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CP Delf Discussion Part 14

Sep 14, 2023

    1. OMG! Overlordu, your Dreaming El is AMAZING! What a gorgeous El! He literally took my breath away. :aeyepop:

      SuperShawol, congrats on your new El.

      Love seeing the pictures of your other Delfs. Wow! Two Chiwoos!:love

      Pepperonipizza, I think I'm still traumatized by all those discontinuations. :horror:

      This thread is a godsent, so I can still enjoy these beautiful CP Delfs, and the great people who still appreciate them. Sadly, it seems like current collectors are only interested in posting about new dolls. And, I seriously get that, but I would hate to see these classic dolls being forgotten.

      Thank you SacredMonsoon! I need to get some new eyes for my non-vamp LuWen, and I couldn't remember his eye size. The eyes he currently has are an ancient pair of 20mm Masterpiece.

      "My heart will always be delf shaped and I don't think that'll ever change. <3". I love this!!:D

      Oh! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope your birthday was a special day!:smallcake:cake::pcupcake

      Here's your requested B-day spam:

      My Nanuri07, wearing one of Luts' gorgeous outfits from 2007. Luts' used to have such beautiful clothes for their CP Delfs.
      #121 Rabbit-moon, Feb 6, 2024
      Last edited: Feb 6, 2024
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    2. @Akai Okami and @Rabbit-moon what size eyes do you have in your Lu-Wen? I’ve tried a couple that worked for size but still have some gapping because of the domes. I really struggle sizing for dreaming-eyed sculpts. I’m currently looking at 18mm to ensure no gapping around the white but have reservations that the iris might be too big, even though the eyes on Lu-Wen are fairly wide.

      Absolutely loving everyone’s wonderful Lu-Wen and now El photos! This helped keep my focused on finishing this faceup. Thank you!!
      #122 StaciaStarburst, Feb 7, 2024
      Last edited: Feb 7, 2024
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    3. Thank you so much! I had the best day :whee: And yes the 18mm are a good fit, no gapping or too much iris. :3nodding: Oh your Nanuri07 is so beautiful, and that outfit!! Stunning! Luts really did have the golden age of dolls and outfits and aesthetic! <3
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    4. So many gorgeous dolls! I didn't know Delfuary was a thing- is it for January or February?
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    5. Happy belated birthday @SacredMonsoon! My birthday was January 25th, so you're an Aquarius like me! WOOT! :thumbup

      You want birthday spam, I got you some birthday spam! Here is Shuichi, my Chiwoo showing off a pic of his custom heart eyes.

      Shuichi hanging out
      by Ryuichi Sakuma, on Flickr

      Hn, I just noticed that they are slightly wonky. Oh well, I'll fix them later! :lol:

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    6. Delfuary is during January AND February! :dance
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    7. Which is good because I need to get my act together and actually take a picture or two before I end up in Delfuapril :XD::XD::XD::sweat
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    8. Faceup and hands/feet are finally complete and I’m debating on eyelashes or not since there’s not a lot of eye space. I’m waiting on a proper long brown wig and green eyes to arrive for him. Not digging this blue eyes and blonde hair for what is supposed to be a very viking inspired vision for this guy, but wanted to share.
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    9. Here's my second Delfuary photo :aheartbea It's Paimon, my OE El! I ordered him right before the Delfs were discontinued on Luts. His beauty white resin has aged incredibly well compared to my older BW Delfs- it makes me think they were upping the quality at the end, so that's even more of a shame they were discontinued :pout:

      I have a dreaming head for him as well, but never painted it. I'd like to repaint him this year (this faceup is 12 years old, oops...) so maybe his other head will get done to match!

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    10. Ryuichi Sakuma, your Chiwoo is so cute! I love his vibe. :aheartbea

      He looks like a California skater-boy to me. :D

      StaciaStarburst, your LuWen is lovely. You did a great job on his face-up. I like the soft colors. :thumbup

      Overlordu, Wow! Your El is beautiful! I love his dark, smouldering face-up. :aheartbea

      You are so lucky to have gotten him before the CP Delfs were discontinued. He's a real treasure. :love
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    11. I'm back with more :XD: I'm on a roll! Super inspired by Delfs right now!!


