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Crobidoll- Mini Discussion

Apr 3, 2009

    1. I think even with a completely tanned through doll, you don't want to sand their seams. Crobis' seams really aren't that bad or noticeable.

      Every company I know that sells tan skin recommends against sanding because it can cause fading/discoloration. I've only seen evidence of that happening when someone I sold a tanned doll to (one of the recent BC tinies) put it back on the marketplace because she'd botched a sanding job on it.
    2. I am very disappointed by this news. as well as by crobi
      was especially funny when I read their open letter about the illigal dolls
      What Crobidoll better when they released the Marisol, saying that its only of only 20 pieces and then make a re-release?
      I'm disappointed, feeling quite cheated.
    3. I understand what you're saying piglet11, but these girls are probably different from our girls (and two years later than her).

      For one: You can't buy them without their default face-up and both girls have different face-ups than the Voices of Spring versions that released in late 2009.

      Their LE outfits and wig price are not included into the price, so the people who are buying Marisol this time around aren't getting as much as we did ($280 -not including a face up, but including the price of clothesand wig).

      Also their tans are listed differently and it looks like they may have a different tan color than ours (Mocha brown vs Milk chocolate).

      I would argue that these girls are a different set from the ones that were released a few years ago. And Crobidoll does this quite often with their limiteds. The Mikail sculpt has been released a couple of times, but each time he's had a different set-up.

      I think you and I and anyone else who bought the first batch of Marisols got the better end of the deal. We had the option of a face-up, we also had outfit and wig included in our basic price of $280. Whoever wants to buy this version's fullset has to pay an additional $120, making their total $450.
    4. I'm used to re-releases on LE's from buying so much from Soom and Volks. I think it's safe to say that there will always be more! Except sometimes from Volks :( But I've rarely felt cheated (mostly because I was on the end of the stick and wanting the LE which I didn't get the first time around). But I understand that it is annoying to buy an LE and then out comes another slightly different (or the same) version.
    5. @taixonay - Just wanted to pop in and say thank you :)
    6. taixonay I do not know about you, but my Marisol in first order cost $ 450
    7. @piglet11: Including shipping?

      Also, is anyone else getting one of these girls in fullset? :D I wanna hear plans!
    8. Hellu, joining the crowd of Marisol-fans, finally, after my dreaming about this doll for almost two years, it sure feels great that she is going to be mine <3 <3 <3 Yaaaaay!
      I ordered edition B without wig and outfit, cause I am going to fix them myself :3
    9. Congratulations! :D
    10. Congrats, Eggplant :)
    11. Thanx, taixonay and AmoraSeth :3
    12. I ordered Edition A Full set! I couldn't decide if i wanted it or not! But since she is my first MSD, i decided to add clothes + wig option, so at least she is not naked when she gets home! :)) Still thinking if i want to keep her blonde! or order a red-head wig while i wait! :)
      Gosh, i am sooo excited! i had been wanting her ever since i joined the hobby 2 years ago! :))
    13. Congrats, that is really exciting :) I think she will look super cute in a red wig, btw...
    14. I temporarily had my Marisol in a red wig and she definitely looked cute in it! I'd say go for it!

      And glad to hear the Marisol love. I'm really looking forward to seeing pictures of the face-up. I got my girl blank, so it'd be interesting to see more defaults.

      EDIT: Here's a reaaaaally old pic: [​IMG]
      Unfortunately the wig in the pic was SD sized (8-9 -coughsupposedtobeforanotherdollcough-) so it didn't fit very well, but with a beanie and the right styling and fluffing, she looked really cute in it.
    15. Awwww, that's adorable!! :)) Thank you for posting this! It definitely sets my mind! :))) I think more of the copper red! But i get an idea!! :)) OMG, I am sooo excited! :) :dance
      Thank you! I can't wait!!!!
    16. Krolikolik: Yaaay, another Marisol- fangirl! :D welcome to the club ;3
      And I totally share your excitement, she have been one of my absolute favourite dolls since the start of the hobby too ^___^

      taixonay: Wow, the red hair fits her perfect! So cuuuute <3
    17. They need to do a tan boy version! In the C-line clothing they have her in a boy shirt and she looks adorable, I want a boy! Oh well, Crobi is stubborn, so I'm not holding my breath lol.
    18. I have a friend that is getting Marisol and just turning her into a boy - the body is pretty androgynous so it will work as long as the tops are not to tight ;)
    19. well actually if you see it more detail and carefully this Marisol is different from the old marisol ^^

      the face up is Limited face up , the sculpt is almost different-ish (i realized the teeth on the new marisol)

      i know how it feel that how hard we try to get the LE doll and suddenly it got re-release again but i second taxionay ~
      this marisol is different from the old one :)
    20. Thanks krolikolik and Eggplant! >.< I usually prefer brown hair on my girl. But I really want to get a brownish red Monique wig for her one day.

      And also, these girls pull off the fur wig look really well imo. I plan on getting Curare (my Marisol) a couple of fur wigs eventually, just to switch things up a bit.

      @Artemos, I put my girl in a plain t-shirt and capri pants just last night and she can definitely pull off the girly boy look, or androgenous look with the right wig/clothing combo. I can get some pics if you'd like?

      @Nami13, I'm pretty sure the sculpt itself doesn't have any changes. The face-ups are different and I noticed that the B-type faceup emphasizes Marisol's lips a bit more. But the only definite way to see is to do a comparison once these new girls come in. But yeah these girls are definitely a different limited set. But I'm glad I got mine during the first run because neither of these face-ups would work for my girl and I don't like having to pay for a face-up if I don't want it.