1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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CP Delf Discussion Part 14

Sep 14, 2023

    1. SHE'S HERE! I'm calling her Celandine, like I planned to all those years ago.


      Not a huge fan of the doe-eyed faceup (may send her off for a new one after the holidays) mand the pink kimono-style robe was a kind gift from the seller, but even without her Final Look in place, she's absolutely gorgeous. I love the size and solidity of her, and the tooth of the resin. All I can say is, no wonder these dolls remain so popular.

      Now to get sewing for her!
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    2. Congrats!! She's beautiful, can't wait to see what you do with her! ♡
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    3. Okay is it just DES, or do all old Delfs have such sharp little nails? She accidentally scratched me twice while I was stringing her and keeps poking me during outfit fittings. (I don’t hold it against her :XD:)
    4. Which hands does she have? Some are more pointy than others. Most of my female delf hands are manicured and I think that top layer of gloss helps dull any sharpness the nails have. But just reaching over to the one nearest me...yeah. A few of the nails are kinda sharp. xD

      On that note...I wish I could just buy more old female delf hands in NS. They are such amazing hands...and they work with some of my hybrids really nicely!
    5. I think she has the default Soo hands (Delf 05); definitely not the ones DES came with originally. The pics on the database do indeed look rather sharp-nailed! What a large array of poses- they look great for hybriding, as you say.
    6. The old Delf hands must have been really good at causing violence all around; my Nanu 06 boy has the event hands released on the Elf El body and they have poked me, jabbed me, caught on stuff, and scratched his faceup so many times throughout the years. Or maybe some of us just have little hellions in our midst :lol:
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    7. I need some help, restringers, lol, i want to add some elastic from eluts to my order for Snow's type 5 delf body in the next few weeks, but I need it for Feather's body to restring her and save on shipping from other places, could someone link me to a size/elastic from luts that'll work? I'm struggling to find it!
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    8. I love the little glowing lights and her cat!
    9. Very cute, and as always, your aesthetic is on point! :aheartbea
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    10. Thank you so much! I really loved making it, and I hope to bring home the kitty asap! ♡
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    11. So cute @SacredMonsoon!!! As always Feather is a joy to see :D I love that her bio board is as cheerful as she is!

      I just brought home a Lishe of my own to celebrate a very personal anniversary, and I'm going to be giving her some TLC and maintenance work in the coming weeks so I can take some nice photos of her and share her here. I think I'm gonna name her Nell. The old Delfs are really so special to me, and it's so lovely to have a bunch of fellow CP Delf lovers to enjoy them with :hug:
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    12. Thank you!! ♡♡ and omg congrats thats so exciting!!
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    13. Finished making Celandine's outfit! First the undergarment layer, a shift and petticoat:


      And then her outer clothing (the skirt has deep blue fringe with gold thread, and blue silk ribbon, at the hem; it just got cut out of the picture).


      And, to remember her early 00s roots...some stripey stockings. Gotta love them. :XD:

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    14. She looks lovely in that outfit! I have such deep respect for anyone who can sew clothing. I've tried many times and just don't have the patience or skill for it at all. I also love the striped socks as a throwback. xD Those really were a staple back in the day. lol (I still own a few pairs...♥)
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    15. @~Suisei_Seki~ Celandine is looking gorgeous in her outfit!! I love the lace trim you chose for the underlayer!
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    16. Thanks! I love to sew, and my dolls get clothes made from the scraps of my human-sized projects- though with this girl, I practically have to buy the fabric especially for her! And yeah, the stripey socks were so iconic. Amy Brown or Tim Burton vibes, which are not entirely my thing anymore, but I'll happily pay homage.

      Thank you! It came off of a historical reproduction petticoat that I was given by someone to alter for myself- I didn't particularly want lace on it, so I took that off to use for doll projects.
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    17. In case you haven't seen, the next f60 event head is a Dreaming Shiwoo elf!! :D
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