      That's Naberia, Vampire Dark Elf Soo. I always loved this sculpt but I was focused on boys only for a long time. Then I got a DES in a trade and she instantly became one of my favorite dolls! So when I found this VDES on eBay it was a no-brainer :love
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    12. @overlordu Naberia is gorgeous!!! :D:D:D:D That lighting really adds a subtle drama to the photo, too, I love how it brings out the iridescence in her faceup!
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    13. Wow! Your VDES is stunningly beautiful! :love

      Did you do her face-up?
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    14. Thanks guys! :blush @Rabbit-moon I did indeed paint her faceup! I always paint my own dolls, I'm obsessed with faceups :lol:
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    15. Wow! Overlordu, you are incredibly talented! It's amazing how gorgeous your face-up for your Naberia is! It's just breathtaking! :love

      I wish Luts had been doing such beautiful face-ups when I ordered my VDES back in 2008.

      Here she is with her company face-up. I'm still pretty pleased with her, but she really deserves a lush fantasy face-up to compliment her vampy awesomeness.

      However, now that she is so rare, I'm afraid to mess with her default company face-up. If it ever gets damaged, I'll look into a new, more exotic fantasy look for her. But, for now, I'm just happy to even have this special girl. :aheartbea

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    16. Today is Feather's 13th birthday! I got her when I was 16 and she's still my grail, I adore her so much ♡ Just adding to the lovely photos on my cutie's special day!

      @overlordu your girl is stunning! You are so talented! :D

      @Rabbit-moon oh wow! I've never seen a Vamp DES with default faceup! She's so beautiful! :D
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    17. @overlordu - wow, she is stunning! :D Like you, I prefer to do my own dolls' face ups. Unlike you, I don't think mine turn out so great! :sweat I'm utterly and completely out of practice, having not done any face painting in years! I'm waiting on the weather to become MSC spraying friendly and will just make myself start painting my dolls again!

      @Rabbit-moon - I don't blame you for wishing your girl had a fancier face up - but, I honestly love the simplicity of some of the earlier face ups! It's amazing that you have her default face up and are also taking such good care of her to keep it there as long as possible.

      @SacredMonsoon - Happy belated birthday to Feather! She's adorable! :XD:
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    18. SacredMonsoon, Happy Birthday to beautiful Feather! :smallcake:cake::pcupcake

      Wow! You got her when you were 16. That's awesome that you still have her and love her. :aheartbea

      Thanks for the compliment on my VDES! She's 16 years old now, and mightily spoiled and pampered. :XD:

      Thank you Pepperonipizza! My VDES is super special to me. Actually, all of my CP Delfs hold a very special place in my heart. I don't think I could ever part with any of them. :aheartbea
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    19. Thank you! ♡♡♡

      Thank you! ♡♡♡ I could never part with Feather, she too has the default faceup and I have always tried to be very careful with her! I've had a few scares with her so now I'm extra careful :sweat Your DES deserves all the vampirey things!
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    20. @Rabbit-moon he's actually Shindou Shuichi from Gravitation. I originally joined this hobby...uh...lifestyle because I wanted to make resin versions of people from my then-favorite anime. He's actually a He's just wearing casual clothes since he's not performing right now. ;)

      I'm loving all of the Delf pics! And Happy Birthday Feather, that wig looks amazing on her! Wow, you two being together since you were16 is pretty impressive @SacredMonsoon , especially with Feather's factory faceup. I don't think any of my Delf still have theirs since they were mostly pre-loved/second-hand, but some of my CP MSDs still do.

      Adrastos, my Tanning Shiwoo got a new suit recently. I've always wanted him to have a nice gray suit, and I just love the style of this one!

      Adrastos' new suit
      by Ryuichi Sakuma, on Flickr

      I think I'm going to start looking for some low-dome eyes in this color. I want to be able to get him away from the intense stare he currently has. I love this eye color on him though! :love

      #140 Ryuichi Sakuma 13, Feb 20, 2024
      Last edited: Feb 20, 2024
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