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CP Delf Discussion Part 14

Sep 14, 2023

    1. My friend was kind enough to show me them, as he knows how obsessed I am with Shiwoos. xD I'm waiting for the finished version preview to see if I'm in real trouble or not. So far I see more Chiwoo in the big one, but I do see Shiwoo in the mnf head! (I adore mnf Shiwoos so much omg..ok I'm just a Shiwoo addict in general haha)

      I'm gonna need to see the profile for sure. I love me a good Shiwoo nose. :XD: (and elf...i love elves)
    2. Hopefully they'll do a better job with him than they did with that poor pint-sized Lookback Chiwoo...
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    3. Does anyone know of other hands that fit/good resin match for delf type 2 girls?
    4. This is my Lishe, who I've named Nell Fortuna! I'm so pleased with how she looks. I bought her an oldschool CustomHouse body, the newer double-jointed version of which is now owned by Luts as their Senior Delf Type 1 girl body, so it's kinda beautifully full circle for a hybrid. She's so beautiful, and already so special to me. <3

      [​IMG]Type 1 Lishe, Lilykoi 2005 faceup by Jules B, on Flickr

      Her faceup is by Lilykoi, signed and dated 2005! :o I'm genuinely stunned that it's in such perfect condition. Here's a closer shot of it.

      I need to reapply her eyelashes but I have another round of full body dolly spa left to do for stain-treating her body, so for now I've put her back together after a first welcome-home scrub to enjoy her a bit... and also because I had to cut her hands free to unstring her. :sweat This body is so oldschool it doesn't use s-hooks! Her hands were looped with some sort of cotton thread and the threads were tied and knotted around the ends of her arm elastic! I've heard of such a thing but never seen it for myself, so at the moment she's handless while I wait for a hook set from VolksUSA to arrive. I had a completely different wine red Leekworld wig picked out for her, but I received the one she's wearing as a Christmas gift and I couldn't be more delighted with how it brings out the lighter purple tones of her faceup!

      I bought her as a present to myself to celebrate three months of freedom and counting from an abusive relationship. Looking at her and her unique, vibrant face reminds me to be strong, and that I (and everybody else!) deserve to enjoy what I love and what makes me special. It feels only right to mark a hard-won milestone with a truly one of a kind special girl.
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    5. She is beautiful and so special. I can see why you love her so much!

      That is interesting about the lack of S-hooks! I had a Shiwoo (now sold) that arrived to me with his elastic tied directly to his headcap and it was a nightmare. I couldn't take his head off to change his clothes until the S-hook I ordered arrived. S-hooks definitely needed! :lol:

      Congrats on getting out of an abusive relationship, and your message about deserving to enjoy what you love is a really important one and so true! I'm so happy for you that you found such a special girl to celebrate it with and thank you for sharing her <3
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    6. That's so special @Mamo! She's beautiful! I love seeing Lishes and I can see how loved she is, it's truly wonderful to hear that she is your gift for such a good thing. ♡

      I hope everyone had a great holiday! Does anyone know of other hands that are good for delf girls? In resin/size/hooks?

      [​IMG]Pink Happiness by Emily, on Flickr

      Here's some post-Christmas pink for you guys too! ♡
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    7. I told myself no new dolls for the foreseeable future until everyone who's already here has bodies but who can resist a fairly cheap whole El ;) I've really missed having an El around so I'm very excited to get this guy
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    8. @SacredMonsoon as far as resin match goes, most companies these days are doing a very washed out pale pink and calling it NS. You may have the best luck with an older pair with a more saturated tone or blushing to match. I've seen hybrids with CP Delf heads on older Volks bodies, as the resins tended to mellow closer together to be a pretty good match. My NS girl is on a very old CustomHouse body, and the color match is decent but not perfect. Both my Delf girls are already hybrids, so I can't help fit test or measure for hooks unfortunately. Good luck with your search!!
    9. I saw her on the marketplace- so glad she found a good home! Congrats!
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    10. Took Celandine with me to my parents' house for Christmas so I could photograph this drawing I did of her at age 14:


      And attempt to replicate it! Teenage me did not understand how single-jointed dolls work- or don't work, as the case may be.

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    11. Aww that's so sweet! I love Celandine's soft classic look, it reminds me of when I first saw Lishe and knew I had to have her ♡
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    12. Thanks! She's going off for a new faceup soon; I don't hate her current look, but a few things about it aren't quite what I'd like. The doe-eyes with the dropped lower lashes, the over-blushed nose, and the close-set brows, mostly. But I don't intend to fully take her to the default DES faceup look either!
    13. Finally getting around to actually putting this modded Chiwoo together that I recently acquired. He's definitely going to need a new faceup as this one is definitely aged and not remotely what I want for him but at least it's easier to visualize with some form of faceup. And also pictured is a shot of the other Chiwoo/Shiwoo shelf where hopefully he will also be able to fit in once I string his body!


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    14. omg @SuperShawol the DELF SHELF, i love it. Congrats on the handsome boy, what a great addition!

      My S-hook set from Volks arrived today, and I ended up being unable to use it. The old CH body she's on has very weird channels in her wrist joint, and even if I were to get pliers and bend the hooks out of shape there'd be no safe way to get it all done without damaging her. So I just decided to tie them back on more or less like they were in the first place with cotton yarn. :XD::sweat

      [​IMG]2005 CP Delf Lishe, Nell all back together! by Jules B, on Flickr
      I still need to re-glue her eyelashes, but for now it's so lovely to have her fully put together! I need to sew or order a fun circus dress for her, I've got a sort of ringmastery, clowny vibe in mind for her to match her whimsical faceup. :D
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    15. I love your girl @Mamo! She just looks so happy ♡ I think that's what I love about Lishe, they're such a happy sculpt! ♡ Do you plan to sew for her? I'm getting back into sewing this year!

      @SuperShawol DELF SHELF! YES! Love your crew, congrats on the new Chiwoo! ♡

      [​IMG]Floof by Candy Hearts Sugar Stars Stories, on Flickr

      Here's some of Feather from a recent story! I think I love layering her clothing right now! ♡
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    16. @SacredMonsoon thank you!! I think I'd like to make her some dresses, I'd had a sort of spooky dark EGL color scheme in mind for her wardrobe, but this wig has sort of turned that plan on its side lol! So I might see what brighter, lighter colors I have to work with that would be more complementary to the more pastel sort of look she's got going for her now. I have some ruffled, pre-layered pink tulle I might make an overskirt or dress out of, to go along with the absolutely adorable Dollmore dress I've got her in now. I still haven't unpacked much of my dolly stuff from the unexpected September move, apart from my dolls themselves. So I've got some other basics she could wear and a lot of fabric I'd been excited to work with but who knows where any of it is lmfao, it's all in storage right now. The pink tulle I know where it is though, come to think of it, so thank you for getting that idea going for me!

      I love the layered look on Feather, she's looking comfy cozy cute!
    17. @Mamo Your Lishe is just beautiful...I have a Lishe painted by Jaydolls on the older CH body too - it's such a good fit...

      Here's a photo of Lily...taken when I first put her together...
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    18. @Alice80 she's so gorgeous!!! What a versatile sculpt Lishe is, all our girls are so unique! :fangirl:
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    19. Lovely Lishe @Alice80! Such a sweet faceup! ♡
      I agree with you @Mamo! Our girls are all so different, its amazing to see Lishe's versatility! I hope you share what you sew for your girl! I am going to start sewing again too, but in a lil bit so I'm hoping to buy Feather a few small things off Etsy, but Snow is getting her body early Feb so I'm planning a lot for her right now! ♡
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