1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Craziest Things You Did for This Hobby

Aug 17, 2017

    1. So I was wondering if other people had crazy stories that came from this hobby. For example: have you acutually tried donating blood or plasma? Did you cut your cable/electricity/gas? Consider craiglist ads? Trade all your dolls for your grail? Something else? Share your stories!

      Here's mine:
      So I was one of those kids that couldn't work and school at the same time. I always could only do seasonal jobs that lasted 2 - 3 months especially when I started college. I was always trying to find easy ways to earn: babysitting crazy kids, dog sitting, I even tried to donate my plasma but my veins were to tiny!

      I was always sure that I would join the military since I come from a military family. However, I didn't guess I would join in the middle of earning my degree haha. So yes, collecting bjds pushed me into joining the military! But hey, at least I'm getting paid, going to school for free now, and dolls!(while serving my country):dance
      #1 Geo-Earthling, Aug 17, 2017
      Last edited: Aug 17, 2017
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    2. Wow :lol: that's a pretty funny spin.

      Dolls may not have driven me to the military (lol) but..

      I work in sales, almost fully in commission, and whenever there is a new doll I want I go sales crazy! I'm like a selling machine.

      My company constantly applauds my efforts and recognizes my outstanding numbers.. but little do they know I only work that hard to support my doll addiction :wiggle
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    3. I have a gigantic sandblasting cabinet in my spray chamber in my backyard workshop. It's been modified all to heck. You can't use it to sandblast now- My dad rigged it up to my design so now it's a resin sanding cabinet, with the gloves I stick my hands in and a shop vacuum attached to it with special filters. All for sculpting and mod safety.
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    4. BJDs got me to take up photography again, after a 25 year hiatus :D
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    5. Years ago, my doll married my friend's doll, and I hosted the wedding at my house. I had friends come in from four different states for this, and we just spent the entire weekend playing dolls. It was one big slumber party with a bunch of adults and around 60 dolls. I no longer own the doll (she owns them both now), but until then I never dreamed I'd be inviting basically strangers from the internet to sleep over and play dolls with me! Honestly, I'd like to do it again. XD
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    6. The craziest thing that I have done for this hobby is that I asked my dad to pay for a 200 dollar doll, when he really does not like bjds in the first place. though i worked my charm and asked about some extra money that we had that came from my old car, so i ended up getting the doll, hes not here yet but he will soon hopefully :wiggle
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    7. I basically made our back yard look like some serial killer's lair complete with hanging limbs albeit small ones in order to setup a MSC drying session in the late fall a few years ago.

      [​IMG]JardinMSC by DominiqueBB, on Flickr

      I can imagine my curious neighbours reaction to the scene: the crazy cat lady across the yard has completely gone bonkers!
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    8. I took a pricey Uber trip a while away to met doll owners, most of whom were strangers. The only one I knew was through DOA and we'd never met in person. Still, it was fun.
      Also, dolls pushed me to care more about money. Whether that is good or bad remains to be seen.
    9. The craziest thing I did for the hobby was taking my Happydoll Marin, Fenchurch, on a photo story shoot in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, back in 2006 -- AngrySparrow - Hiro, I didn't just play ping-pong in Boston. I was so wrapped up in the hobby then I forgot to be embarrassed about dragging around a 24-inch resin doll! It probably helped that my BF was there, too; I'd never have done it by myself :sweat
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    10. Thank you so much for your service!! :) (lol I hope another soldier asks you why you joined the military and you can look straight in their eyes and just be like "Dolls." and walk away :lol:)

      Well I love my sweetie bid, Xenia, very much and about two years ago I realized that she is relatively the same size as one of my skeleton dolls (I love skellies, I have a ton of them :D). And guess what? They fell in love! xD lol so about a year and a half ago they got engaged :chibi So of course I began to plan the elaborate wedding complete with family (of mine and Xenia's and her husband's), a wedding dress, marriage certificate, music, food, music, an altar, and an actual priest. Just a few months ago the ceremony took place on the beautiful mountain I live near, next to a quiet little stream. It was filled with laughter, awkward stares from strangers, and a little boy who thought we were burying actual skeletons on the mountain because of course Jefferson's (Xenia's husband) father was there who is a life-sized plastic skeleton <3
      It was great and now I have a tiny 2x1.5 inch marriage certificate in my room that I still need to get framed xD
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    11. LOL I BASICALLY DID THE SAME THING :lol::lol::lol:
    12. I just read your story, and that is so cute!! I didn't have a certificate, but my girl is marrying my sister's boy next month, so I might need to look into that. hehe
    13. Awww no way!!! :D so cute congrats xD lol you totally should it was so much fun, I had the witnesses and priest sign it with a tiny .005 pen xD aw lucky! I wish I could get my sisters into bjds :chibi
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    14. I ate nothing but top ramen for a month and a half to be able to afford my Kohya who had been put up for sale RIGHT after I had paid for my Shiwoo and I was so sickly and malnourished I thought I was dying lol.
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    15. Oh my gosh nooooo! xDDD it's ok I've done the same thing with saltine crackers and water instead of ramen xD
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    16. Glad to see I'm not alone! Which doll is your saltine and water doll? :XD:
    17. Hahaha my sweetie Xenia (Ruby Red Galleria's Lia (lol I know she's not exactly top-notch but I love her)) But it was all in vein cause my parents got her for me for Christmas :lol: xD
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    18. I had never heard of this company before, but looking her up she's really cute :D definitely worth suffering the saltine diet! Does that mean you got 2 then or just ended up with extra money? But hey extra money means no naked dolls ^_^
    19. Aw haha thank you! ^^ I looked up Kohya oh my gosh she's gorgeous <3 lol are you looking in to any other dolls? I'm going back on saltines and water for DollZone's Benjamin xDDD
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    20. There are a few dolls I have my eye on and I have the money to buy a MSD sized from my wishlist like a RS Ming right now but I promised no more dolls until I finish the 14 dolls I have now-most of which are in varying states of undress or modification >.<