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Custom House (AiDolls) Petite Ai 30cm and Ange Ai 27cm Discussion Part 3

Jun 25, 2007

    1. Im finally joining this thread after recovering from my customhouse trauma! >_<
      It's nice to see so many people from the waiting room who kept me company!
      My Gabby arrived last February but I never posted pictures of her before.

      Please welcome Bucky! (Her real name is Becky, but no one calls her that XD).

      She's my sweet little English country girl! >_<

      Lol yes she is! She's wearing ED 29 in 12mm. :) Right now I tried 12mm silicone (I'm pretty sure they're soom) and I think I like them better. I'll post pics when I get a chance.

      A much more dramatic shot of Bucky, but you can really see the soom eyes here! :D

    2. Well, I think finally after more than two years, I've finally found Lyddy's look! I bought this wig and eyes for a completely different doll and was so disappointed that they didn't work. They've been sitting neglected for months until I tried them on Lyddy today.

      I think I will go a size smaller and a shade lighter with the eyes but I'm pleased with her. Now I need to find her some more contemporary clothes! She's not my old fashioned girl any longer.

      Lyddy by honeythorpe, on Flickr
    3. Eep, haven't been in here for such a long time!! My Hani & Uri, after three previuos face-ups, have finally found their look. Painted by Sugar & Spice. Love!

    4. Well......another new addition to the family......The Ange Raffy I got off the MP is finally home with me!

      So everyone...Please meet Prudence..

      • x 1
    5. Seeing all the pretty girls on here inspired me to share my little Ngaio....it's been a long time since I posted on here!! She is still dressed for summer as it is very warm here!

      Ngaio by dambuster01, on Flickr​

      Thank you Kelaria! She's actually home tanned using liquid Rit Dye. I'm really happy with the skin tone, it is very warm and creamy although it looks a bit orangey in this photo. I did used to have a CH Petite Ai Sariel who was a limited tan doll and her colour was more grey tinged.....the colour wasn't bad but my goodness the body was an absolute nightmare to pose.....I suppose I was trying for the same sweetness but a better body, so went for the home tan. :)

      Thank you soooo much remus.grrrl for your kind comments. This is my second home tanned girl, so I think you would like the other one too, because the colour is really lovely and natural, I've been very lucky on how my girls have turned out! Because she is not a CH girl, I will not add her photo here, but if you'd like to see her, here is a link to her on Flickr.

    6. The blonde one is Hani, the redhead is Uri. :) They pose reasonably well, they're a bit limited in what they can do and snap back to the same pose often, but they can sit and stand just fine. It's mostly their arms that cause problems, I'm thinking of wiring them. All in all, they're very cute little dolls!
    7. This is Kayson, my Ange Ai Mari. ^3^

    8. Too many lovely anges to comment on so I'll just comment on the ones on this page!

      Lawlietuser: I absolutely love her faceup too! and she looks familiar, was she from the MP? you've got a very very sweet girl, congrats!

      Mustangsally: awww and she has a lalaloopsy! i'm hoping to find one for myself in the local stores here, i think i've been so used to bjd prices that I was a bit stunned when I knew how reasonably-priced they are!

      Gemma is soo happy to see all her friends in here! Here is she celebrating with a cake I handsculpted. &#9829;

      Miniature strawberry cream cake. by AiClay, on Flickr

      She's currently faceless though, i wish i was a lot braver about doing her faceup!
    9. svgjen, she looks so adorable! :D I love that big head of hair she has! And honestly, she looks much bigger than a bisou! :D I'd swear she was an Ange!

      And Kazuo's new clothes came in, so here he is! His eyes are still the wrong color, but I just haven't gotten around to ordering the right ones yet. :P Not the best photo, but I went and decided I wanted a photo when it was getting dark so yea. :P

    10. jteoaiwei: Ah your sculpted food AND Gemma look as adorable as always. XD
      svgjen: Ah a Bisou UU. I always wanted one. She's adorable! Agree with AirimirOfGondor that she could pass for an Ange.
      AirimirOfGondor:I swear Rai has the same set of shorts that Kazuo has. o.O He looks cute in it too!

      Here are my Ange Ais playing with Mameshibas. Riyo (The girl in a green sweater) belongs to amberhawk. Please ignore the Puki. And yes...there are 3 Uris in this picture....^_^;;;;
    11. I have some brand new Uri spam to contribute!! :3

      Here's my Uri girl Emily:
    12. Due to technical issues with this thread, we had to do some major reorganizing and cleaning! Everything should be in order right now, though. Both Petite and Ange Ais can be posted in this thread, since they are so similar in size. Also, check out the links in the first post for some useful threads!

      To start us off again, Lucia (Ange Ai Uri) had a picture session recently.

      Lucia by &#9734;&#9734;Anna&#9734;&#9734;, on Flickr

      She's wearing a dress made for a LittleFee and it fits her perfectly! Also, I blushed her hands (not the best job, but I'm still learning!) - I just love how delicate the Ange hand sculpt is. I'm pretty happy with how this girl is coming together, but I still need to find the perfect eyes for her; I can't seem to settle on a color.
    13. Hooray for a nice, shiny, freshly cleaned thread!:) I'm so excited because I've just purchased my very first Custom House doll, a Petite Ai Raphael. I've admired these dolls for ages and finally found the perfect one for a character of mine right here in the DoA marketplace. He's destined to become the little adventuring/gaming guy I've been searching to shell for over two years. I was very happy to see the information and photos both here and in the What Fits thread. It was quite helpful, not to mention a whole lotta fun!;)

      Anna, I must say your Lucia is adorable! That faceup is beautiful and her floral themed outfit is so pretty.:D
    14. Congratulations on your incoming Raphael, PoeticSoul! That's such an adorable sculpt! Is he on the early edition body or the updated body? What kind of clothing style are you planning for him? It's always so exciting to bring a new doll home - lots of anticipation and planning!
    15. I believe he's on the updated body. It was Raphael's cute little smile that made him so irresistible to me.:) This particular character started off as the rather goofy nemesis of my Lati Green's character in one of the Pokemon games...(so I named him Dink as a tongue-in-cheek dig.) But when the next game came out, he had become more of a friend and rival (though still a bit goofy,) and by the third game he was just a friend. So yeah:sweat while he's her BFF now, he's still called Dink, and I can't bring myself to give him a nicer name than that because it's what I've always called him!

      As for clothing style, his being a competitive adventurer, I intend to keep him dressed for action in casual clothing. Going through my Lati Green's stuff (she's very spoiled and has a lot) I found several pieces I'm hoping will work well for my competitive little guy. Hopefully I'll just have to make him some shorts and he'll be good to go for now. His new eyes just arrived this weekend, and he's already coming with a wig I like, so I'm all set. I'm paying off his very short layaway this week, so Dink should arrive soon after. I'm so looking forward to it.)
    16. Dink sounds like he's going to be a lot of fun! I'm very excited to see the pictures :) CH tinies have such cute little face - chubby cheeks and, some, with cute little smiles! Lucia (Uri) has a pretty serious expression, but my two Petites (Ranita and Gabriel) both have a hint of a smile!
    17. Anna Lucia is adorable . I love Custom House dolls ^_^

      [​IMG] A little picture of my Petite Uriel ^_^