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Cedarheart Lillian Discussion

Aug 2, 2022

    1. Today I was thinking I wanted to share this lovely girl, and I searched around and did not see that a thread exists to discuss and share this artist sculpt from several years back. As she holds a very dear place in my collection and I have always felt so excited to see any other owner pictures of her I thought, maybe we could find each other here, and talk about and admire our beautiful Lillians together!

      Original news announcement
      A quick history is that Lillian is a 1/3 scale realistic mature elf eared sculped who was created and produced years ago by a professional sculptor and his wife who was involved the hobby at the time. She was sold through Etsy for I think $75 per head and there was no body offered, she needed to be hybrided. At this time Lillian has not been available to purchase for several years (though she was not marketed as an LE nor officially discontinued per se)

      I'll start us off with a picture of mine (her name is Morian) from a year ago
      (she is on an old Soom Super Gem body)

      Anyone else want to join in to share and chat? :D
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    2. I used to have one of these ladies. Sadly I had to sell her a while back and I've not had the fortune of snagging another once since, but she went to someone who enjoys her immensely. Black lipstick is her colour- more than one of us have come to this conclusion, and I enjoy that it's this unspoken agreement.
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    3. @Loptr aw I remember you used to have one I think! I'm sorry you had to part with her. I keep secretly hoping there will be a rerelease one day but no such luck yet.

      Honestly the black lipstick thing is hilarious but one of the things I love is seeing lots of different people do weirdly similar things with a sculpt and I think there are definitely a few sculpts out there with kind of an iconic look that way. My secret with this doll though is I actually did her Faceup in 2014 and have now layered 4 different lipstick colors on her :XD: in this picture I had actually already softened it to a dark plum from pitch black, before it was red, and now it's a very satisfying coral color like my grandma used to wear. I'm on mobile, I'll have to drop a new picture later ;)
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    4. Eyyyyyy I'm the one who bought her from @Loptr! And I do absolutely ADORE HER! I need to take more recent photos, since her outfit has changed slightly and she deserves more glamorous pics. But here's my warrior Amathend. She's on the Impldoll Star muscular body.

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    5. I have one! I love her. So much character in her face. My Lillian is named Freya. She's on an Impldoll body. I probably need to give her a new faceup because I scuffed it ages ago. But she has so many layers of freckles, I've been putting it off. Here's an old photo.

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    6. Oh she looks wonderful @Thymeseer ! I really like seeing a cool albino coloration. I don't think I can ever pull it off in my collection.

      @BlitheFool what a beautifully posed picture! I just adore all the possibilities with this sculpt for old world fairytale fantasy vibes. She really inspires me so much with every custom I see of her!

      I felt like the big Impldoll bodies were probably the best choice for proportion/economy given options I knew about (I have struggled so much with putting my doll together haha) but I already had an Impldoll idol before and I didn't want to get another for her, so I kept trying other things. On that note, if someone wanted to masculinize her, she works wonderfully on a 70cm male body :whee:

      I have here another (more recent) picture of mine on a different body (and with the different lipstick), an Iplehouse nYID (which the neck needed to be sanded more but I did not modify it yet, however it was technically functional).


      That hybrid bothered me from a lot of angles... though you could lie in a photo. I think I am happiest with the Soom SG considering my limited resources of old stuff I have around :XD: Another thing I've noticed in my perusal of other owner pics is how much we love the mid-long centerpart wigs, especially these wavy ones and blonde hair. But I'm jealous of your red wig there Blithefool as I really do like red hair for mine too, but of course the one in the picture I showed first doesn't actually fit her at all :XD: all my favorite photos are lies.
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    7. @AlisonVonderland , I *think* it's a Crobidoll wig? It's been a while since I put her together but I have a tonne of Crobi wigs because I think they're quite nice. I'm loving that faceup you gave her!

