1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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CP Delf Discussion Part 14

Sep 14, 2023

    1. @~Suisei_Seki~ she looks incredible!!! I love how the tones of her eyeshadow really complement her eyes! What style are you thinking for her wig? I think a dark sidepart would look stunning on her.
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    2. Thanks! Dark definitely; I ordered a black wig with long ringlets from Zazou this morning. They show it with a side part on the website- I was drawing inspiration from the Call Me When You're Sober music video and thinking of a center part, but I'll play around with it when it gets here. (Side note, why do like 90% of BJD wigs have bangs? Trying to find one without is such a pain!.
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    3. Oops! I mean he. Sorry Cloud! I'm loving the Lu-Wen spam!

      Celandine's faceup looks great! Love the eyelashes. :D Gothic Snow White...so cool! :cool:

      This is making me want to change Ethan's outfit. He's been in the same one for quite some time. Here's what he's been wearing, but I think he needs to dress a bit more formally, especially since Valentine's Day is around the corner.

      Ethan relaxing
      by Ryuichi Sakuma, on Flickr

      His wig came with that cowlick that I couldn't get rid of, and at first I was annoyed by it, but now he's claimed it as part of his personality. :lol:

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    4. StaciaStarburst, congrats on getting a LuWen! I have a real soft spot for the old Delfs! LuWen is an epic sculpt. :D

      Ryuichi Sakuma 13, here's my spam; my beautiful LuWen, Viktor. I always thought LuWen made such an elegant vampire.


      Oh yeah! Elegant and sexy!
      #104 Rabbit-moon, Feb 4, 2024
      Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
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    5. What a handsome man! :drool Yes, they really do make a very handsome vampire.:3nodding:

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    6. Thank you Ryuichi Sakuma 13! There really was something so special about those early CP/Delf sculpts. They are what drew me into BJDs in the first place. I saw a Delf Chiwoo in an advertisement in Haute Doll magazine in 2005 and I was lost!. OMG! It really was a life changing moment.

      Here's the non-vampire version of LuWen. When I got him in 2008, he came with two heads.

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    7. I know what you mean! The first BJD I ever saw was an El that someone had at a con. He was simply gorgeous, and the owner caregiver even let me hold him. IIRC, that was around 2006 or 2007. It took me all the way until 2021 before I finally got an El for myself. Up until then, I lived vicariously through my partner's El. I'm so thrilled that I was able to get Ethan! This is back when he got his first outfit and his wig.

      Ethan's new outfit
      by Ryuichi Sakuma, on Flickr

      Ah, back in the day, it was pretty sweet to get two heads when you bought a doll. I have to admit that every now and then, I go to the old Luts CP/Delf pages and gaze longingly lovingly at many of the original Delfs, especially the ones I wish I had bought. :drool

      Your non-vampire Lu-Wen is beautiful, btw!

      #107 Ryuichi Sakuma 13, Feb 4, 2024
      Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
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    8. Thank you Ryuichi Sakuma 13! And congratulations on getting yourself your very own El! That is epic!!! :dance Your boy is so darling! :love

      Wow! I thought I was the only one who did that! I also go to old BJD site pages and get nostalgic over all the beautiful dolls I wish I'd gotten when I had the chance. :atremblin

      The BJD aesthetic has changed so much since those early halcyon days. I really feel like that was the Golden Age of BJDs, and that's the aesthetic that ultimately makes me happy.

      But, aside from longing for old dolls, I am thankful for the CP/Delfs I did manage to get. :kitty2
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    9. Only a month and a couple days into 2024 and I've already purchased two dolls :sweat I received a regular human El in the mail a few days ago, I used to have an El so I'm excited to have one around again! And I just put a deposit down on another dreaming vampire Shiwoo :love so now this will make 7 Delfs at the house now
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    10. Thank you! Ethan is a spiritual writer from the 1800s, so the dapper look is what he prefers. Im still looking for at least pants

      Naw, I sometimes even keep the tab open to both it and the Cerberus Project BJD Database webpage open as well. It really was the "halcyon days" back then wasn't it? It was also easier to get in touch with others in the hobby since DOA was pretty much the site to be on. Nowadays, I'm trying to have a meetup, and everyone's scattered all over social media. Trying to get people in my area for one is a real chore. :sweat Between DOA, I'm also on Reddit's BJD subreddit, (same sn), but there I tend to answer questions more than post My Crew, since mostly everyone posts pics of new dolls.

      I too am happy with the dolls I managed to get, especially my Delf crew.

      Congrats, @SuperShawol! Be sure to show us their pics, okay? :3nodding:

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    11. Love seeing all your pretty dolls! @Rabbit-moon your Viktor is so handsome! And @Ryuichi Sakuma 13 congrats on your El!

      Snow got her own sweater in the mail just this past week! It was an early birthday gift to myself! This is just a phone photo and I think Snow will wear the mohair wig I have for awhile! She's so cozy I can't believe my dolls will both be complete this year! ♡♡♡

      [​IMG]Snow's new Sweater by Emily, on Flickr
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    12. I definitely want to try and get a photo of all of them once I'm done with the layaway for the new Shiwoo. It was such a surprise to have another one appear so I absolutely had to jump on it! It's so interesting to see your El and then mine because mine is leaning towards a more casual punk style. Your boy is very dapper and lovely!
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    13. @Ryuichi Sakuma 13 and @Rabbit-moon - reading your reminiscing has made me so sad! That really was the golden days of BJDs. My first love was the Elf El that I saw on someone's blog. (I think his name was Kyomi, or something similar.) Of course, I never was able to get my own Elf El. I tried to get the re-release of him they put out, but my order was too slow. But my very first BJDs were the Vampire Shiwoo and the WS Juri06. I only got the heads for Xmas, so I ended up making a cloth body so I could play with my dolls, ha ha. It took me awhile to actually get a body. And when I could get my hands on the FDoll bodies, I started gathering CP heads! I had a Luwen Vampire. I had several others as well, and then ended up selling the bulk of my BJD collection. Needless to say, I nearly died when they retired the CP line. I still to this day regret selling every single one of those dolls.

