1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Buy by mistake

May 18, 2017

    1. Ok, I can be the only one right? ...I buy a few days a go 2 shoes on a group on facebook...I though both fit minifee but no, one is for littlefee lol .... the funny part is that the info was clear...I'm sooo clueless( I don't know if this is the right word) now I have a really cool skull heels for minifee and a cute clear shoes for a littlefee I don't have xD

      *Sorry for my english ;A;*
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    2. I bought the wrong size eyes. Even though the description of the head I got them for said 16mm, and the seller of the eyes said they were 16mm, when I got them it was like trying to put a shooter marble in a soda bottle. Sigh.
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    3. Yup, i've accidently bought 1/4 jointed hands when I meant to order 1/3 and mistakenly clicked buy on 1/3 boots when I wanted 1/4. I seem to always get muddled up on those fractions when i'm tired XD
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    4. You're not the only one! Sometimes when we are tired or busy or in a rush (or just generally clueless like I am LOL) we tend to miss things! I wanted to buy a pair of 1/3 Chinese lanterns for my Loongsoul Ghost Lin, since his company photos have him carrying this cool lantern and Loongsoul is not selling the lantern, but for some reason I didn't see the word OB in the listing title... so I ended up with a pair of reaaaaaally small lanterns that are more suitable for my 1/8 dolls lmao :barf
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    5. I was definitely guilty of the same, back before I had a littlefee to wear them... I bought I shirt and a pair of shoes while waiting on Vince, and the shirt was a great fit, it was clearly labeled MSD and it meant he had a little more than the modesty leggings and ill-fitting muscle tee I'd made for him.

      The shoes... I didn't even LOOK at who the shoes were made of, tbh, because they had cat faces on them. So they were purely decorative until I got Billy, who has to put up with wearing the 'girl' shoes whenever I just really want to use them. (and since my only other tiny has hooves, he's stuck with them. But they really are the cutest shoes)
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    6. You learn from your mistakes in any sistuation! When I first started out, I bought a pair of boots for my hujoo jake, I checked and double checked for the measurement and once it got home, it was tiny! Mind you, hujoo jake is already small! The boot was so much smaller. I realized the measurement was for outside the sole.
      Another time, I ordered pair of eyes. It was one of those where you choose the size when ordering it. I thought I clicked on 10mm but I didn't. I clicked on 8mm. It was tiny! But I fixed the problem by using white tack and the eyes looked good.
      Now, I take my time going over my order and check more than 2 times. Lol!
      It happens to the best of us. ^_^
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    7. I thought I was buying a wig in 6-7 size. HA. After three months the wig and a few other items arrived. When I opened the packaging and looked at the wig I saw that it was the perfect color and length and style. It was so soft and beautiful and I tried it on my doll and lo and behold I couldn't even get it over his head cap. So now I have a very nice wig sitting in a bag that is currently being used as a pillow for said doll. On the bright side, it forced me to try a fur wig that fits him much better in every sense of the word and he has a nice new pillow.
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    8. Hahaha God bless the marketplace!:abow: I'm sure a lot of clothes there are listed for silly mistakes these (am I a bad person if these kind of posts make me laugh more than they should? xD). Here's my brain fart: I bought a pair of shoes with 7.5cm inner length, and my girl's feet are 7.5 too. Obviously, if they're the same size, they won't fit, the inner length must be bigger than the foot, but I was blinded by their beauty and couldn't think clearly :sweat
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    9. Many times, with many different pairs of doll pants and shoes.

      My Dollshe Saint is impossible to buy for. At least some of my other dolls can wear what he can't.
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    10. Bought a beautiful white lace dress and I thought in littlefee size but it's pukifee size :/
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    11. Many times.. Worst thing is when you get excited thinking you've got a bargain on price.. Then realize it's because it's for a smaller size >.>"
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    12. I bought a wig for my incoming doll, and I thought it was 8/8, but it came in and it's 9/10. I checked my order, and it is the right item. I guess I saw "large" and "SD size", and assume it was 8/9. Luckily, my girl is a Luts Senior Delf, and I think with a wig cap, this size will work.

      I've also bought some pretty wrong shoes--I didn't know the difference in MSD and slim Mini when I had my ResinSoul Lu, so I bought a pair of boots made to fit MSD unisex. Wellll..."MSD unisex" really meant "standard MSD boy". They were so bad, they looked like clown shoes on her. Even worse, I also bought her some "MSD girl" panda Mary Janes, and they were so big, I couldn't even keep them on her. I ended up giving them away.
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    13. I somehow purchased 20mm flat-back oval eyes instead of 16mm rounds. I have no idea how it happened, but this was before I had any on-topic BJDs and I'd only purchased 6mm's for Obitsu, where eye styles are very limited.

      I had no idea that oval flat back eyes were a thing before I ordered them, as the 6mm's generally don't come in that style, and other eyes (like for plushies) have posts as well for the safety washers.

      I was so confused when they arrived!
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    14. I once ordered multiple Leeke wigs at the same time, maybe 6 of them? I measured all of the dolls heads and then went and ordered each one in the wrong size. Who knows where my head was at that day. @_@
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    15. I've bought 70cm clothes for 60cm dolls by mistake a few times! Also, before I ever measured my dolls feet, I bought shoes that were too small. Luckily I have a few dolls with tiny feet (Soom) who can wear them now if that happens again...
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    16. I bought an SD wig for my MSD :sweat:sweat I was new in the hobby back then and I thought the head sizes are all the same (pretty silly I know :sweat:sweat) But I did found a way to 'resize' it so it was all good in the end ^^.
    17. Bought 1/3 sized shoes for my 1/4 girl... It said 1/3 in the description and everything ^^'' I felt so bad she had no shoes for ages, especially as her twin got the right sized ones!
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    18. I buy things the wrong size all the time because I'm so scatterbrained! I think the worst part is I'll start planning an entirely new doll just so I can use the wrongly-sized items that I bought by mistake.
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    19. My first doll was supposed to be a girl. But I didn't like the photo Luts used for the girl. The boy photo.... also looked like a girl and I thought (despite it saying Ani BOY) that it was advertising two different face up options (which I didn't get, still oblivious). It wasn't until a few weeks after I ordered my doll that my friend pointed it out. Worked out, though. I love my Ani boy, Icarus so much. He'll be six years old this year. :hug:
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    20. I have done this on a grand scale, I was looking a Lati Yellow head and I was checking on how much the cost would be for shipping, and faceup and all that. Pressed next... Oh gosh. I just brought a doll head. Luckily, I was planning on buying that head and I had put it on my credit card not my debt card. I am so oblivious.
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