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Conarium Discussion Thread part 1

Aug 18, 2019

    1. @mxwutter That's what nearly 10+ years in the hobby, the willingness to experiment, having done cosplay before and always wanting stuff that's not avaible does XD

      And soon! (But I can totally relate! It was so much easier creating outfits for the boys with having one body already avaible for test-wearing :3)
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    2. My Wuhan head came!!! :chibi I am beside myself with how beautiful he is!! I will post some pics once he at least has some eyes and hair. The empty eye sockets are... the most disturbing part :XD: But in the meantime, I'm trying my hand at making a wig. Frustration has definitely been the name of the game, but maybe it'll look - decent? We shall see.

      For ref, I ordered him on 20 March 2021 via NewCloverSinging and he came 30 April 2021! Incredibly fast. Can't remember when he was dispatched to me, but I think it took about a week for it to arrive to the UK.
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    3. @Snowy ok I just realised though - the head didn't come with a CoA? Or was the small bent flyer supposed to be the CoA? Do Conarium heads have CoAs?
    4. @mxwutter Wheeee!!!! Congrats on the arrival! He's really beautifully sculpted, isn't he?! -^3^-

      Oh, that's actually a good question, I honestly wasn't paying that much attention. BUT I just went to check out my boxes and... EITHER the heads are listed with my 'full doll' certificates or they didn't get their own. I can't tell from the certificates, as they are filled out in chinesese and the one where I got doll and head looks to have more signs on it then the one I had with Yemei (she arrived last week, but due to work I didn't get to do much with her yet).

      Maybe ask newclover about it?
      For my full dolls I definitly have postcard-sized Conarium Card with the logo on the front and a hand-filled-out 'birth' certificat.
      She could reach out to the artist and see to get you one for the head. Might also help giving the artist awareness that yes, we want certificates for body and head even if we buy them separatedly. I'll also reach out to her tomorrow, as honestly I need help sorting out which cert goes with which doll ^^°°°
    5. @Snowy It seem the thing I thought was a flyer, was the CoA! I didn't notice the small chinese text and QR codes at the bottom. Since I only ordered a head, mine was bent in half to fit in the box :( That makes me a bit sad, as I would've liked to keep them all in good condition. Oh well, at least he has his own CoA!

      They should definitely send separate ones for the body and the head, even when buying the whole thing. And maybe make them a tad smaller so the head ones won't get squished *_*
    6. @mxwutter There usually is only one certificate per item per order with any company. Some don't even have a cert if you only order a body. With heads and full dolls there usualyl should always been one. At least that's my experience so far.
      But glad to see you got a cert after all ^^ Just carefully and slowly unbend them :D
      Are you face-upping yours already?
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    7. Forgot to report, my dude came. The clothes that I have made fitted him well as well as some clothes from Bears.
      Here is a box opening:
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      Now in the process of making him another set, forest spirit-mori inspired. His eyes from DOLLines are still somewhere on the way to me, I hope they are not lost.
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    8. @Dunpeald Looking great! Congrats again at his arrival :D Waiting was worth it thought!

      Crossing fingers for those eyes - these days everythign still takes quite a bit longers, so here's hoping they are simply delayed.
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    9. I have a question I hope someone here can answer for me. I'm leaning rather heavily on purchasing the Suyu sculpt to be a character of mine. Problem is, that character requires hooved feet and that is not something I can change (I already have him in his child version, Impl Teno). I got the idea that it might be possible to put RS Ming hooved feet or possibly the hooves from an Impl deer-taur on a Conarium boy but I'd need to know the size of the ankle ball of the Conarium boy to know if this will work. Or, I could see if the RS Ming legs could be used in whole, which would be awesome. The Impl deer-taur legs wouldn't work as a whole as they're apparently designed for stability with 4 legs on the ground.

