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DIM Tom Hiddleston Discussion Thread

Feb 15, 2013

    1. I love this doll so much. I can't wait to find him a body. I think I'll try shopping the head around at Dragon*con for a good resin match/body and then order.
    2. Welp Tom finally has his permanent body and I pretty much love it.

    3. He's gorgeous! :D
    4. xMadxScientistx, do you have a WS or a NS?

      Kim, he wonderful! I love his pose! And that thoughtful hand at his chin!
      What body is it?


      I feel so bad now. :...( My poor baby's still in the box. I'm still hunting up a body for him. Stella! You said that's a 70cm resinsoul body? Do you have anymore picks? I'm really like the look of it with the head. and is that normal skin? My monitor is going out so cant be absolutely sure of the color.
    6. Yes, that's right. It's the 70 cm Resinsoul body in natural colour. There is a minimal colour difference. He is a little bobble-headed, but less than my Delf and my Sds. The body is really, really slender, but I like it.


    7. I really hope they release Nendo's of the other Avengers. Really I just mean Thor.


      I've accepted that he's really just Loki at this point, which is sad because he's never gonna have his Thor. I usually have a strict policy that any figure or statue that I buy of either of them must have a corresponding Thor or Loki to go with them.

      At least he fits in SD17 clothing, which means I am free to save for and buy some suits from Freedom Teller for him.
    8. [​IMG]

      I'm thinking about maybe dragging him to Otakon with me, nevermind I still haven't gotten him clothes that really fit >.>
    9. OMG I'm so Lokid an it's not getting any better...... Love the pics with the mini IronMan and love the last pic here.
      I already have a loki character, and he needs a new face up, or at least my sis insists on it..... just got very inspited by that mini ice gigant^^.
      Your Toms are all great, and someday, I'll have my own..... even thou I should not accumulate more heads, they need bodys afterwards....
      Question, would a bbb Apollo body (60 cm) be more or less ok proportion wise? has someone done it before, and has pics of it?
      Thank you a lot,
    10. i can't answer your question but I do have an updated photo of my Loki, still with his mini Iron Man:

    11. Hmm, I'm not sure how the BBB 60 cm differs from the 70cm body, but this head is definitely on the large side and needs one with broad shoulders to not look super bobble headed. Of course the problem is the necks on a lot of 70cm bodies are too thick and long and require modding. I am pretty sure people have been suing the 68cm Resinsoul body for the head with some success.

      I finally have started getting mine clothes. I am so proud of myself.

    12. Gods, Kim, he's perfect!!! Eventually I'll get around to taking some decent pictures of Felix.
    13. Awww, Hiddles thread!
      So much beautiful Toms/Lokis at this thread. :aheartbea
      My MNM Tom Hiddleston arrived a few days ago and i am incredible happy.
      Now body searching...

    14. *Sigh* Don't have a mnm jet, but I got my LittleFee God of chaos a frost giant face up, inspited by the little blue cuty a few pics ago. I looooooooove all your pictures!!!!!!
      *waht is a loki????*---rofl
    15. Kim: he is perfect. May i ask, where did you get the body? (company)
      Stella: your Loki is super cute. :)
    16. I can't wait to get my mnm head, it's supposed to be delivered tomorrow. His body arrived today, I got a good deal on a 70cm RS boy on eBay.
    17. Thanks guys! I really love my Creepy Tom/Loki. His body is a Feeple65 body from Fairyland.
    18. My head arrived today! I'll mod the neck a bit , but at least the resin is a good match.

    19. Loki finally has his permanent body! What a fussy doll... I posted a bunch of technical type fit pictures in the pic request thread, but I'll leave one I liked here too =w=


      He is now on a Loongsoul 68cm body and staying there. 3rd time's the charm in this case...
    20. Yeah, I know just how fussy Loki can be; he's managed to snatch the most expensive body I had bought up to that date. Greedy little drama queen.

      Love your version! And he does look pleased with this body, I think. Loongsoul produces some really nice males, IMHO.