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Custom House (AiDolls) Petite Ai 30cm and Ange Ai 27cm Discussion Part 3

Jun 25, 2007

    1. Awww... Thanks!

      It's that irresistable smile

      • x 1
    2. So nice to see a Petite Ai! They haven't been made in ages!

      [​IMG]Umbriel by spih_2, on Flick

      Here's my Umbriel (Custom House Petite Ai Uriel). He is my second BJD, I got him way back in 2006.

      The name "Umbriel" means "dusky, melancholy sprit". It is the name of one of the moons of Uranus. Umbriel is originally a character in Alexander Pope's poem "The Rape of the Lock".
      • x 1
    3. Luts has got the rights to the sculpts and has released some of the heads with their own Petit Dlef bodies: lutsdoll co.,ltd.

      Your Umbriel is a cute little lad.

      I don't tend to know the meanings for the names I give mine - I just like the sound of them (or not in the case of some dolls who settle on a name I don't like). Raphael kept her sculpt name but neither Claudia or Celeste seemed like a "Gabriel" to me.

      I have all three of them at work with me today, sitting by my keyboard, keeping me company

    4. I know Luts makes their own versions, but the face ups are quite different from the original ones.
    5. If Raphael's facup is original, she's the only one. But I don't know if it is, or not. I got her second hand some time back around 2005 or 2006.

    6. Both of my Petites are second hand adopted in 2006, they were some of the first Yo range kids to join the Troop. I know that the Luts versions of the Ange AI sculpts is definitely different, I just presumed the Petite AI version would be as well?
    7. The only one I can really comment on is Gabriel - and I haven't examined a Luts one in person but, to me, all the ones I've seen pictures of are instantly recognizable as Gabriel, even the larger Classic Ai version that they did for the Baby Delf body.

    8. I have the Luts Honey Delf Gaby, she's close in appearance to my Gabriel but there are some differences. Not sure how the larger Luts versions compare or the CH Ange version.
      Gabriel compare
      by clochette62, on Flickr

      I need to get a comparison with my Raphael/Raffy girls, I think.
      • x 1
    9. But how does the Luts Gaby compare to the Custom House Gaby, is more the question.

      I never thought that most of the Ange Ai sculpts looked very like their Petite Ai counterparts when Customhouse originally did them.

    10. I don't know of anyone in person who has the Luts versions of the Petite sculpts, unfortunately, but here are the company photos for both, Luts on the left and CH on the right.
      Petite Gabriel compare
      by clochette62, on Flickr
      There are slight differences in the eye shape and mouth, but they're pretty close.
      • x 1
    11. Here's a comparison of Luts Petite Uriel and my Umbriel. The sculpts appear to be quite similar, but the face ups are totally different. It would be impossible to see the Luts version with factory face up as a boy, but the original Custom House face ups were much more neutral. It seems that nowadays most factory face ups tend to look like the dolls are wearing heavy make up. It's fine with adult dolls, but I think child dolls should have softer face ups.
      [​IMG]Uriel and Uriel by spih_2, on Flickr

      (Please let me know if you can't see the picture, I made it private but I assume it should still show in this post)
      • x 1
    12. Yes . Too me at least, they're recognizeably Gabriel.

      I keep hoping Luts will (re)release Raphael.

    13. I always figure it is dependent on what condition the molds were in when they got them from CH. Luts did release a version of Raphael using the Raffy sculpt, which is the AngeAI version of Raphael, and it's very obviously the same mold even with different resin colors and very different faceups (unfortunately my CH girl has a custom faceup, so she doesn't show what the factory faceup was, but the sculpt is spot on). I don't have a Petite Raphael, but I adore this version, such a cheerful sculpt.
      Raphael compare
      by clochette62, on Flickr
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    14. I've been hoping for a Classic Ai/Baby Delf sized Raphael, but don't think it's going to happen.

    15. I just wanted to add my CH Petite Fairy Raphael to the Raphael love! The dress is also be CH.

      And in case you want to see the whole dress!
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    16. Maximum adorableness!

    17. One last picture! CH Ange Raffy with a friend!
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    18. Yay, Raffy!

      Love Raphael's dress, was she a full-set? Back in the day, CH did some amazing full-sets.
    19. No, it wasn't a full set. CH used to have a special outfits section where they had very limited outfits.
    20. Awww.....
