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DiM (Doll in Mind) Mini Discussion Part 6

Jul 12, 2022

    1. I ordered a body which HOPEFULLY will work for one of my DIM floating heads.
      it's only taken me what, like 2 years? lol. Whoops?

      I'm still trying to decide what I want to do with the other ones. I get all decision paralysis when it comes to bodies and stuff. Anyone else deal with that?
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    2. Did you get the Huajing body in Mia pink? I ordered in Mia White for my Jullis head I got in our first Last Chance GO :3 I have a character in mind for him (finally, this probably took the longest :XD:)

      It has taken me awhile to get my dolls completed, as I bought the heads with no idea what to do with them. I’ve got one complete (Larina boy), two in the works (Becca has a body and has been sent to a faceup artist, Jullis waiting on his body, then faceup). The Flowne I’m planning to rehome :3nodding: 3 MSDs seem enough for now- I’m naming them after magic skills from the Persona game series XD. While I’m working on my MSDs, I’m changing my Love Size DIM BBjorn (the doll I’ve wanted for so long). I just got a new and better body for him and I’m waiting for a faceup artist to be available to paint him.

      What about you? Who’s left you working on?:chibi

      Also, anyone with an Ace or Julius- what size wig you have yours on? 1/3 too big and 1/4 too small- do you use 1/4 and if yes, how did you adjust it to fit his head?
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    3. I got a sprouting dragon mia pink, which I hope will be close enough.
      Huajing also calls to me so that'll likely be the other body for the other head.

      Still haven't worked out what to do with white skin ace, his head is SO BIG.

      I got bodies for my first two relatively fast. My Gayane is on a boy doll leaves body and Annabeth is on the now discontinued DFH "rounded" boy body or whatever it was called. It's a pretty chonky body and I dig it. Works well with the larger head.

      But I got Larina and uh... whatever the other one was (I lose track, damnit) from the last go and never got around to deciding on bodies. I knew I wanted something curvier than a lot of msd girl bodies at the time, something with more hip and what's quite nice is in the last year or so we've seen a bunch of more affordable companies come out with more pear shaped or curvy bodies so that's really nice.
      I also have an extra head which is uh... also Larina? She's older and more yellowed though. She'll get a body eventually too.

      I actually have quite a few floating heads to get bodies for which is my goal for this year and moving forward. I've told myself "no new full dolls til you have these heads bodied dangit!" but that's not an easy task.

      As for Ace, I dunno. I might dye him because I really am not a big fan of white skin dolls. I find it far too stark. But I gotta find a body that works for his massive noggin first.
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    4. I actually have a DIM boy body (well full doll) and yeah, the original bodies are HEFTY and quite tall. I think they're about 47 cm, which is big for msd.
      I think my boy is Alpon? I had to mod the neck and it needs more work because the neck doesn't actually FIT the head, which is bizarre given this was the body the doll came on. DIM it sounds like weren't overly concerned about bodies and heads matching.
      But it's kinda useful to know how big the bodies those larger heads actually were. I keep meaning to grab my Ace head and try it on the DIM body and see if the neck is more proportionate to that head.

      To be honest I keep meaning to play "musical heads" with my dim heads anyway I just never quite have the energy to do so.
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    5. Yes 47cm is quite big- almost the size of a short SD XD And the bigger heads could’ve probably fit on those 50cm ranged bodies. I never had the male body but I did see the pictures you posted of your Alpon and his neck. How much of the neck you had to mod off?

      When I was body huntin, I used the DIM measurements posted in the Dollmakers section to match to the body’s I was interested in. It is hard to find an msd body with an 8cm neck XD I think the male V1 was their biggest msd. And I think you right about the heads not matching the bodies XD

      The closest I found is Universedoll with 7.5cm- which fit perfectly to my Julis. But the other parts of the body, like chest circumference, just looked strange with his big head. I’m hoping to end my body search with Huajing, as it has similar neck size (7.2cm) but talll like the V1 body and bigger chested than the UD body.

      If you ever play musical heads with your dolls- I’d be interested to see you Ace on that body. I think Jullis is similar size. Is Alpon bigger headed than your Ace?
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    6. Alpon's head is wide rather than generally huge like Ace/Julius but yeah, it's a pretty big head. He takes a 7 inch wig though. Most of my msd dolls are 6-7 while he's 7-8. Still msd sized, but yeah, he has a really wide face which makes his head look massive.

      I took quite a bit off the neck and tried to taper it so the head would fit better. It's still not great. I could do with taking more off the inside of his head so it sits a little further down the neck but i'm nervous to take too much material you know? It's better than it WAS, but his head still perches too high imo. Thing is, i'm not sure i'd ever find another body his fat face would look okay on because he needs those really broad shoulders.
      I'll get some pictures later on.
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    7. Ooo Alpon has a wider face/head? That’s interesting, I wonder if he’ll look more proportionate on a 50cm body? Dollzone just released a 50cm msd body (DZ 51cm Special Boy Body) with pretty wide shoulders- wider than the DIM msd boy body. If I had waited in Huajing I might have snagged it lol.
    8. Digging through my doll boxes I found my old Luts Ttori who i've been trying to sell for like 2 years now. I figured "hey, why not see if one of the DIM heads works?" and so I grabbed my older more yellowed Larina head and I really like the proportions. The colour match isn't perfect as of course the DIM head is a lot paler, but both are similarly yellow toned so I think it'll work once there's a faceup done.

      I also tried the same head on my Angel Region Little Fair/Blue Fairy body but I didn't like that one as much. The proportions work okay, the neck fits nicely and all that, but it's a far older far more yellowed body and it's a little wider and more baby-like than the Luts body.

      I also tried Ace on the Luts but there's no way that works. The bobble head just doesn't look good imo. The Luts body is too short and narrow in the shoulders for such a huge head.

      I gotta find some clothes so I can take a photo of Larina on their new boy body heh. And find a wig for them. I don't have that many wigs going spare.
      particularly not masculine ones. Short boyish wigs that don't look like bowl cuts or mullets are so difficult to find dangit.

      I have quite a few different doll bodies here so if anyone has any particular combos they'd like to see with either Ace, Alpon, Larina, Gayanne, Annabeth or Laia I can see if i've got the body. (Can you tell I really like DIM heads? lol)

      I haven't decided yet whether Laia or Larina get the body I ordered earlier in the month. I suppose i'll see how I feel when it arrives.
      But it'll probably go to Laia for variation's sake. still, the idea of boy/girl twins using the Larina sculpt certainly solves the issue of what to do with my spare Larina head. Hahaha.

      Ace continues to be problematic though. Damn him and his giant head.

      I'm not well today so I don't really have much energy, so Larina has to just sit in underpants on my desk til I have another spurt of energy and can find some clothing.
      it comes in short bursts and then i'm wiped out for a few hours.
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    9. [​IMG]

      My flash makes everything look way worse but here's Larina all painted up on the Luts kid body!

      the colour match isn't great, but I don't really mind too much. I'm just happy to have a floating head on a body at least.


      The proportions look pretty decent to me.
      Please don't judge my cluttered desk lol. I haven't found a home for my project dolls yet.
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    10. So many dolls :blush Larina looks good on that body- very cute :chibi