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DIM Tom Hiddleston Discussion Thread

Feb 15, 2013

    1. XD I'm glad it's not just me! He's such a snot sometimes - I was trying to take the body pictures yesterday but he would NOT cooperate! I finally gave up, put his clothes back on and fussed over him the rest of the evening and he behaved much better today. I swear, he refuses to do anything for me unless I pay him attention before hand =_=;

      Thank you for the compliment! Yes, Loongsoul makes some really great dolls, I love the bodies. I have the older 70cm body and that thing is so awesome. It's a shame they scare people off with their excessive production times, but I'm willing to wait for their products. It wasn't really all that bad this time around, about 5 months. I think next time I'll try ordering through Jeeryama since they get dolls out faster then MoC. I was so relieved when they released the 68cm body - I had a devil of a time finding the right fit for my little mischief maker.
    2. @neonraver247: Really nice pose. ;)
    3. It's pretty quiet in here - I forgot to share the photoshoot I did last week with interested parties (lol this is the Loki pace to be, right?)
    4. So many awesome dolls~

      I took advantage of a Christmas event and ordered a body for my head. I hope it works out cuz it's one that I haven't seen used before. But just in case I ordered a full blank doll so if the Tom head doesn't work on it, then I'll just use the head the body comes with and save up for a different body. I wish I could do a face up on my head but winter in Canada is really inconvenient for using sealants so I have no idea when I'll be able to do that, I may have to wait months upon months to do it.
    5. [​IMG]

      Was messing around with him. I've gotta try wiring/sueding his body so he has more stability. It's why I much prefer single jointed bodies. Though, I gotta say, I recently flipped through the Avengers again, and it cracks me up my doll wig looks less busted than his weave in that.
    6. Great pics of some lovely boys. I am going to be getting a white head so the search will be on to find a suitable body (and cloths,wig,eyes etc...) for my Loki. Sounds like the white is very white so not sure what companies will have a reasonable resin match. If anyone has some comparisons I would love to see them. I would be really interested in Soom & Popodoll white resin comparisons.
    7. Off the top of my head, dikadoll has a pure white, as does islanddoll (EV resin however). I can get you a pic of Soom ws comparison, but I don't have a ws popodoll -3- I have heard that their ws is ivory/creamy tho
    8. Great I will check them out thanks. The Soom white comparison would be great too:) I saw a MNM on an idealian body and the proportions looked good but it was NS. I hope that with a face-up he will match whatever I go with better.
    9. Isn't Dollzone WS pretty much paper white, too? At least the Freddy event head I got in WS is really, really white.
    10. Just had a look and I like the look of the Doll-zone 70cm. Now I have a few possibilities, Thankyou:)
    11. I ordered a Dika Doll body for mine and I should be getting it soon, they have pure white as an option if you have a white head. I have the normal head but I can at least let you know the fit when mine comes so you know what that looks like.

      Side question, what size eyes are you guys using? I have a temporary set of 14mm eyes in him and I think they may be a bit too cartoony for my liking. Do 12mm eyes work, or will there be weird gaps? I don't own any 12mm so I can't check from things I own.
    12. Great I would love to see how it looks. I don't want the bobble head look so I'm hoping the taller bodies with wider shoulders will have nicer proportions. I still want him to be on the slim side though as I think that suits Loki. Look forward to seeing your boy:)
    13. I actually got it today, much sooner than I thought I would. But I wont complain~

      The proportions aren't perfect, but I don't mind it. Perfect proportions are probably gonna be really difficult to find. I took some photos of the head/neck movement, it's also good for the size of the head vs the shoulders. The photos in that link have no wig or clothing on. His shoulder width is 15.5cm if that helps. c:

      And then there's this photo, where he's just Loki glaring because his temporary wig is so poofy...


      I can't wait till the warm weather comes and I can do his face up for him finally. He's been blank for too long.
    14. Congratulations on getting his body:) It is a good resin match and I think the neck size and shoulder width are good too. Thanks for the pic, it really helps to see owner pictures:)
    15. The Feeple65 body really does have pretty much perfect proportions for the head, but yeah, Fairyland white is way more creamy than the DIM white. A friend had a white head briefly from the original order and several white skin Fairyland dolls.

      I actually use 16mm Zoukeimura glass eyes for mine. They fit perfectly in the eye socket, though Zouks are really low dome so that generally helps with the fit. I'd hazard a guess and say I think 12mm eyes would prob gap a bit. I have a pair of 12mm Ving's eyes I could try sticking in to see how it works.
    16. Lox has 12 mm Ersa Flora eyes, and they don't gap. Just a data point.
    17. The DikaDoll normal pink is a little bit more pink than the head, but you don't really notice unless you're looking for it. It's a pretty darn close match and you would never know they were different in most photos.

      I'd love to see the 12mm if you get a chance, I'm trying to decide what size to order for the green eyes I want. c:
    18. I have the Soom ws comparison. This is from the white rabbit doll, so it's pretty new:


      As you can see, Soom is much creamier. The paper white of DIM makes it look almost pale ns. The Tom head is also pretty big by comparison, I was originally going to put him (the ns) on a new SG body but the proportions looked weird to me for some reason.

      I also use 12mm eyes in my doll and if there's gapping, it's minimal. Any of the pictures I've posed have been with 12mm eyes in ^^
    19. I have given mine 12mm eyes as well and that looks very normal.
      My Loki is WS and it matches Dollshe pale (basically their white skin) and Mirodoll WS.

      I own NS DiM minimees from around the same time as Tom was made and I'd classify them as a 'pale normal' skin. It does not match Miro NS. It does not match Dollshe oriental or fresh. Of course it does match DiM's range of NS dolls, since it's the same resin. (This does not go for earlier DiM minimees since those were made in a different casting studio than DiM's main studio!)
    20. neonraver247 thanks for the Soom comparison. As for proportions I think it is the shoulder width being too narrow on the SG. From the sound of it the mnm head will need 15cm across shoulders to not look bobble headed. I'm slowly narrowing my choices down:)