      The size of her head can make her a tricky hybrid. I feel like she'd work well on, like, an Angelsdoll Massive body or something. She really needs sizable shoulders. Or maybe a big Dollstown body? The 18? I bought her in white and all my other big bodies are in various peach and tan colours so she stays put on the Impldoll Star. I wonder if that newer big Supia body would work. It's quite similar in size to an EID girl.
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    8. I have one super old crobi wig still, but yeah they are great. I might indulge in an old stock Monique red wig one day if I find one/ feel like it but the long blonde one I'm using now is really nice for her (I believe it's Angell studio).
      Yeah the wonderful and terrible thing about her is really the level of realism, in my opinion. Because of it she's the only doll that angers me so much with weird inaccurate proportions on the wrong bodies :XD:. So it's this balancing act of how to find a body with reasonable neck length, width, and shoulder width (not to mention it would be nice if I could have her on a body where her waist wasn't only the width of her head)... I've settled on this soom bod because the colors actually match ok, and if I just leave her alone it's all fine, even her freakishly long neck. :XD: my head of her was an early failed cast (with defects not on the face that I could fill) and think it is just an untinted resin color -- it was always a very parchment like off white, and the old white skin from soom is correct for it. Putting her together has been a real task for me but I'm happy to finally see her sitting on my shelf in one piece after 8 ish years!
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    9. It's a delicate balance with her for sure! I do love the realism of the face though.
      So you had to do some light modding/correction right off the bat? Is she blushed at all or that's the base colour? If it's the base colour, it really matches super well with that Soom body! Resin matching is such a to-do.

      My girl is *very* paper white but she's so blushed you can't even tell anymore. I went absolutely freckle mad on both her body and her face.
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    10. Mine was a pre release junk cast and it had severe resin bubbling that caused some Swiss cheese like holes that were in the lip around where the head joins the headcap. Of course I accepted such a gift with extreme gratitude and simply used apoxie putty to fill in the holes. I don't even know if this was a resin they ended up using for her sold models. But it's that eggshelly off white resin that I love. Soom when it gets old gets to be the perfect extremely yellowed beige white kind of color that she always was so its perfect! I have a lot of good luck these days just slapping dolls together because mine are mostly very old.

      Actually I didn't even show a pic of her on the actual white skin soom body yet :XD: but I will later. I've developed an ability to trick my camera for imperfect matches (the first pic was NS soom and it didn't look as good in person trust me lol, the second pic was an old very yellowed iplehouse and it also matches for me, as did an old bambicrony NS).
      I love super freckled dolls and I need to make one again. It's so beautiful isn't it?
    11. Well, I certainly can't tell she needed repair work! She looks perfect to me!
      I do like the old Soom bodies a lot. Although, I only have an old Soom boy body.

      Oh, really? Omg. Well, they're both a very convincing match in photos!

      You can sorta see the freckles in this photo. I should take new photographs of her. I've been quite lazy about taking pictures for...years now.

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    12. @BlitheFool yes, all the problems were on the interior or not the face or ears so it was an easy fix :)

      Yours really is beautiful :D I love these photos you've shared. Do you ever think it's fun just how lifelike she looks from every angle? Lillian is probably by favorite doll to picture at 3/4 and profile view. Luckily dolls can usually wait to have their pictures taken again. Hopefully there's time you want for that soon :hug:
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    13. The popo doll body is so beautiful isn't it? I actually wanted one of their full girls really badly when they had more sculpts on Alice's collection but as usual for me, I snooze I lose :XD: and I still want one of the male bodies... A different one than the one I do already have. So many dolls so little room to put the dolls lol
      #14 AlisonVonderland, Aug 5, 2022
      Last edited: Aug 5, 2022
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    14. I actually didn't realize PoPoDoll had a girl body that big! That's good to know for future reference. Thanks @phanuel !

      I feel you, @AlisonVonderland . I'm basically completely out of room for new dolls. It's standing room only in the doll closet now. Eek.
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    15. I just found about her right now and fell in love:chibi. I always wanted to have a maturer female sculpt in 1/3 scale! Where can I find her?? I can't find much online....:eek:
    16. @Lady Maeve she was offered around the year 2015 from cedarheart on Etsy who has not had her for sale in a long time now. I'm not really sure if there will ever be a reproduction sadly.
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    17. @AlisonVonderland The Etsy shop was gone gone:...(. Guess I will have to wait for a chance to bump into a secondhand if dolls willing…:atremblin
    18. The person who was selling this doll, it was released in her shop and photographed and styled by her etc is not in this hobby anymore. So no there is not an Etsy shop where it's being sold currently. You never know what will happen though. It's a very beautiful doll sculpt and I think a lot of people might want one if it was available again, can never say never, but it's up to the artists.
      Until then, second hand and good luck! :sumomo: