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DIM Tom Hiddleston Discussion Thread

Feb 15, 2013

    1. Just jumping in to ask - Dream of Doll NS is a good resin match for the NS DIM Tom-head, you said? That's just what I was hoping for, since I really like their bodies! What about proportion? Anyone got pics of the head on a DOI body?
    2. Khell, can't help you with a resin match, since I don't have any DoD.
      (Ehr, possibly I have some hands or feet from DoD, but if I do they're going to be some years old. I'll take a look at my stash later...) (I do have a new NS minimee, so if I find the parts, I can do a comparison) (Tomorrow or this weekend)

      Anyway, I can give you a push in the right direction on the subject of proportions. This is what I do when stuck with a proportion question: make mock-up.
      From experience (of owning many minimees) I've learned that really the shoulder width has to be within proportions, or, no matter how tall the doll, the result may still look bubble headed. So I've mocke-upped a shoulder comparison:

      To me it looks like great proportions! I'd definitely consider getting this guy for my Loki!!!!
    3. Looks good, thanks! Now for finding a good reason to get yet another large doll when I said I wouldn't ... *le sigh*
    4. Ha, ikke, your head looks like the character Tom is playing in "Only lovers left alive" :) I don't mind a little bobble-headed-ness, but then, I'm not going for the most realism possible, I like my dolls to look like dolls.
    5. Stella, hihi, he does doesn't he? The faded rock star look.

      It's pure coincidence, actually; my loki is wearing the wig I made for my Ulquiorra Cifer. Love that wig; it looks great on any head I've tried it on.
    6. His faceup was done by gabriel, who is pretty much the best.

      What the DoI necks like? I'm finding the prob with this head is you need a 60cm neck but 70cm shoulders.
    7. According to the DoD website, the neck circumference of the DOI body is 10.3 cm. On the DIM website, they say the circumference of the Love body's neck is 11 cm. So if those heads are supposed to fit on DIM Love bodies, then I guess they should fit on DOI bodies alright, maybe with minimal modification of the neck hole ...
    8. The neck length is as big of a problem as the width is. Pretty much all of the 70cm bodies I've seen this head on, the necks are entirely too long.
    9. Well, that's something that I, personally, would probably mod myself if I found the DOI neck too long. What would be more of a problem, for me, would be if the neck looked too thin. I don't like thin necks ...
    10. I'm just really loathe to do any sort of permanent mod work on dolls. It really kills any hope of selling them in the future. The body I've been using now is too small shoulder wise but the neck fit is great. Luckily, I don't have any elaborate plans for Creepy Tom beyond head shots, so I'm ok to wait until a perfect solution for me presents itself.

      Though that Mirodoll body sale is tempting just because they're so cheap and seem to have worked well for previous minimee hybrids.
    11. Kim, any chance of a picture and specs of the doll you have your Tom on? Would love to see it!

      As for the MiroDoll dudes, I have the 60cm one which has the same shoulder width and proportions at the upper part of the doll as the new 68cm. I have the Legolas minimee on him now, but I can try decapitation and try Tom in stead. Give me a few hours for the photos...
    12. The problem I got with Mirodoll is that I simply don't like the look of their bodies. As Janet Weiss put it in the Rocky Horror Picture Show: I don't like men with too many muscles ... *gg* Well, not when it's for the Tom-head. I want a more Loki-like look which means he's gotta be less "compact" (i.e. muscled) than my EID superhero body.
    13. Here is another pic of Lox. The Resinsoul body is rather slender, but I do like the sculpt and the proportions. I'm still waiting for jointed hands. SD sized hands, because 70 cm proportioned hands are way too large.

    14. The muscles don't really bother me because Tom's a big guy who's in really good shape. He's not that much smaller than Chris even if he doesn't bulk up in the arms and shoulders the way Chris does for Thor. That and Loki's pretty damn ripped in all of the Marvel universes barring his time as an adorable teenager in 616, though I guess we've never seen Kid or Creeper Loki shirtless so who knows?

      I don't really like the joints on the Mirodoll body is the other real stickler. The DoD bodies seem to be a little smoother and refined in their joint design overall which is why I'd love to see pictures of the Tom head on them
    15. The MiroMan is also not my choice for Loki, I'm looking for something more slender too.
      I do like the body for my Legolas; even if I still call the head 'Legolas' he was never intended to be like the role in the film, so it doesn't matter that he isn't on a slim type body but more a serious mans body.

      But for Loki, definitely taller and thinner. I'm looking at a Dollshe body right now; choice of 70 or 74cm tall, 15cm in the shoulder and very slim, maybe even unnaturally so. Well, Loki isn't natural, is he, so that could fit...
    16. My Tom came back from the faceup artist, and I'm very, very pleased. Here's the picture she took of my doll with her Hot Toys Loki. :)


      Here's her URL if you want to see more of her work.
    17. My Tom is on his way back from Buff ​and he looks amazing! I can't wait to show him off!
    18. Here's a pic of Felix's faceup by Buff! (Please excuse any weird formatting errors, my computer died and I'm trying to do this all on my phone)

    19. Thank you, ikke​! Trying to do this on a phone is next to impossible!!