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CP Delf Discussion Part 14

Sep 14, 2023

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    1. @SacredMonsoon I never get tired of seeing sweet Feather :D I hope you're feeling better! It's always good to spend some good old dolly time to cheer ourselves up, for sure:hug:
    2. Aw thank you! ♡ I am, it's been better for me to step back from instagram, but good news is I got Snow a TTYA sweater as a "you're getting a body soon" gift!
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    3. [​IMG]Wildflower by Emily, on Flickr

      I took some photos to cheer up today! I was listening to RM's Wild Flower and that's the song I felt with this photo, even though I don't know the words, I just like the sound! :whee:
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    4. I'm currently making a pinafore dress for an MSD but I haven't finished the edges and taken it in in the necessary places yet, so I draped it over Nell to see how I liked the idea of a dress like this for her! I need to locate or make her a petticoat too, so I've got a good basis of project ideas for her to work from. But I really liked this pic, so I thought I'd share!

      [​IMG]Round 130 Pinafore tests by Jules B, on Flickr

      I love her as she is but I'm kinda thinking her eyes are a bit small, or maybe it's just that they're too bright and it gives her that wide-eyed look? Thinking about sizing up, trying some 18mm pairs. I need to remove these to redo her lashes anyway, lol, a perfect time to try out different looks!
      #85 Mamo, Jan 25, 2024
      Last edited: Jan 25, 2024
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    5. Feather has 18mm! I plan to try mako eyes for her sometime when funds line up, but I will be getting her a F60 moe body this year! Snow will get the Delf body in the mean time! I'm really looking forward to that first exciting order in 13 years! ♡♡♡ Her birthday is coming up soon as well!

      [​IMG]Peachy Perfect by Emily, on Flickr
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    6. New thread! I need to get back on DOA more often! I miss hanging out with everyone and our CPs!

      @SacredMonsoon, what size eyes did Feather have before? This size makes her look more mature. YAY for Snow getting a body!

      Loving Nell, she's got a great faceup! Loving seeing everyone's Delfs. :love

      I took a pic of Ryuichi next to the Christmas tree a while ago. Since I'm trying a new wig on him, I wanted to see how much I liked it. Not sure that I do, tbh. I think he looks way too serious than his usual happy-go-lucky self.

      Ryuichi and the Yule tree
      by Ryuichi Sakuma, on Flickr

      And Ryuichi's usual wig. He looks happier to me in this one.

      It is the same color green as Ryuma, his twin's wig, but to me, it just doesn't seem like him, if you know what I mean. *shrug*

      Wow, just noticed how bad the tree is leaning! :doh:lol::XD:

      #87 Ryuichi Sakuma 13, Jan 29, 2024
      Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
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    7. Feather's eyes haven't changed :) they've been the same 18mm blue since 2011! :sweat I do want to get her some blue mako eyes with a bigger pupil for a more youthful look but I'm not sure if I'll end up switching back.

      Has anyone tried 20mm in a lishe? I can't seem to find out if thats just too big or not!
      #88 SacredMonsoon, Jan 29, 2024
      Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
    8. She looks so lovely! Those colors suit her perfectly. What sort of dress will you make for her when she gets her own?

      Also, Celandine’s head is stuck in postal limbo on her way back from the faceup artist. Argh! She looks gorgeous in pictures; I just want her back home!
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    9. It’s really nice to see all the love for the old CP Delfs! I went back through the discussions to find out, but just wanted to verify that the Lu-Wen sculpt is on topic for this discussion thread?
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    10. Yes, Lu-Wen is on topic for this thread. :)
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    11. @LupusDarkmoon Thank you for letting me know!

      I’ve just recently gotten back into the hobby and couldn’t help but start the revamping with him. Still a work in progress, but I’m hoping to finish him soon and share the full doll.

      I have such a soft spot for the older sculpts and soft looking single-joint bodies. I’m glad there’s a lively discussion thread for them!
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    12. OOOH! A Lu-Wen vampire! :D *grabby hands*

      Aren't they somewhat rare? Does anyone else have one? A regular Lu-Wen? If so, spam us!:cool:

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    13. I adore Lu-Wen's as well! I feel very fortunate to have adopted my vampy one from a friend years ago. He's an odd hybrid though so headshots only. lol CP/Fairyland just does my absolute favorite vampire fangs. Omg. Perfection. ♥


      @StaciaStarburst, yes 1000% yes to loving the older sculpts and single jointed bodies! There is just something so visually appealing about them to me. And also a lot of single jointed dolls pose wonderfully and are sturdier than their double jointed counterparts.

      Also touching back on eye sizes..I wish I could help with trying 20mm eyes in a Lishe, but mine is..I think a dreaming Lishe mod? I really have no idea. I also lost my ability to discern eye sizes at a glance so I have two boxes full of eyes but no clue what size any of them are. :XD: (well, a few I know, but most are just :????)
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    14. I've never tried 20mm eyes in a Lishe, but Crane, one of my Els, is wearing 20mm Mystics. El and Lishe have pretty similar eyewells.

      Vampire Lu Wens are out there... People just don't post them very often.

      Here's Cloud Mirror, my guy.


      My non-vampire Lu Wen is a gal...
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    15. @~Suisei_Seki~ probably a longer version of the same, a jumperskirt/pinafore type dress with frilled straps! And hopefully some lace detailing if I can get away with it. I'm feeling some sewing burnout after still not even making it to the finish line with the smaller version she's modeling in that pic though, so I may take a sewing round or two (or at least a few weeks) off to recharge. Hobbies are supposed to be fun, after all, so I don't want it to turn into a chore I don't look forward to doing.

      I am really loving all this LuWen love we have going on! Keep it coming whenever you guys like :love Really makes me miss the old days when we all thought these sculpts would be around forever. My miles-long Delf wishlist kept getting deferred for cool marketplace finds and now they ARE the marketplace finds I desperately hope for :XD::...( Someday, egghead Chiwoo, someday.
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    16. Yeah, I also have to admit that I thought these sculpts would be around forever. My partner recently got one of the newer CP/FL sculpts, and the differences are pretty striking. If we had the room in our home, I'd have a lot more old Delf dolls than I do, but I guess the ones I currently have will have to do (for now! ;))

      I still would love to make a Soony boy, perhaps a little badass punk-type. Oh well, someday, when I have money and we finish redoing the house. *crosses fingers*

      @Brightfires, I love your Lu-Wen girl! Is she blind, or does she just wear a blindfold for mystical reasons?

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    17. [​IMG]Happy 12th Birthday Snow! by Emily, on Flickr

      Here's Snow my Lu-Wen girl! She's still blank but she got a sweater in the mail coming soon and she'll have her own body soon too!

      Thank you for the help on the 20mm eyes, I'm unsure of what I'm going to do right now, but a lot of irl stress means I need to take a break from doll stuff. But I had to jump in for Lu-Wen's!
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    18. Cloud is a guy... Jester, my non-vampire, is a girl.
      And yeah. It's just a "mystic thing" with him.

      This is the only good pic I have of Jester. I know I've posted it before, but I haven't taken new pictures of anyone in about an age.

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    19. Celandine's back fron the faceup artist! And I'm blown away.


      She looks so elegant and dramatic- I love it. My prompt was "gothic Snow White," and the artist did an amazing job with it. This is everything I wanted. But now she's demanding a different wig! Maybe something in black?
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