1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Creature Doll! Armored Beauties ready for Adventure

Feb 26, 2017

    1. I am so excited for the dolls Creature doll has released so far!
      CREATURE DOLL - Welcome to joyful online shopping!
      The first was Priestess Eve and her preorder was from December to mid February.
      [​IMG]Creature doll official photos by Skyealloway, on Flickr
      With the end of her preorder, Guardian Phyllis was announced and she is so amazing!
      [​IMG]Creature doll official photos by Skyealloway, on Flickr
      The body is being offered separately but everything else seems limited. I love her whole design from her nicely detailed elf ears to her sweet shoes! The company seems easy to work with- I asked for pictures of Guardian Phyllis's head blank and it was posted the very next day.

      Under the Notice section of the website there is an introduction to the company that's pretty interesting- it says the artist worked for Iplehouse and Souldoll but felt their creativity was limited so started their own company.

      Is anyone else excited for these? Did anyone order Priestess Eve? I'm really thinking of ordering Guardian Phyllis!!
      #1 skyealloway, Feb 26, 2017
      Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
      • x 10
    2. Oh my... I LOVE armor! Well, great, another doll probably on my wishlist! Gonna go have a snoopy now that you've brought these beautiful dolls to my attention.
    3. They're beautiful, and the prices are very reasonable for such complex costuming and weapons! Thanks for posting this - I'm adding Creature Doll to my 'list'! :aheartbea
    4. @celga right? At first the price struck me as expensive, but when I worked out the price of the body, estimated the head price, plus clothes, and all those resin pieces, and the eyes and wig, it's quite fair! Plus free shipping :XD:
    5. wow! what lovely dolls! I've never seen fullsets done like something from an mmorpg! amazing
    6. I edited the title to make it more eye catching- I'm stunned that there isn't more people excited for these! They really speak to me- my only worry with buying one now is what if the next release is even better!

      Also FYI I asked on the Q&A board if Guardian Phyllis comes with regular feet as well as the white resin shoes and they said yes :D
    7. Creature Doll should get them approved and make a 'New Doll' dealer post on the front page. I wonder why they haven't?
    8. I did it! I ordered Guardian Phyllis with the faceup and weapon paint, layaway. Woot Woot!
      • x 1
    9. Just FYI- after I placed my order I received an email that said production time is 6 weeks and begins when my balance is paid in full :) pretty standard
    10. Ah, I'm so glad there's a thread for this company! X3 My Priestess Eve arrived a couple days ago. I was just thinking I might need to check in with the mods to see if she's been approved for topicality, but it looks like that's all set!

      I made my order on Feb 4th, and I was given an estimate of 6 weeks from the end of the pre-order period at that time. She arrived on 3/29, right on schedule.

      [​IMG]Creature Doll Priestess Eve by DoctorFomite, on Flickr

      I've been posting some box-opening updates on tumblr, but I'll have to see about making a thread here once I've got all my images together. I'm super-happy with her, though! Everything was really well-made, and her face-up is just as beautiful as in the promotional shots.
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    11. @Malaryush yay!!! I'm so happy to see someone with a doll from them!!!!!!!! I'm totally excited to see lots of pictures. She looks fantastic in just this one shot. I've just about put together enough money for my second layaway payment. I'm glad to hear production time is as expected too
    12. I was a little worried about how it would pan out, ordering from a brand new company, but I couldn't resist. <3 I ordered a bit late in the pre-order period, because I wasn't sure how well she would fit into my crew at her size, but it turned out I was still the first person to order. I'm a bit shocked they haven't had more attention. The fullsets are gorgeous and the artist is really sweet, so I hope they start taking off soon.


      I finally posted a real box opening thread here! I've got a lot more pictures on tumblr too, in several parts.
      • x 3
    13. I completely agree- totally shocked that they don't have a larger fan base already. I checked out you early tumbler pics and the armor looks really really good.
    14. Looks like there's a basic doll out now, Lucia. I'm not crazy about her face in the company photos, but with a new wig and different faceup she'd be quite pretty. Why hide those lovely pointy ears under hair? And the outfit is perfect for a roguish thief character.

      Those of you who ordered Phyllis or Eve - how is the resin quality? The posing? Anyone have an armored Withdoll you could do a comparison with?
    15. They are so nice, Love the guardian one <3
    16. Oooh a new release? Thanks for the heads up! I'm about to make my last payment on Phyllis soon, so it'll be a while yet before I'll know about the resin quality and posing firsthand :(

      Wow there is actually a lot of additions to the website- shoes clothes daggers wigs. My immediate thought was "I should add these to my order!" But then I went back and looked at Phyllis again. I'm so smitten with her limited set, it'll be a whole before she needs a change of shoes or clothes ;)
      #16 skyealloway, May 2, 2017
      Last edited: May 2, 2017
    17. They are so beautiful... If they ever came out with a basic version of Phyllis, I'd want her-- as great as the fullsets are, I'm just in no place to think about a limited... and I'd want to do something different with her, even though I do love her mage get-up in the fullset.

      I'll just have to keep checking the 'head' section to see if when the limiteds run out, they release basic heads. But until then, it's so great to see some owner pictures start to show up!
    18. Well, that explains why the limited dolls look like they were based off a couple of Iplehouse's EGs. I'm glad the artist can continue to make the sculpts she wants, but it's not easy to start your own company like this.
      Thinking about ordering Lucia, though I do hope there can be more resin color options in the future.
    19. Made my final layaway payment wooooooo!
      • x 1
    20. Half way through my six week wait! :cheer(Approximately ;))