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DIM Tom Hiddleston Discussion Thread

Feb 15, 2013

    1. @xMadXScientistx If you are looking for a perfect match go with Dream of Doll. Both DOI and DOT bodies work but need sanding on the neck.
    2. Do you have pics of the head on those bodies, preferably naked? I'd love to see the proportions.

      I know people have been using the Resinsoul 70 body but from the one pic I've seen, the shoulders were still too narrow.
    3. Curiously, how much do the DIM heads vary resin match wise? (:
    4. Got my head a little while ago. Wow, he really is white. He's far whiter than my RS body and so far has been whiter than my Dollshe pale resin, Soom white skin and my Doll Chateau white skin. o_o
    5. just wanted to add my 2¢ and say that the white skin is whiter then IOS & angelsdoll pinkwhite. So anything that matches those, such as luts WS will be off. its not the worst match, but about 75-80%. Angelsdoll 70cm body is good proportionally tho, neck would need some thinning but it looks good w/ the head.
    6. The head is on its way to the face up artist. I actually felt a little pang with having to let him go again ;p Nothing else is in yet, I've been messing a little with a wig I have, but that's all I can do. I'm getting restless.
    7. I'd still love to see pics of the head on various bodies to see proportions.

      I'm still waiting on mine to get back from his faceup, but at least I have his eyes and wig already in hand. Or well, several wigs. Someone's gonna be a wig hog, I just know it.
    8. From the front, I'd say the neck looks too long. It's probably due to how wide the jaw is on the head. I wonder if the head was modded to have the neck hole be deeper would help with that.
    9. /waiting patiently for my head to turn up.

      I'd definitely like to see the DOI body with the head. I'm rather fond of that body. 8D
    10. I could put the head on a DOI body for you, the resin will be total different though as the resin is grey! Gimme a bit and I'll post a pic.
    11. I'd be fine with seeing it on the grey body. I feel like resin match is just not going to happen easily at this point so proportions are more important for me.
    12. I'd been meaning to do this anyway but I did a comparison with 9 (I think lol) different bodies and posted them here today, just scroll down to posts 6 and 7. : D... =_= I'm tired now. That took forever. I hope you or anyone else might find it useful or if anyone wants to add their own body/head pairs its alllll good.
    13. Thank you so much!! The Popodoll does look like it has nice proportions and wouldn't need that much neck work to really have a decent look. I wonder how white their white is and if it'd be easier to pink up a white skin body to match.
    14. from what i recall their WS is yellow based/ivory, so im not sure which would be easier. i was so sad when i realized this body wouldn't work for me D:. i couldn't believe how off the height measurement was! I have a dollclans head on it instead but... yeah. it definitely isn't 68cm >:l
    15. So I need infinitely more Tom in my life.

      /requesting more Tom MNM spam!
    16. My head is finally done getting his faceup so once he arrives back here, I'll be able to take pics of him mostly put together.
    17. Yay! Thanks Kim!

      In the meantime, enjoy this picture of Felix that looks like Felix and not necessarily Tom Hiddleston. Without a face-up, it's sometimes hard to see Felix, but I changed his clothes and set him down on the couch, and there he was! :D

      Felix by jessicakrouse, on Flickr

      Oh yes, I jacked this picture from my newly-created Instagram (9daysnew if you're interested ;) ) and it was a cell phone-pic to begin with, so crappiness abounds.
    18. I currently have the natural skin Alucard MMN head on the Resinsoul 70 cm body and like how it looks. I also like how lanky it is, but clothes-wise that's not ideal. It's about as wide as the Delf type 1 body. (I also have hair and eyes, now just waiting until the face up artist is done. She's doing a repaint since the first eyebrows weren't right).
    19. I've sent my Tom off to Colorado for his face up! Still don't have a body for him, but I am a patient woman. :)

      Also, the hair from the trailer would be so much fun! I might get him a curly sex hair wig.