1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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CP Delf Discussion Part 14

Sep 14, 2023

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    1. [​IMG]
      Haven’t posted in a while but thought I’d share my Nanuri :3 Still thinking of a name for him…
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    2. Welp, I guess I'm going to have to actually start posting here again. I had popped in a while back when I re-acquired my modded woosoo head that I had sold years back and then was able to re-buy him. Annnnd since then I've also acquired a Breakaway 05 which was a loooong time grail from way back in the day when I was primarily a delf collector and most recently I've been able to purchase a type 1 soony which was the last on my someday maybe hopefully grail list. I've decided 2024 will be the year I pay attention to my SDs haha - I've already started by buying them some clothes so they can share more than 3 pairs of pants, 1 pair of shoes and no shirts.
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    3. [​IMG]Feather's Wishing Christmas by Emily, on Flickr

      Happy Christmas Season from Feather! :treecookie:candycane

      @ZombChan oooh that's so exciting!! Congrats, I love Soony's!

      @DessyChan he's lovely! Have you thought of any names?

      I am officially ordering Snow's type 5 delf body in January! It's a bit of a later christmas gift, as I will have the full money then and also I would rather not get any extra heads in luts seasonal thingies, lol, but I'm sooooo excited! What a great way to celebrate her 12th birthday!
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    4. Rolling back in with a photo I've been meaning to take since I got my 3rd big Shiwoo. Look at them just being so stinkin' cute. I love them so much. ♥♥♥

      Left to right: Requiem (Cyber Bohemian), Mythos (Dreaming Vampire mod), and new still unnamed boy (normal to elf mod) ♥

      I've been really enjoying my Delf's lately. Not just these boys, but also the Lishe I picked up recently and my vampy Luwen and Breakaway. A mega group shot is probably in order. xD (but that sounds like a lot of work..) Anyway, loving all the pics shared here!
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    5. @Akai Okami Ahhhhh they look amazing. I would love to see a mega group shot if you can manage it (but I totally understand the pain of making it happen :lol:)
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    6. I might try for it once my Lishe gets a faceup and her own wig...she's wearing my Breakaway's wig atm. xD So the group photo would look so odd. lol Her wig is in the mail though. Just need to paint her up. :)
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    7. @Akai Okami My delfs are always stealing each other's wigs... and clothes... and accessories... :lol:

      While I'm here, here is a pic of my breakaway:


      I recently scribbled all over his beautiful professional quality faceup because I wanted him to have thin dark eyebrows and dark lips. And now I'm all smitten even though it looks a hot mess up close :sweat No regrets!! I also actually gave him a name? His name is Lorcan. I've owned him since 2020 but didn't really feel like he was right until now so I mostly just left him in a drawer (as beautiful as his faceup was before I attacked it, it just wasn't what I'd been envisioning)
      #29 Hyzenthlay, Nov 24, 2023
      Last edited: Nov 24, 2023
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    8. Just got a Dark Elf Soo after pining for her since I was 14, back before the old Delfs got discontinued! I'm so excited, running around finding a wig and planning what I might want her aesthetic to be. The nostalgic side of me wants to go full GoffickTM and hunt up an old Violet Fern outfit for her, but I'm often hesitant to dress dolls untill they arrive- hard to tell what they might want their aesthetic to be!
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    9. Congrats!! I also look forward to seeing how you style her...or how she decides to style herself. ;) I had a Dark Elf Soo for awhile, and while I don't regret rehoming her, her mold will always hold a special place in my heart. ♥
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    10. Yeah, a lot of people seem to really love the DES! It was interesting trying to find one, because the problem isn’t so much that they’re rare as that people who have them never want to let them go. I remember many people having them back in the day, and their tag is quite robust on Instagram even now. But they seem to work their way into people’s hearts and stick there, in most cases.

      (although I feel like the old Delf girls in general were a bit less popular, and are therefore rarer to find now, than the boys. I think we’ve seen a real shift in the hobby to girl dolls being a lot more popular than they once were, and now everyone has the CP ladies on their wishlists. But I was 14 when I first joined, so maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about!)
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    11. That's so interesting to hear though! I can't say I've noticed that shift, however I feel my viewpoint is a bit skewed. I've always liked the boy dolls more than girls (though I have both), but then my best friend has always liked the girls more, and in fact collects only girl dolls and just adores her old female Delfs to bits. I've always jokingly said that if she doesn't have a Delf Lishe, the world will be out of balance. xD So long as they are out there being loved (and ideally being shared where I can see them) I'm happy. :) I really believe older dolls are something special, since they've been around long enough to collect so many memories with us in this hobby. ♥
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    12. @Akai Okami It's really fascinating to me to watch dolls become rare in realtime. My main collecting focus has always been antique dolls- though I've gone through 7 BJDs since I first discovered them -and the process by which something that's not artificially limited turns into a scarce treasure is usually something I can only read about. But this- sculpts like Jess and Edgar, nobody expected to disappear so soon after their release. Because nobody knew the CP/Luts split was coming.

      Being able to pinpoint the moment that changed everything and seeing for myself how the doll world shifted from CP Luts dolls being everywhere to being sought-after commodities gives me a bit of a shiver. It's Doll History, and it happened right before our eyes.
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    13. [​IMG]

      Finally gave my Dambi a faceup, working on doing a group photo of all the cp delf!
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    14. Love seeing all the pics! My girl just shipped and I'm so excited for her to arrive- I'm planning to take her to my parents' house for Christmas, and get some shots with the terrible doodles I did of her as a teenager. :XD:
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    15. Just dropping in the share of Hesperia I took recently.
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    16. [​IMG]DSC_0456~2 by Emily, on Flickr

      Here's some of Feather in her Princess wig!
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