1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Daisy Dayes Tiny discussion part 1

Nov 9, 2013

    1. joining this thread with some excitement. i managed to snag an in stock baby centaur off of jpop tonight totally unexpectedly! i missed the preorder (as usual ) didn't even hear about them till it was long over, but fell in love with the little cuties and have been looking for one off and on ever since. now i just have to wait on the shipping, but that shouldn't be too long based on my wig orders from her.
    2. I'm curious, was that the one with a face up and blushing that you got? And only 1 in stock? Sorry for being curious ^^" Just wondering cause I had one in my cart and thought I had time on it but it was suddenly gone, was wondering if it was you who got it ^.~
    3. auntbear - congrats on the new baby centaur coming! I wanted one when they were released but didn't have the money and then didn't have the money again to snag any of the "extras" :( I'm hoping that I'll eventually find one on the secondary market and have the money to get it!

      Wildshadow - I've been in that same situation before, its an aweful sucky feeling when that happens.

      I have got to get the camera out and take more pictures of my DD kids! I'm a bad owner :...(
    4. Luckily I already had a blank one ^.^ I saw the finished one yesterday and was 'OMG ONE LEFT?!" and hurried and put it in my cart, thinking I had 24 hours before it was to be taken out, and I hesitated to get it until I had someone who really wanted to buy my blank one. Now I know its until midnight Jpop's time when they kick things out of the cart X D

      I'm just sad that my baby centaur's right leg seems strung too tight where her leg kicks out = ( Where it takes a time to make her stand and can't make her rear up. I can't do anything about it because I never strung a doll before and thought by getting the finished one, that her leg might be better. o.O Hope I find someone that can help me with that.

      Ah well, I can just hope that the one I tried to get last night was the one that Auntbear got = D
    5. oops sorry, yep that would have been me. i stuck it in my cart too and then hesitated cause i really wanted a blank one, but decided i'd rather get that one than miss out again! (and i know things can disappear from your cart at jpops if someone else buys them, it's happened to me before)
    6. Yay! I'm glad I got to find out who got it instead of me = D

      Ha! I have a blank one and was going to get the finished one but couldn't find anyone who wanted to buy the blank one from me soon enough.You'll have to let me know if her back legs are a problem, because I wanted to get that one and see if her back legs were better than the blank one I got ^.~
    7. i will check out her posing as soon as she comes :)
    8. Wow these dolls are all really cute! Is the hippo a DH doll though?
    9. The hippo is actually from Charles Creature Cabinet (CCC) back in 2010? and is no longer produced.
    10. I love some of these dolls, but I never have any luck finding the ones I'm hunting for. (In fact I was looking for one of her owl's for sale and ended up here being teased by adorable pictures of him instead :P lol.)
      But is anyone else looking forward to seeing more pictures of the Raspberry and Griffon dolls?? Since I cant go to BJD Convention and get a little Griffon all for myself I'm going to have to settle for picture of other peoples.
    11. oh they are the tiny trekkies from daisydayes, she doesn't sell them just a few she did, they are for her own adventures
      she has many creatures like dogs sheep etc etc....perfect dollhouse size....but on this forum only the ones from jpopdoll are allowed? like moth.....
      I do love your tiny artist bjd's the 1:12 scales like this one..........at least I think this is your flickr?....was just looking at those cute ones this afternoon. specially like this redhead, does she have a site or blog with her dolls?
      • x 1
    12. Nalufel - wilkies is correct that those are DD own little trekkies (she doesn't make those for sale :() and they have grand adventures! And while Daisy does have a lot of handcast critters offered for sale through her Flikr they are off topic (except for the ones cast by JPop dolls). But if you are lucky enough to score one of her handcast critters they can be pictured with an on topic doll!

      Tellnoone_noonetells - I'm looking forward to seeing the little griffon. Haven't decided yet if I will get one though. I've got to go check and see what the cut off day is for ordering though in case I make up my mind :)
    13. Which BJD convention is everyone talking about? I havent heard anything about this >>
    14. Oh my gosh! I am super excited for Aug 2nd now! I will say that I have a little hand cast griffon, Marmalade, and i love her to pieces! I will definitely be bringing her with me to the dealers room to hang out with Daisy <3

    15. Unfortunately, Daisy Dayes will not be attending this years convention :( I was looking forward to meeting her too as I have several handcast DD creatures and they will be attending the meet.
    16. oh no :( I must have misread the roster. It would have been so awesome to meet her
    17. I think it's positively tragic that Daisy isn't coming this year, sob...I got a chance to meet her last year, lucky me! I am excited to meet you there though Mu Shu! if that's even your real name...
    18. Why do you keep implying that Mu Shu is NOT my real name? ;)