I saw. :) And I absolutely love the Coco head on the large Moona body, I saw that pic in another thread!

      Tinybear, we ALL want you to win the lottery! :D And definitely post pics if you ever wind up experimenting with body swaps!
    19. nikopiko, if it doesn't bother you much, can I see the Bracken head on the Moona body and on the Bobobie body? :)
    20. That's something you'll have to ask tinybear. :3