1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Daisy Dayes Tiny discussion part 1

Nov 9, 2013

    1. Miep - love the wig! Where did you find it?
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    2. Thanks - I believe it's a Monique wig, either Audrey's Doll Gallery or Facets by Marcia (can't remember, it's been awhile). When I received her, it was the only one I could find at the time.

      Thanks, Stella Maris! Waving to Pebbles warmly - I must admit I believe it was your Pebbles that inspired me to adopt my tan Waif.
    3. Awwwww, I am so happy that Pebbles inspired your getting Waif! Isn't she the cutest thing? I love my Pebbles.
    4. The overalls .... are too cute! I think Pebbles would like for Juni to have those overalls StellaMaris, don't you?

      OMGosh that mohawk is killer! And he looks to be sporting some metal (earring and monkey collar?) too. The tulips are also stunning.
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    5. ForeverVirginia - she is cute! I soooo wanted one of those but the monies were never there :(
    6. Aernath - it's all your fault, look what you made me do: I ended up adopting a pink monkey tonight :), thank goodness I love pigs and monkeys! Your monkey just cracks me up with his mohawk!!
    7. Yes, yes I did... I didn't know they were rare, wow!! It was an impulse buy, she's pre-loved, but that's okay. It was the pink color that did me in - I guess Waif will now have a monkey :) Yours is a cutie, look at her tummy!!
    8. Yeah, Daisy made those as a very small order, they are not factory made, you are very very lucky Miep!

    9. congratulations on that pink monkey! I was watching that auction and wanted to bring them home but there's that lack of monies getting in my way again!

      SM - sparkley monkey is sparkley :lol:
    10. Yes. I remember when that whole Real Vampires Don't Sparkle thing was going on, it made me so mad. Because they do...and monkeys...
    11. Thanks, Mu Shu - it was truly unexpected, my lil' splurge...
    12. Awww, thanks you guys! I love my little monkey. I didn't know there even WERE pink ones out there! How awesome!
      Yup, earring and necklace - but would you believe, the magnet in the head affects the necklace? It won't sag around the neck like it's supposed to. lol
      One of these days I'll get around to giving Punky a blushing.

      I really like the centaur! Such a cutie.
    13. I was lucky, I found the pink guys totally by accident. The secret is to stalk DDs Flickr, problem is, I am a really bad stalker...
    14. I'm always a late to the scene stalker :)
    15. Last photo of the Baby Centaur! She's all dressed up for her trip east. Such a cutie! :D

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