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Did you play with dolls as a child?

Mar 3, 2012

    1. I had tons of Barbies as a kid. I hated how most dolls for kids couldn't pose or stand on their own. Which is why I like BJDs
    2. Yes, I did, especially with Barbies. Even though more than playing with them, we could say I had quite an issue with the cutting their hair thing (which usually ended up in leaving them partially bald O__O''). Also, I was pretty fond of Shelly and Co. since they were the right size to fit in my home made dolls house! Yet, I never thought that once I had become a grown up and started collecting BJD and Pullips I could still be so addicted to dolls (if not even more!).
    3. Oh yes, and bears and other soft toys. 40 years on I still have some of them.

      When I was nine I drew my dream dolls. The were BJDs - I still have the picture. My drawing skills weren't up to much at that age, but they were good enough that you can see the joints and tell what they are.

    4. if by play you mean rip off the heads of my little ponies and make them into centaurs, then yes, i did play with dolls as a child XD

      i was faaaaar more interested in legos and power rangers and war planets to be bothered to do much more than chop off ariel's hair lol.

      as for bjds....i got an obitsu when i was like 20-21ish and never really did anything with her. kinda thought they were creepy but my ex got one so i got one too. continued thinking they were weird until i saw DZ Mo 3, and fell in love. and then DF H LingFeng. and then RS Song (who i actually have now courtesy of my fiancee's friend). i think i'm gonna end up with a massive collection of boys O-o.....someday.....in the far distant future....where money grows on trees

      but no, i do not think that playing with dolls as a child influenced me into bjds....HOWEVER....if i could get my hands on that centaur bjd......we could argue that XD
    5. Did you play with dolls as a child? I played with dolls, and pretty much any other toy I could get my hands on.
      Why or why not? I loved dolls. My parents didn't have a lot of money, but I always had toys, usually gifts from relatives, so they were important to me.
      If yes, did your childhood love of dolls get you into BJDs or was it something else? Actually, I went through a phase in my early teen years where I wanted nothing to do with having dolls, so I gave nearly everything away. The interest crept back in during college when I started getting Living Dead Dolls and vending machine toys. Then I came across Pullip and Blythe and from there I discovered BJD and was eternally doomed.

    6. So. Did you play with dolls as a child? Yes I adored dolls I even had dolls when I was 16 used excuse of my little sister playing with dolls to keep getting one even got a bratz doll back when the first came out just so I could continue playing with her since she out grew barbies
      Why or why not? Not gonna lie I think it was my inner child wanting to believe in make believe. My older sister also played dolls with me till she was 18 and I was ten so I think this also showed that it was ok to do that. Of course I didn't go around in high school saying I play with dolls!

      If yes, did your childhood love of dolls get you into BJDs or was it something else It was actually something way else completely! My friend since I was a child was into anime, Japanese stuff etc ... and she showed me Dream of Dolls website and said she was getting too-a and bee-a I was like those are pretty then I saw Si and me loving cat boys wanted him! I didn't know much about bjd only that I was 13 and could not afford it.
    7. I played with barbies a lot. I was a single child, so I was just playing alone, but I played with barbies for a very long time lol. until I was like 12 x-x *hides
    8. I dodn't have many dolls - one or two. And now I'm in love with vintage Barbie dolls *o*
    9. As a child I had American Girl Dolls, Barbies, Strawberry Shortcakes, Polly Pockets, Bratz, and much more. I never grew out of my love for dolls. I would just say it evolved.
    10. I played with dolls, yes. But not like other girls would do. I mean, I liked dolls, but I didn't like to dress them up, comb their hair, put them in a doll-sized car and pretend they were driving,... I liked to ruin them. :|
      I had plenty of barbies.. But often I cut their hair, soaked them into water buckets, tried to see how they were held together... Gave them new make-up (with my mother's lipstick).. :D
      Most of the time, I pretended they were drowning and that someone would come over and rescue them. They always ended up crawling out of the bucket "by themselves" (not really off course).