      I have an RS Ming and a friend has an Impl deer-taur so getting the measurements of those parts is dead easy. For reference the Ming has the following leg joint measurements as measured with calipers:
      Ankle ball at widest part: 2.4cm
      Hip ball: 3cm

      Could someone measure the ankle ball and hip ball of their boy and let me know so I can decide if this is a pipe dream or not? I've mooned over the Suyu sculpt for quite some time and I'd love to be able to bring him home to be this character as I think the sculpt would work really well. Also he'd be in WS so is the Conarium WS paper white or some other flavour of white?
    10. @Iron_Dog Go for the whole legs! XD

      I tried to get you those meassurements, but I only got a tape to work with, but overall I'd say it's looking good.

      Hip ball circumference is 11cm, diameter seems to be between 3-3,5cm
      Ankle circumference is 7 cm, diameter seems to be a bit over 2 cm (diameters measured from the front).

      I'd go for the whole taur-legs and if you got space to spare: silicon kips and hotglue sueding!

      Conarium WS in my experience is variating a bit but tends to go towards a light creamy shade.
      It shows well on the pic I shared above your post. The girl on the very right and the guy sitting on the right are both ws, both ordered and received only a bit appart. The white fabric of the collar, wall or wig are a good indicator of how it would compare to paper white. Far as I'm aware RS white also tends to go for creamy? Only have a ws bobobie myself and that one's old/yellowed but also going for creamy :3
    11. @Snowy Thank you very much! I'm super excited to hear this and appreciate you taking the time to measure for me. My wallet... not so much. If there is only a difference of 0.5cm on the hip ball it would seem like the idea is a go. Hot glue sueding would likely be a good idea in general as my RS guys all have very slick/smooth resin. To be fair though, the Ming body I have does stand well on his own without anything being done to help him. However, he desperately needs to be re-strung now as his current elastic is RS original from 2012 and it may be well past it's prime.

      This character, Kyrieleison, would be paired with Sameer, an ID51 Hyperon. I have a photo from somewhere (Insta?) that shows an SD Vito, DV boy, Conarium and possibly a Luts model Delf in a nekked line up. I have SD Vitos and a DV body with an SD Kid head so I think I have a decent approximation of how the Conarium will look with the ID51 based on the photo and what I have in-house. I'm flexible on the height difference between the two as well so it's not a make/break deal for me if the hybrid is shorter than the ID51. I can def live with the height difference that would happen if I swap legs as significant height differences between pairs is kind of a thing in my house.

      I can't say for sure what that height difference will be with the RS Ming legs on the Conarium as the RS boy is a good bit shorter (44.5cm) than the Conarium. I just measured the legs of the Ming and they are 25cm from the top of the hip ball to the base of the hooves. Conarium measurements from CloverSinging and SPO say the legs are 26.5cm but I'm not sure where that measurement starts (actual leg length from hip ball or arbitrary point on the doll body?).

      I also love the clothes for your crew. They're very much in style with what this proposed boy would wear. Did you make them or buy and if you bought, where? I make the majority of clothes for my boys but I'm not opposed to buying when I can find stuff in the right style for all their weird sizes.

      I have an RS Bao in WS. He started out paper white but has since mellowed to a lovely creamy white. Him and his twin (in dark grey) have a little age on them as I bought them from RS in 2011 but I'd say they've aged well as far as mellowing goes. Most of my RS boys don't show any mellowing I can see but they're all darker colours (dark grey, dark tan, red) to begin with except for Vashin (WS) and Jolen (old blue mellowed to light turquoise). Most of the time this hybrid would be dressed so a little difference in colour wouldn't be a big deal to me but it's good to have a baseline to work with.
    12. @Iron_Dog
      Glad to be of help!
      *glares at your wallet* Shut up, be good and cooperate, you heard the plan, make it happen!
      Yes, RS has always been smooth ^^
      I used to have a Ming my friend additionally glued and wired for me. He was great before, but with both of that he was a real blast.

      XD that group pic wouldn't happen to be this one? (if so the last one is an IoS XD But I have a MDF as well)
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      Even if you were to loose a cm or 3 they'd still fit well togther, I think. Size difference is a normal thing after all :3 I think with the Conarium heads also on the smaller size side it should also go well with an ID51.

      Just went over to my boys again. They meassure 25cm on the inside of the leg seam and around 28-29 from top of the ball, so you might loose a bit in height, but not much.

