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DayDream Dolls Discussion Part 1

May 10, 2013

    1. Yes! I was thinking of getting a Sally Lo head as alt version of my sally, but then I'd have to get if face upped... While I was thinking all this I looked at the other sculpts and when i saw Sally blank I couldn't believe how even more adorable she was! One of my favourite blank heads I've ever seen! It makes me wonder what other face ups would look like on Sally.

      Edit: I asked Daydream if they would be offering make up heads as well as blank heads, this is what they said:

      Thanks for the inquiry.
      We are considering add make-up optuon but we haven't decided yet.

      We will announce through our news when it is available.

      Thank you and have a great day!

      I left my question open so anyone can read it on the Q&A if they are interested.
    2. dear all, my fall in Sally Lo came home on Monday :D
      she is so cute! however, the light in my room is too bad...
      It's hard to take good picture for my Sally Lo T__T
    3. Hello!
      I'm glad to receive my "fall in Sally Lo" this week.
      today, i took some pictures for my Sally Lo ^^
      I love daydream's clothes, they're good quality <3

      BTW, does anyone have any comparisons between Daydream dolls and Volks MSD?
      i'm interesting in the normal skin comparisons between Daydream dolls and Volks dolls.



    4. Ye-Tong, I meant to comment sooner, your new girl is gorgeous!! I love her, she has such an interesting expression!
      I'm afraid I don't have any comparisons myself, I only have Bluefairy dolls but I think daydream NS is darker than Volks? Though apparently their new WS is closer to Volks WS.
      Anyway, I love your new girl!!
      I hope they'll release some more outfits soon, I adore the In Love fullset.
    5. Last_bus_home :
      Thank you very much, l love DayDream's lady body. well, if the daydream NS is darker than Bluefairy dolls. it would be darker than volks &#65306;&#65288;
      PS. i want to buy a body for Volks(NS) SDM Liz...i would consider other company >_<
    6. Yo-Tong Daydream have new NS, it's not really darker than Bluefairy now, it is about the same but with less pink I think . (I don't have any NS BF dolls though so I can't check).
      Good luck! :)
    7. DayDream NS is still a bit darker than Bluefairy NS. Both DayDream and Bluefairy NS have pink undertone, so cannot match Volks NS which has yellow undertone.
      DayDream new WS (beauty white) is a lot paler than Bluefairy WS. Also paler than Volks WS.

      Yo-Tong - Your Sally Lo is sooo pretty! I can't wait for my Fall in Sally to arrive >v<

      Oh, I think I've yet introduced my Juliet here, no?
      Here is Twiggy. She's beauty white Juliet on Girl body with Dorothy's face-up.
      • x 2
    8. sora*iro will be releasing a daydream one off!! I saw it on her blog here
      I can't read Japanese but from google (not so helpful) translation, I guess they will be selling on yahoo japan auction, couldn't find any more detail on when this will be open.

      Here is the link of Coco honey and Juliet honey They are soooo prettyyyyyy!!
    9. So if course, for anyone who has missed it, Daydream have released their first boy! Ryan who is on the 'prince body' that looks to be about the same height as Bluefairy's Gentle body. I was a bit disappointed that they haven't actually got photos of the body itself, but anyway, it's good news!
    10. !!! I was wondering if they'd ever release a boy!! He looks a bit like Louis and Gus mixed with each other, I think?? Tbh I'm not really into the Gentle/Prince height, but I'm glad to see Daydream is adding to their lineup! :)
    11. Oh, this thread needs a bump, I think.
      I love the dolls they have, especially the face shape.

      They are going to have a price reduction soon.
    12. I agree this thread needs to be more active, especially pictures!
      I would quite like to buy another Sally in the future, when I look back at my photos I always wonder if I should have kept her. At least I know she's gone to a good home now, but I do miss her somewhat.
    13. I took advantage of the discount and bought Sally on a girl body. :dance I am both exceedingly nervous and excited about this.
    14. Seems like Sally is quite popular!
      Whilst I'm still deciding whether to buy Juliet or Coco ^_^

      Turbo's Juliet is so cute~~
      I originally wasn't considering Juliet.
    15. GOOD CHOICE! That's what I had, I would have kept her if I hadn't got my grail doll at the same time, it just wasn't the right time for my sally. :(

      Have you guys seen the beautiful new photos of all of the sculpts as boys and girls. Sally makes the most beautiful boy, that might be my next doll...
    16. lavandula - Turbow's dolls in general are too cute! Her Juliet is a beauty though.

      Last_bus_home - I love Sally's nose, and the Bluefairy feel doesn't hurt either! I actually was really tempted to get the boyish makeup for my girl Sally, because it's so plain but pretty. It's too bad you couldn't keep your Sally, but a boy Sally would be awesome.
    17. Not only is the event a price reduction, but it's also a skin color choice event (Normal or Beauty White), AND you can get Full Set dolls, Makeup Only dolls (a body+head+makeup) or just the Body Dolls (body+head and no makeup). It's exciting to see that you can get them all as boy OR girl, like Blue Fairy does, because that is one of my favorite features of any doll company ever!!
    18. I ordered my Sally boy!! He's going to be older brother to my Olive, since the Sally face is older than the BF Olive one, I think this will work well with height difference etc.
      I'm so excited!! Impulse buy at 5am...
      Anyone else up styling doll wigs at 5am?
      The only problem is skin colour difference, my Olive is WS, and he will be NS because Daydream WS is too white for me.
    19. Looking forward to all the new daydreams owners =)
      And here's sharing my little girl...hm..does anyone have any tips on how to make them more stable? I'm having quite a bit of problems trying to make her stand or sit without buckling or flopping over.
    20. pinkburrow... have you tried wiring the body? ^^ She looks awesome, btw. Still waiting on my fall in Sally. ><