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Did your preferences change from MSD to SD, and why?

Jul 12, 2021

    1. Hello )
      I began my hobby with MSD, but then after some years I understood that I like SD much more.

      And what about you? Which size do you prefer, why and when you've understood it?

      Sorry, if the discussion is not new (
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    2. I guess I had a similar experience :D I used to be exclusively into fashion dolls (monster high, pullips) and thought BJDs were a little bit scary. But then I saw a minifee Chloe and it completely changed the way I saw BJDs and became obsessed :lol: I still prefer MSDs for now (and have actually warmed up to YOSD). Due to their size, and the lack of sculpts that interest me, SDs haven’t been my thing (so far). MSDs just have that sweet spot of having mature facial features without being half my height (also lots of clothing options that aren’t child-like!).
      Which SDs got you interested in that line of dolls?
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    3. I started with YoSD and then moved to MSD and now (for the last 6/7 years or so) I mostly have SD. For me at first resin SD was too heavy but I fully switched to vinyl a few years ago and the weight is so much better.

      I prefer SD now because the size is so much easier for sewing, but also because all my characters are adults and to me YoSD and MSD are usually kids. Also the clothing options for that size is what made me choose SD. The gorgeous dresses and such. I just love seeing my SD girls in big flowy dresses or super detailed lolita dresses in their showcase. I still have three MSD's (two MMD's and a resin Ybeedoll Bom) but my SD's get most attention.
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    4. I am on the other end, I started with SD and now prefer MSD over SD. I did have a few YOSD, and Lati's as well, but my favorite sizes are the 1/6th and 1/4th for sure.
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    5. I started with an SD .. and have few msd size dolls like the volks dear SD and MDD and two incoming dodollsdream. In general, I prefer the SD size over the MSD their size is perfect for me and their looks. Yet, if I love a doll the size wouldn't be matter :XD:
      I never owned anything smaller than msd, so I wouldn't know how would I feel about tinies and yosd :sweat:sweat
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    6. I started with SD, brought home a few MSD, then got a few more SD, then a YoSD and a 1/12. So…I guess my size preference changes with my mood? They each have their pros so depending on what I want to do, I alternate sizes.
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    7. I started with 60cm, got a 70cm afterwards and realized everything below that is just too small :XD:
      So I'm at a different end of that spectrum I guess. I tried smaller dolls, but except for one (because he's supposed to be the child form of a character) I sold all of them because they just didn't give me anything.
      Small dolls are cute, but they feel too "toy-like" to me, and the faces I prefer are usually for bigger dolls too.

      I do have two fashion sized MSDs though, but just because I wanted pocket sized versions of these characters that are easier to handle and build dioramas for than their 70cm counterparts.
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    8. I started with yosd and stept into msd. Did own sd for a short period of time but ended up yosd/msd fits me best.

      Currently back to yosd-only team

      Can get i to SD size at all as they're just way too big... I can't imagine carrying a doll that is half your height..
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    9. I actually started with an MSD, and now collect tinies! I love smaller, uber-cute dolls. I have one MSD, two tall-YOSDs, and one Lati Yellow (with two more on the way). I think I like smaller dolls because I’m interested in miniatures and dollhouses, which is easier to do with smaller BJDs.
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    10. I started the hobby wanting an MSD (as a very short person, I wanted something proportional XD)! But I liked none of the sculpts that was MSD-sized and YOSD felt a bit too much like a toy to me (though I may get a YOSD-size one day to make dioramas).

      The only sculpts I liked were all SDs, the first sculpt I loved enough to buy was a 57cm girl, so...:sweat I sucked it up and have sculpts that are about 40% of my height.

      Curiously, they don't feel "too big". I love their presence! They are hard to ignore, and it's a good thing!

      I realized that SDs are fairly easy to sew for, so that's a big plus! Though dioramas are almost impossible unless you have a lot of space.
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    11. When I started it was SD then Hound. I still love the look of the hound sized dolls, but I have arthritis in my hands starting a year ago so anything above 60cm has to be light weight. No more 70+ cm dolls for me. So MSD dolls are coming more to replace the big guys I dressed for outdoor photos. I will miss my big guys, but it's for the best.
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    12. I started with slim MSDs last year, got three of them, and this year when I found my first SD and bought her, I started buying more SDs. Now I'm waiting for another MSD, but I have a feeling I will stop with that size soon. I have many floating heads and headless bodies in SD size.
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    13. I actually started with a 1/12 doll or fashion doll sized BJD from Soom. Then I jumped to SD17 sized Soom boys. I bought a few more 1/12 dolls from Soom, a few more SDs from Soom, and then I got MSDs from Withdoll. Then I got YoSD dolls from Dear Mine. I even have the smaller I guess Tiny Delf sized doll from Crobidoll. So I have all kinds of sizes! I find for me that if I like the sculpt, I get it in whatever size it is offered. I am trying to not get too many SD sized dolls at the moment simply because of display space.

      I find it is easier to dress SD dolls but MSDs might have more fantasy fashion choices. Getting wigs for MSDs is harder than for my SDs though. If I start sewing, I'll probably start with my SDs because they are bigger and that might be easier for me than my smaller dolls.
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    14. I've got Smartdoll at first, Mirai. Then few more Smartdolls. Then Loongsoul, Ringdoll, Luts....and that's it ))))))

      That was one of my points too - MSD are mostly kids...
      #14 Kame_subaru, Jul 12, 2021
      Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2021
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    15. I started with an SD then got a tiny and MSD. The only disadvantage I found with my SD is that it’s more difficult to travel with her. I had to leave her behind when I moved to Japan. I have found it’s easier to sew for her and handle her than my two other sizes. My tiny is super portable but I have a hard time finding clothes and accessories in her size. My MSD is kind of in between. I do like that more mature sculpts are available in smaller sizes these days. When I first started, smaller sizes were pretty much exclusively child sculpts.
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    16. I have few MSD now, my first dolls, but yes, also try to sell others)

      Yeah, that's the problem, especially when you need to get somewhere on plane and want to take one of your dolls with you to take pictures ((((
      #16 Kame_subaru, Jul 12, 2021
      Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2021
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    17. It's so embarrassing to take a doll out to fake photo. It's even more embarrassing when it's SD size
    18. I actually started the hobby with SD+ dolls, and ended up falling in love with slim MSD!

      I find that the SD and EID dolls I own are poorly engineered-- they do little other than stand and sit, IF they can sit on their own without assistance-- and in general are a little difficult to shop for because the hobby has generally moved on from them to slim MSD. Not to mention they're bulky and generally difficult to handle, especially in comparison to the much smaller and lighter slim MSD.
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    19. I thought SDs were too big. SO BIG!
      Then I snagged an old SD body off Mercari. (Note: I believe it's a Resinsoul body - the original owner purchased it in 2010 used from a prior owner, so I feel very comfortable in talking about it as a legit body. Plus - the resin is definitely good quality.)
      And I love it. Love the size. Grabbed a clearance SD head from Dollmore, and it's a perfect match size-wise (and I'll be dyeing everything to match). Now I get it. SD dolls are so much easier to work on because of the size of the faces and bodies. Which is just great for my pocketbook...
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    20. I mostly collect tinies and 1/6 mature, they're my favorite sizes.

      I have a few MSDs now too, and my first SD on order... but in terms of 'playing' with my dolls, I still prefer the smaller ones... my SD will be an art piece.
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