1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Daisy Dayes Tiny discussion part 1

Nov 9, 2013

    1. Love your little chicken coup MuJa!!!
    2. Rati's dress is made by Darkstar.......it is gorgeous !!!

      Joséphine asked for some Chicken Magazines to read and to keep informed about the latest coops. She is pretty pleased with hers and I gave her some Easter Buns to play with. Oh and look today ( hihi I keep repeating it everywhere ) she gave me her very first tiny egg.............oooh I am completely melted.

      [​IMG]Joséphines very first egg !! by MuJa K, on Flickr
    3. such a smart young thing :)
    4. muja your chicken coop is so cute. at least Josephine the chicken is only looking at chicken magazines, could be worse, she could be looking at ideal home magazine instead which would make her want to live in a palace lol :)
    5. Hahaha I thought this was already a palace for her...... Well she is a bit perky but sweet. I hope the magazine don't give her ideas because it is not a datingsite...........suppose she sees a handsome rooster.........
    6. Oh how adorable! It looks like the same head as my baby centaur.
      • x 2
    7. Sorry if i'm a bit off topic but do you know if anything happened to Daisy Dayes ? Her blog is kind of dead (at least the one i know : http://daisydayes.blogspot.fr/ ) and her etsy is empty as well.
      If it weren't for her Johanna currently on JPop, i would wonder wether she left BJD.
    8. sadly i have no idea, i asked her to add me to her flickr-friends a few months ago, in the hope to get a chance to buy more of her amazing creatures, but never got an answer, or added...
      but in her fan-group on flickr: https://www.flickr.com/groups/1505097@N22/
      you can see many new happy daisy-dayes-creature-owners...
      so i guess she is here and ok, but does most of her work +selling via her friends group on flickr.
      still hope she will add me one day...
      • x 1
    9. She is still around although I don't think she spends much time on any forums as she is busy creating hand casting many things (dogs, ferrets, lambs). I believe she has a few more dolls coming down the line with JPop. I mostly just follow her flikr (which have to stalk if you want one of her hand cast creations as they go fast, fast, fast). She does usually give a heads up the day before of when she will have things for sale on her flikr.
    10. Thank you for the tip, i'll stalk both the flickr fangroup and hers. :)
      Thanks boinks and Mu Shu. :)

      I would really love to be able to buy one of her Baby centaure and on the flickr, i discovered she also created ponies. Would love to get one as well. <3
    11. [​IMG]DSC02670 by stellamaris61, on Flickr

      if you go to my Flickr through this photo, I have pictures of my pony there, I realize he's off topic here because his eyes are painted

    12. Yes but you could put him in a picture with your Moth! :)
    13. and I should!!! Or Pebbles, my Mouse.
    14. Yes please, more pictures of your DD pony please Stella! :)
    15. So weird, I tried to join her flickr friend list and I'm blocked... I've never had any sort of direct contact with her.. :/ I'd love to see more images! I love all her dolls.
    16. Is Daisy Dayes ONLY available through Jpop?

      I just saw her little "Whoot Owl" but Jpop is the only place I know to get her dolls and they always have nothing by the time I see stuff I want! :/
    17. daisydayes last post was on 17-7-2015 on the realfee discussion, so she is here...but not always busy with her own dolls:)
      daisydayes sells a lot of animals through her flickr....she makes pictures and when she says you are allowed to mail...you have to be real quick to get a cute animal ....did you see the cute little deers she had so sweet.... sometimes you can buy some secondhand
    18. Thank you for the tips wilkies, much appreciated!
    19. I'm wanting a beagle or owl

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