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DIM Tom Hiddleston Discussion Thread

Feb 15, 2013

    1. MCU Loki, Lady Loki, Eidolon!Loki, and hopefully myth Loki if I can get the head I am dying for for him.

      Has anyone else tried any other bodies for the Tom head head? I'm currently eyeing the RSDoll body because it's really pretty to look at lol
    2. The Dream of Doll; Dream of Teen and Dream of Idol work well-- Idol for a more grown up twink kinda look and Teen for a bobbly look-- though again, you need to sand either the head or the neck-- Ill try a few others shortly.
    3. Mint On Card wrote a few days ago to tell me my order is on its way, and I didn't notice until now. I got a tracking number, and I'm pleased to say my order is well on its way to me. NOT LONG NOW. I want to be trendy and use a reaction GIF, but I do not understand the etiquette of sourcing those and I have no idea who made the one I wanted to use so sourcing would be complicated, so I've decided to drop it. :) Still excited.
    4. Here's one of my Tom's on a DoD body-- it's pretty good resinmatch! I need to sand the neck/headhole still. He will be my Magnus from The Wallander. <3 Hes dressed more Tom like though--

    5. My body came in today! I'm so happy. It's nifty. Came with a free pair of men's high heeled feet and an extra pair of hands. I'm so scared about the restringing thing though. Attaching my head will be chaos, I can already see it coming.
    6. It's really not that hard to attach a head and doesn't require any actual restringing. If you can find a pair of hemostats at a pharmacy/drug store, they make it even easier.
    7. I got my second body in today-- the bobobie one-- I might end up upgrading to the more muscular version shortly-- I may keep the head and the doll together but I've switched it for now-- Photos shortly/
    8. I've turned my Hiddleston head into Havelock Vetinari:
      Tom Hiddleston MNM (ish)
    9. Vetinari, he looks awesome!!
    10. Thanks! I think most of the credit should go to the sculptor for this one though, the bone structure was so well defined it seemed a crime not to try to highlight it!
    11. Ooh RDJ Vimes? Now that's something I'd not have thought up! (I'm a bit too invested in Paul Kidby's Clint Eastwood look for Vimes - it's difficult to reimagine him as anything else)

      Thanks! Got to admit, this is the 1st face-up I've done that I'm actually kinda proud of (I'm going to have to go and redo some of my earlier attempts far sooner than I'd have liked). I've yet to find a suitable wig for him though (Sigh, short male wigs are few and far between - I've got one in the right style, but it's deep red, so unless His Lordship had an accident with the hair dye...)
    12. What size and brand eyes are you using for Havelock? Those are very lifelike.
    13. I'm not entirely sure as to the brand - they're a glass pair from Mybayer on EvilBay (Only thing is Havelock's sculpt isn't the DiM MNM but the WG sculpt - so they're only 8mm!)
    14. I'm so jealous that you got the Whispering Grass Thomas. OMG. Vetinari. ;_;
    15. As far as I know he's still available!

      (Eek - Just set up a layaway for his body - decided upon the Dikadoll 73cm 5-part body in Normal White, Havelock is going to be v.tall... Only the guy who is meant to be an alien built on a different scale to us mere mortals will be bigger!)
    16. Adding to the list of possible bodies for the Tom head is the Bluefairy BF body. Their normal skin also runs towards the pink side of things and supposedly it has really wide shoulders. It's 65cm, which is way more in keeping with a size I'd be happy to have vs the possible RSdoll 70cm. Ugh, I love this head, but sometimes I wish it was the DIM MSD size lol

      I'm hoping to have mine back from faceup before my next local meet so I can spend time playing the fun "let's stick this head on ALL the bodies!" game.

      I read about 2 chapters before deciding that I didn't like that particular author's interpretation of the characters. I can be quite picky about how they're written.
    17. Ive always wanted the 5-part body ;_; you make me cry!!! I know shes still got Thomas available to buy, but she can't accept paypal and it's way too costly to do a western union. IF there were a shopping service I could probably get it.
    18. Ah - ok, I'd (purposefully) forgotten about the fees! (It worked out cheaper for me to do Western Union than a direct bank transfer in the end, but they were still a bit steep!)

      I figured Lord Vetinari would need the added flexibility being a qualified assassin, that and I've heard good things about Dikadoll's jointed hands - their ability to do the steepled fingers pose will be awesome!
    19. Oooh-- I love to steeple the fingers x) I cant wait to see yours all put together.
    20. Okay, now that I have my head, I can tell you most adamantly that Doll Family is not a good match for this head. He makes Doll Family pink look yellow. He is very pink. He's much pinker than my Jensen Ackles head, too. Neither is a perfect match to the body, but Jensen is a somewhat better match. I'm going to be taking them both to a convention in a few months, maybe I can find a good match there. :) In the meantime, I'm very glad to have Tom's head here.