1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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CP Delf Discussion Part 14

Sep 14, 2023

    1. Thanks so much! I could never change her faceup, and it doesn't have any damage so I'm really proud of myself! Lol :lol:
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    2. I'm losing steam but here's another picture of Naberia, the OE version! I think I have 3 more Delfs to take pics of before February is over... probably not gonna make it haha *_*


      Even though I stubbornly repaint all of my dolls, I have a healthy respect for those old Luts faceups. They are so gorgeous! I really admired the skill it took to make those clean lines when I first fell in love with BJDs. And yes, they are increasingly rare to find these days, so I can see why you're keeping your VDES as is! She's beautiful!

      I avoid buying Delfs with Luts faceups because I know how treasured they are. I think I've only wiped one Luts faceup, but it came to me damaged so I didn't feel too bad about it at the time...
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    3. Thank you Overlordu! I do love my VDES' default face-up. But, just looking at the beautiful face-ups you give your dolls makes me long for a fantasy face-up. Your OE Elf Soo is GORGEOUS! Love-Love-Love her! :aheartbea
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    4. Have a cute bunny Feather in the hat I made her since its going to be Easter season soon! My second favorite holiday!! :pcupcake:daisy

      [​IMG]Happy Bunny Girl ♡ by ❥ Emily Dawn, on Flickr
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    5. And he's here! I was so excited to be able to adopt this wonderful boy from someone on IG. Presenting another Vampire Shiwoo to go with the one in my profile pic. I had him in a shorter red wig but I really like this darker one on him because it gives him more of a 2000's VKei look lol


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    6. SacredMonsoon, Feather definitely looks like she's ready for spring and Easter. (Such an adorable little hat! :chibi)

      Wow! Congrats SuperShawol on getting another Vampire Shiwoo! He's awesome! :D
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    7. Thank you! These old Delfs are just a special kind of nostalgic

      Thank you! I have no idea how I managed to get so lucky to get another one, let alone a Shiwoo! He's definitely already way up there on favorite dolls I have
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    8. It's the last day of Delfuary, so here I am with one final photo. :XD: My Woosoo, Anavel! He's one of my few dolls that doesn't have a character. All of my love for him is just as a doll, which I think is valid because he's such a special doll :aheartbea Woosoo is so iconic.

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    9. I failed the Delfuary photo prompts by not taking a single new photo of my Delfs that wasn't what I was sewing for them this month lmfao, and technically I didn't finish any of those projects either. So I'm rolling it forward into March and hoping to get some appreciation photos for these kiddos sometime soon!
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    10. Rolls into Delfuary three days late with photos, lmfao, but hey better late than never!! I made Lasalle a long vest and bandana for February's sewing project over in the Workshops subforum and I layered them over an outfit I put together for him (Dollmore shirt, cuffed shorts from Alice's, boots are from like 2009ish so idk). It was overcast today with perfect diffuse lighting for outdoor photos, so we had a blast!

      [​IMG]Garden of giants by Jules B, on Flickr

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    11. Overlordu, your Woosoo is gorgeous! Another amazing face-up! :love

      Man! I remember, back in the day, when everyone wanted a Woosoo. I wanted one too, but he was always out of reach. He was such a brilliant sculpt. :fangirl:

      OMG! Is that an old 2006 Nanuri? Mamo, he's so adorable! What a sweet and quirky little face. :aheartbea

      Very cute vest and bandana. (I wish I could sew.)
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    12. @Rabbit-moon it sure is! He was my first doll, got him on the MP as just a head and did a split in winter 2006 for his body. A previous owner sanded the tip of his nose to reshape it, I've evened it out a bit more over the years to make it more of a smaller version of the original nose shape. I have one that I'm reasonably sure is unmodded as well, she's up next in my personal Delfuary appreciation projects. Here's a pic from last year of the two of them together!

      [​IMG]Nanu siblings! ❤️ by Jules B, on Flickr
      She's a hybrid, the resin match is more forgiving IRL but when she arrived I was completely floored by how absolutely unyellowed she is after all these years. And somehow she seems to have avoided the Beauty Green batches her brother got caught up in, lol!
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    13. Mamo, they are both so cute! :D

      What body is your hybrid Nanuri06 on?
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    14. @Rabbit-moon Thank you so much! She's on an older Angel of Dream body.
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    15. Congrats, @SuperShawol on your new boy! I have to admit, I love the red wig, he looks very KPop-ish in it. :thumbup

      I should take a new pic of Tielo, my Vampire Shiwoo. Its been a while since I've done so. In the meantime, here's an old pic of him that I just love. :love

      Tielo's wings
      by Ryuichi Sakuma, on Flickr

      Loving everyone's Delf pics! Keep them coming!

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    16. @Ryuichi Sakuma 13 Tielo is so handsome! I love his wig, what lovely volume!

      @SacredMonsoon Feather is looking comfy cozy! You've really done the impossible fitting her lovely wig into her hat without a million flyaways!
    17. Haha I did! It took a bit of fiddling but we got there! ♡ thank you!! ♡
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