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Circus Kane Dolls

Dec 19, 2012

    1. I got a tracking number for Iracebeth!
    2. First, congratulations to everyone who is waiting for a doll !!!

      I can't wait to see all these beauties here, specially your Iracebeth Kanozzle and Bridget !!!
      I missed this one, so I rely on everybody here to show yours ;)...

      As for me, my Ettie is on a plane, at home in few days :aheartbea:aheartbea...

      I'm also waiting for Nexeven...

      And speaking about Nexeven : Preorder will close sunday !

      So if (as myself ;)) you don't want to miss this work of art, just send a mail to Nefer : [email protected]
      As usual, you know she's really accommodating, so don't hesitate to contact her ;).

      I hope Nexeven will invade DoA LOLOL !
    3. lucky you BONE ;)

      I'm so impatient for Iracebeth, I dream about this doll 2 times!!!!

      BONE: I'm lorrainebmcfly also ;)
    4. I just ordered Nexeven. She'll be my first Nefer Kane doll. She's just about the same size as my Sleetwealth Briar, which is one of my favorites. so IF Nexeven wears clothes and wants to look human (which I doubt), we're set! I think she's wonderful.
    5. This Iracebeth is so lovely. I really like Nefer's face-up...

      in my personal experience, CK dolls rarely want wigs or clothes. It seems a shame to cover up their amazing body blushing when Nefer has done it herself, she really makes them look like precious works of art.

      quick question: is Iracebeth really considered a tiny? I was thinking she was a small MSD...
    6. MOUSETAIL: I agree with you; I have Suzy and Aleah, both naked and without wig^^

      Iracebeth is a small MSD, she mesures 37cm; between 14 and 15".
    7. Thank you Bridget! Here is my Iracebeth the Dragon Tamer with her pet dragon then:


      Her face-up and body blushing is by Nefer; I just love that rose tattoo on her leg!
    8. Anita, exactly my reason for ordering Nexeven! My Briar is one of my favorite dolls and I'm always looking for others of similar size as companions. I'm sure she won't mind a pal that's ...erm... not quite human.
    9. wow great photo!!!

    10. Oups, my mistake.... I saw on Nefer's website that she was 34 cm tall, and as Mini starts at 35cm, I though she was a Tiny....

      But, if she's 37cm, then as Bridget said, she's a Mini...

      So : Hi Lorraine ;) !!!!

      And thank you for your picture !!!!!!
      She is so.... well, so just perfect
      The "texture" of the make-up, the colors (with the blue which remind her eyes... gniiiii !!!)

      Nefer's make-up are incredible !!!

      Mousetail : your picture is really great !!! Thank you for sharing

    11. 34 cm? I've made a mistake! so she's a tiny, right?

      and BONE; Nefer's face up are incredible!!!! I will have mine monday!!!
    12. Bridget : And I will have my Ettie (the one with freckles, scratches, beauty spots, piercing...) this week too !!! Tuesday I hope :aheartbea...
      Now, all my future CK dolls will have a face-up by Nefer herself, for sure !!! :aheartbea

      (If Iracebeth is really 34 cm, yes she's a Tiny since here in DoA Minis start at 35 cm... If she's 37cm, she's a Mini ;))

      So well : good "wait", I wish you will have your beauty tomorrow then !!! :aheartbea
    13. I thought she was msd too! Now I really can't wait to get my girl...I hope customs releases her soon!!
      By the way what is steel wealth briar?
    14. Sleetwealth Briar. A doll from Anita Collins, Sleetwealth Studios. She's 36cm. But not a fantasy doll. There's a DoA thread here. She's not available anymore except on secondhand market.
    15. I found Nefer's original posting where she first announced Iracebeth. It says "She is about 34/37cm ( but final size will be precisely published after the first resin sample arrives)" :) We might just have to use measuring tape to settle this dispute :)

      Thank you ladies for your compliments to my brave Red Queen!
    16. Ooo Congratulations on all of the new Iracebeths finding their way to their new homes. I love the way she can look so different. I believe she will bring a little wildness into everyone's lives.
    17. I cannot wait for mine to arrive!!!
      I think this is hilarious, but last night I had DREAMS about Iracebeth and another Nefer Kane doll, it was a tiny but not like anything she has made yet! I ordered a Nexeven but in the dream I didn't have her yet... so weird! I remember running my hands over Iracebeth's heart joints! I can't wait to do this in person!
      For those of you who have yours already, can you tell me how she stands/poses?

      Anita, thanks for answering my question! ^^
      She is so pretty! I looked on the thread and it's too bad so many pics have been removed! She is just lovely tho!
    18. Mousetail : just LOLOL :lol:

      And, then in an another post, later :

      Her measurements are 34cm tall.

      Head Circumference : 13cm
      Chest: 9cm.
      Waist : 6cm.
      Hips : 18cm (yeah… lol)
      Feet length : 2,8cm.
      Arms length : 10cm.
      Legs length :14cm.


      Well.... LOLOLOL, about Nexeven... (as we are sure that she is a Mini LOLOLOL), the preorder finally stay open till Nefer will get the resin sample dolls (so about a week more).

      All news about Nexeven, and much more here :

      And for Iracebeth, well, just as Mousetail said : at your measuring tape :lol: