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carrot fairy, apple fairy

Apr 23, 2009

    1. OMG !
      these are to die for and now on my HIT list
      love Carrot ...I quite fancied the old sleeping Gienne ..this one is adorable
    2. OMGosh they're so cute! I love the colouring on the apple fairy.
    3. And little caterpillar is kinda cute too!

      Oh noes! Add another one to the list! :lol:
    4. aww, adorable! I love the little apple costume. :D added to my wishlist, I hope they are around for a little while.
    5. Cute... Love them both. High price though, jeez...
    6. Can I admit that I want the caterpillar more than the dolls? :)
    7. LOL I was just thinking the same ANBAACHAN lol
      I love the little bug

      there are so many new tinys I need:)

      I wonder if RainMan did these too ...? if they are on the Gienne body I suppose he may have
    8. YIKES-They are adorable!
    9. Too cute. Pitty you can't get just the head. Another tiny isn't on the list at the mo. Want the caterpillar too. ~Shame we can't get one of those.~
    10. I love the apple!
    11. oh so cute! i love the caterpillar too awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    12. I love the Apple Costume but the Carrot Fairy is my favorite:D He's so so sweet! I love that face:XD: I would bring him home right now if I could:( Even though layaway is an option, I must refrain.. *chuckles* "Divide the big money" :XD:
    13. She's adorable...but white skin :/ I will probably wait to see if they do a NS basic version with that face. The costumes and props are cute, but I'd never use them.

      The price is pretty comparable to what the other fullset Lilicas normally cost, similar to Elfdoll tinys and Pocket Fairys.

    14. I'm with you, another Linguine fan here.
    15. OMG!!!! I love both of them! But I'm actually considering getting the Apple Fairy. It's too bad I don't really have money anymore because I recently bought three Alice Cherry Blossoms. Ah well...

      I'd love to see regular candid photos of them.
    16. Yes!!!
      The caterpillar is too cute for words!!!
      But I really like the idea of the costumes, the apple would be my favorite!!
    17. I collect apples--my kitchen has apple EVERYTHING, even the silverware has apples on it! But when I look at her, as sweet as she is, I think she is too similar to the Lillica face for me to justify spending that much money on her.
    18. I love both of them but Apple especially. I like dolls that dare to be different........their costumes certainly are different.