      I remember that I once had an action man doll. That was quite a fun one, he had joints that could be pulled out of the sockets. Somehow I was always interested in how these dolls were made.

      My childhood 'love' of dolls, well it wasn't really love; I just played with them but didn't love them.
      They just all looked so fake to me (at that age, even). I had a lot of fantasy. Imagination. I wanted everything to be perfect, and somehow the dolls never were.

      On the other hand, now I'm completely the opposite towards dolls.
      I now have a Fairyland PukiPuki Pongpong, which I love so much. I wouldn't want to hurt her, I spoil her so much! I even made her furniture, like a closet, a wardrobe and a shoe-rack. She has a nice wig, 2 pairs of shoes, a dress and a bow, and soon she'll have jewelry too.
      I even bought a dollhouse (Lundby Smaland) just for her. Literally.

      Conclusion: I used to be rough against barbie-like dolls. But now, I love dolls. Just BJD's. Because they're so well made, and the way they are put together is very interesting.
    11. I used to play with and collect barbies. But my parents said it's better to keep them in the box for display only so my interest in them faded.

      Now since I love art, dressing up and posing BJD is such a joy~
    12. I've always had a secret love for dolls. c:
      When I was little, I had Barbies.
      When I got a bit older (9-14) I was into American Girl dolls. I loved them soo! I still have catalogs from the 90s.
      And Now, I've sold my AGds for BJDs. ^^
    13. I've always loved playing with dolls. Honestly, I don't think I ever stopped. My childhood Barbies turned into collecting vintage Barbies, to collecting Pullips and now it has transformed into collecting bjds as well. The cycle never ends ;)
    14. I played with dolls (as in actually having them carry on dialogues and move and stuff) until I was 17. I still have every doll I've ever owned. It's my dream to buy a big house and dedicate an entire room to my doll collection. Jem dolls are my favorites, but I have a lot more Barbies. I would love to display them all.
    15. I played with dolls in and out as a child. I'd get a doll, enjoy it for a while, then get bored of it. Then I found some american BJDs and quickly fell in love. I never truely got tired of those (other than the fact that they were too much of a display doll and lacked any true potential for play), until I saw my first dollfie in person. I was in love. Now I have my boy and my girl and could no possibly be happier.
    16. No I didn't like dolls as a child. I was an awkward child and preferred books to toys anyway but I really disliked dolls. I think I disliked being typecast into "girl toys". I never had any interest in them or any idea what to do with them so the barbies people inevitably wanted to send to me wound up in boxes in my closet or under my bed (if I didn't just toss them in a garage sale). I preferred Transformers, games and animals. I had many tiny glass animal figurines that I used to "play with". Even then it was less playing and more organizing in elaborate displays and then imagining what they would think or feel and telling stories (mostly to myself) about what was going on with them. I did have transformer toys that my brother and I played with together. My love of dolls is similar to my attraction to those tiny animal figurines. I tell stories about them but they are more elaborate now. I have whole worlds and the dolls represent the characters in those worlds.
    17. I've always loved dolls and played. Actually looking for new dolls I found BJDs and just found another outlet for my doll obsession.
    18. Funny thing is I got a lot of barbies when I was younger but I recall ripping their arms and leg apart and throwing it out the window -_- I don't recall the reasoning behind it but I did enjoy all the cooking/ kitchen playsets they made with barbie
    19. I played with dolls as a child, but I would get easily bored with them as they were very limited. I couldn't customize them or had many clothes to mix and match for them, so I would lose interest after playing with them for a bit.
    20. ​Did you play with dolls as a child?
      my cousin is a few years younger than me, and she was a "normal" girlie. i owned barbie but mostly jut to play with her. my little pony has been my fav. and these little cars, matchbox(?)

      If yes, did your childhood love of dolls get you into BJDs or was it something else?
      i hope not. i wasn't very nice to my barbies.

      If no, how did your lack of childhood dolliness effect your BJD hobby?
      i don't think that my doll hobby has something to do with my childhood. but as a child i only wear pants. i hated dresses and skirts. and now, i'm a cosplayer and love frilly dresses XD