      Thanks ^^ I made those myself, but you can look into hanfu from MDZS/Untamed and see if you can find some you like in 1/4. The anime and the real action TV show have given some fresh wind to these kind of clothes, so there are now plenty pretty ones from the show, as well as other ones :)
      There are even some lovely ones on etsy and aliexpress these days, some even make custom size.

      XD I was going to point out that you'll likely have him wear something around the hip, so if you go for the hybrid, a bit of difference at the beginning wouldn't even be noticable :P
    13. @Snowy The wallet is actually being reasonable. I had the unexpected opportunity to purchase the ID51 recently so I bought him because I'd missed his order period by 2 days and was kinda salty over that. Then, barely 2 weeks later, a friend bought a bunch of dolls from the estate of a friend and among those was a Sugarable Genie head on an Angelsdoll Massive body. I'd attempted to buy a Sugarable Genie back at the beginning of 2020 but it didn't happen so I was stunned and thrilled with this development. My wallet was not as I'd just blown all my dolly cash 2 weeks previously. Fortunately my friend was willing to trade one of my Hound heads with a gorgeous face-up by Barbelo and a little cash from me for him. He'll need a partner, too, but he's currently content to chill as a single dude in a house full of paired up guys.

      Lol, yes that is the Insta pick so thanks for the unintentional additional help. Based on that pic, yes, I do think the head sizes will work well together. I tried putting my RS boy next to my ID51 and while the bodies work well together (likely due to the skinniness of the RS), the RS head was proportionately too large for my taste despite him taking a dead on 6 wig and the ID51 taking a 5/6 wig. That's one of the reasons I went to look at the Conarium boys again (like I don't periodically go moon over them anyway :roll:).

      Some of my other pairs have quite a bit of difference in height. Kulfi, Rhyia and Akusuo are 58cm and 68cm respectively so the top of Kulfi's head hits his husbands at about nipple level. Moswen and Kijika are 45cm and 57cm respectively. Thylian and Dakvir are 42cm and 46cm respectively. The largest difference is Fei-Lau, Sleet and Khale with Fei-Lau and Khale at 68cm and Sleet at 30cm. So yeah, some height difference is a whole lot of nothing to me. Especially since I haven't fleshed out all the details of Kyrieleison as an adult (like how tall he is).

      I enjoyed the Untamed but I loved Word of Honour much more. I have noticed an uptick in the hanfu style for doll clothes and I'm glad to see that as so many of my guys from my Divine Worship world wear a style close to that. Again, the wallet isn't super happy about these new temptations but whatever.
    14. Hi there! New to Conarium dolls.
      Would anyone be willing to take a pic of their boy's body in natural light? Most pics I've seen have them in high contrast light that accentuates their muscles, I understand the shiny resin doesn't help much either.

      Also, does anyone know where I can find blank pics of Xuening?
    15. Hi I just found out about this company today! I actually really love 50cm male dolls and might buy a conarium single jointed torso body in the future. The character I have planned will be mostly half naked with intricate chest tattoos, so the single jointed torso could end up being perfect for it!
      I might hybrid it with a Unoa Zest head
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    16. 50cm boys are amazing posers and stand rock solid. It might be tough finding clothes for them though. Tattoos is a great idea! Would love to see your art on them.
    17. I have a good number of 50-ish cm boys from multiple companies (although no Conarium yet). They are difficult to find ready-made clothes that fit but if you're handy with sewing it won't pose much of a problem. They're much easier to lug around than the big dude of the +65cm range, too.
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    18. I am fortunate that I know how to sew, and regularly make custom clothes for my Souldoll Vito. It almost takes just as long as finding the right store/style (if there ever was a store that sold 50cm clothes lol)
    19. Most of what my guys wear either doesn't exist period commercially or it doesn't exist in their size. Add in that I have a multitude of weird sized dolls and it's even harder to find ready-made clothes. The majority of my collection wear clothes inspired by ancient cultures (primarily Asian) but there's also a good number that wear clothes based on their species culture that I created. I have about 5 dolls that wear modern clothes and, funny enough, they're ones who fit most "standard" clothes for their sizes.