1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Circus Kane Dolls

Dec 19, 2012

    1. Wooo!!!!!!!So lovely!! i think i will love hes..
    2. DollZwize Mah BaByyyyyyyyyyyyy!! You, me, TiGGy, Nefra and that's Heaven me love!! :aheartbea:aheartbea:aheartbea

      You made such a lovely job on yours my dear wildwoodflower !! It's so adorable of you to share with us
      :) Thank you!

      Opal, a big hug from your Nini!!

      I dare to post a few new Nexeven's face ups I have been commissioned for. I hope you'll like them kind friends. :)

      And first, for Liz and Robyn :


    3. My Nini, hugs right back to you! Your work is always amazing. You're constantly growing, improving, changing. You never stand still, you just do one wonderful thing after another. :) Everyone who gets a custom face up from you is a lucky duck! :)
    4. Just heard that my beautiful Nexeven is on her way home - yippeeeee!!
    5. Thank you deep from my heart my Deedee!!!
      It's very comforting to know that some of you noticed I try to constantly improve my work and to explore new veins in sculpture.
      Also, I do my utmost to provide to everyone a real "someone" as a doll when I am commissioned to make the face up. It's important for me to really do my best to achieve a complete character for my collectors and most of all an unique one.
      Love you my Deedee !!!

      She should land in quite a short time my dear Claywimmin!! I hope you'll like her "in the flesh" :)
      Big hugs to you

      And here are those for Joanne and Kay :

    6. I lovelovelove the shimmery gold skintone you're doing, it's especially perfect for this little otherworldly beauty! :) Love you back, Queen Nefer! You are constantly trying new and amazing things. Your dolls look like family, but they do not look identical, they vary in sizes, body shapes, etc. I look forward to seeing who you bring to life next! :)
    7. I just LOVE LOVE ADORE them all Nefer, but my favouritest favourite is the one you did for Liz. Just mmmmmmm. I love her softness. But you know me...I like them soft and this one has a special vulnerability about her...AMAZING :fangirl:
    8. Oh my goodness, they're all so beautiful and different! I especially like the pink-and-lavender girl...
      Hey DollZwize, here is that closeup of mine without a wig, so you can see her earrings. I got the little coins here , and the hoops are just various sizes of gold-plated jump rings.

    9. I love her with or without her wig! :)
    10. I'm loving all Nefer Kane's new dolls, but one of my fave is Nexeven.. I'm so sad I missed the pre-order.
      Wildwoodflower, your girl is totally gorgeous!I love the way you styled her with earrings and such!
      I love the eyes of this mold so much... so expressive!
      Well, my first post here just to say I love Nefer Kane's creatures. Hope I'll have the opportunity to get one in future.
      In the meanwhile, please more Nexeven-spam
    11. Elnuyn : If you really want a Nexeven, contact Nefer at : [email protected]

      I know she has some Nexeven still available ;)
    12. This is my Nexeven whom I named Rogue. I love the back of her head-it is verdigris copper. There is only one Nefer in this world and I am glad we got her!
    13. She's lovely! I really like her blue eyes with all the copper. :)
    14. Loving all of these Nexevens. They are such sweet lovely personages.
    15. Just like Opal : Your Rogue is marvellous Newbjder :D

      Well, I just show mine too then ;)

      It's really hard to "capture" on pictures, but she has the magical twinkling skin only Nefer holds the secret of :aheartbea:aheartbea



      And I knew that Nefer's dolls are among the most posable dolls in the world...

      But Nefer managed to again impress me with Nexeven !!!!

      In spite of her tall size and her slender silhouette, even on her soles : she can do prowess !!!!!!!!!!!!
      It's simply astounding :o

      Here on the curve of a log, and on a chair back :


    16. Wow...she is amazing! She looks like alabaster! Lucky you, Bone! :)
    17. I love love love all of these dolls, they are amazing. :aheartbea:aheartbea I have preordered Sidonie and Monkey, it will be a while before I have them but I can't wait :fangirl:
    18. Finished my Nexie. She likes her bling! :lol:

      Nexeven by wiggies2luv, on Flickr

      More photos on my Flickr.
    19. Nexie is gorgeous!!! :)