      Luckily, I still had my Juri06 NS on an Fdoll body, and have gotten lucky on the MP the last couple of years. I'm proud to own 6 Delfs at this point. I'd love to add more, but they have gotten so hard to find! I really do miss the old days of the BJD hobby. :'(

      @SacredMonsoon - Snow looks so pretty in her mohair wig! And the sweater looks perfectly cozy. :)

      @SuperShawol - congrats on getting a new Shiwoo! :D
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    14. Thank you so much! ♡
    15. SuperShawol, congrats on bringing an El home again! Such an epic sculpt! :thumbup

      Ryuichi Sakuma 13, I agree, the advent of so much social media has certainly changed the landscape of BJD collecting. There are so many other places to post now, including Facebook and X, that I feel it's really affected participation on DOA. Back in the early days, DOA was the center of the universe for US collectors and, because of that, there was a greater sense of community.

      I am glad that a few of us old-timers are still hanging around and reminiscing about the glory days. And, the original CP Delfs were definitely the glory days. ;)

      SacredMonsoon, Thank you! I love my LuWen! :aheartbea But, I have to be careful around him because he's a sly and seductive vampire. He usually gets what he wants, like that ridiculous DollHeart uniform. He's so spoiled! But, who doesn't love a man in a over-the-top uniform?:wiggle

      Love your LuWen girl. That sculpt is beautiful even without a face-up. May I ask what size eyes she has?

      Hey Pepperonipizza! OMG! I felt the same way when it was announced that the CP Delfs were being discontinued! How was that possible? People loved the CP Delfs, and they were everywhere! I just took it for granted that they would always be there. I had wanted a Shiwoo and a Soony, but unfortunately I just didn't have the funds to get them. I'm so happy that you were able to replace all the dolls you once had. That's awesome! :thumbup

      (It's funny how it all seemed to happen at the same time; Soom discontinued the Gem line, and Iplehouse did the same thing with the original YID line, around 2011/2012.)

      I agree, it makes me a little sad, too. But, at least, some of us old-timers are still around to commiserate with about the halcyon days of this hobby. Those were such exciting times! So many events, and meet-ups, and the Volks Store was here in Los Angeles! We'd go there and meet other happy collectors, and then go to the local Japanese marketplace, Mitsua, to eat Katsu curry, buy Pocky sticks, and show off our dolls. It's was so much fun! Ah! Those were the days...

      And, just like you, I miss those days too. :...(

      But, we have each other and our love for old-school resin. I love seeing the new dolls, but my heart belongs to the old dolls that first brought me into this hobby. First loves are hard to forget. :aheartbea:fangirl:
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    16. The "Delfuary" hashtag on Instagram inspired me to finally bust out my camera :aheartbea Here's Ronove, my beloved dreaming El.


      Hopefully I'll take more pics of my other Delfs before February is over! :evilplot:
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    17. @overlordu Excuse me while I go scream my lungs out at how cute he is.

      I may just have to throw my El into some clothes instead of waiting for his One.True.Outfit, so I can take some pics.
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    18. This is the El i just recently received in the mail. He doesn't currently have a faceup so i gave him a facemask that still fits his general vibe. I am absolutely in love with all the wonderful Delfs I see here, everyone is so stylish!

      Also a bonus pic of two of my Chiwoo and my first Shiwoo.
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    19. @Rabbit-moon - oh god, yes, IH and SOOM retiring their lines - that was awful. And also Pipos retired their original PI/Jr. PI line up around the same time as the others. Traumatic times. You put everything so well! I am grateful that I joined the hobby at that time, so I have the dolls and memories that I do. I love that there are others like me who still love the oldies but goodies and post pictures, etc. :)

      @overlordu - he's gorgeous!!! :aheartbea:aheartbea:aheartbea

      @SuperShawol - your boys are wonderful! :D
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    20. @Rabbit-moon Oh yes I can so imagine him getting what he wants, I'd give him all he wants too! He does look very good in that outfit! ;)
      Thank you! I love my lil elf girl, I'm going to do her faceup myself too. Her eyes are 18mm glass from luts circa 2011! I don't think they sell these exact ones anymore, but luts glass eyes are super good quality! I am hoping to buy Snow some lilac eyes from mako at some point this year! :D

      I agree with all the reminiscing nostalgia too, @pepperonipizza and @Ryuichi Sakuma 13, I remember delfs were the first dolls I ever saw as a bright eyed 10 year old looking at a delf goth clothing site! I was in love with Lishe and DES! I knew one day I had to get a Lishe, and when I got my girl in 2011 I was thrilled. When the CP Delfs were discontinued I was heartbroken too! I love the old delfs more than any other dolls, all the dolls I saw when I got seriously into dolls were delfs and soom. My heart will always be delf shaped and I don't think that'll ever change. <3

      @SuperShawol omg congrats! El is a grail of mine, but I hope you can share your new boys soon! I live through vicariously through this delf thread! :fangirl::aheartbea EDIT: AHHH your boys are so lovely!

      @overlordu he is so beautiful omg :D

      Today's my birthday! Can I request some birthday spam?:aheartbea
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