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Discussion for Coco Tribe Ruby - Refined bunny!

Apr 26, 2009

    1. Yay! More Ruby owners! :D They're so pretty!! Thanks for sharing, guys! :aheartbea

      I haven't gotten a chance to do comparison pictures yet, but I promise I'll make time for it soon :sweat
    2. I found the Coco Tribe dolls to have very nice, evenly colored resin. I love their size. ( I got the 17cm dolls). The two I own are very easy to pose and stand without any problems. The only problem I ever had was when I took Ruby to the convention and somehow her ears came off. I'm not sure I strung them back on correctly but they still hold in any position I put them in.

      the joints on most animals (until very recently) are just normal joints but my to Coco Tribe girls are not kicky at all. Also, the Kira Kira faceups are very nice. There has not been any chipping of the paint at all and I have dragged these poor dolls to the BJD convention in Texas and to IDEX to put them on display. I handle them regularly and I let my granddaughter handle them. She is 8 and has two animals of her own so she respects my dolls but we are not real gentle with them.

      I would recommend them without hesitation.

      Hope this helps.
    3. The brand that designed and made the dress for Annie (mouse) is Flower Doll Room, all of the outfits of FDR are on-sale in Kira Kira website, and recently shopping cart is finally added in our website :) Thanks.
    4. Thank you Junya for reminding me of the dress maker. Unfortunately all the dresses are sold out on the site. Will there be more available?
    5. No problem, and we'll put on new outfits in the coming few days, thanks :D
    6. I love Ruby so much, I'm gonna be getting her next month I hope. (Well, ordering her at least. Yay. )

      I was wondering, if there any other companies or clothes that fit the coco tribe?
    7. We heard that the clothes for blythe if it isn't too long (ex.long dress) will be suitable for coco tribe animals ^__^
    8. Yes, Blythe dresses fit :) Sleeveless ones are best, since I'm not sure her arms would go through the tiny sleeves on others. My Ruby is wearing a Blythe wedding dress.
    9. Okay, I finally took pictures :)

      Here is Ruby with 3 other anthros:

      And here she is nude. Please keep in mind she is on the 17cm body size, one of two available for her:
    10. I just baught Ruby Fullset! >w< So excited, can't wait to get her!

      And I haven't seen that many blythe armless clothes/dresses. Lease not ones I'm interested in.

      I wonder is someone on the marketplace can commission clothes for an her? :o

      Any other tiny clothes fit them?

      Looks like other animal clothes may fit? like the Luts Zuzu?
    11. Ohh congrats StarFlakes! :D Post pictures when you get her!

      Zuzu and Baha sized clothing should fit, but they may be a little big if you got her on the 17cm body like I did. I'll have to try some of the clothes I have on her and see how they fit.

      But yes, there's always the option to commission someone. Spampy is always a good choice, I'm sure she'd be happy to do it :)
    12. Thanks!

      :3 Ok I'll keep her in mind.

      I think she should do good with the other animal clothes cause I got her on the 21cm body wich I Really really love. ^.^
    13. Oh, then yes if you got her on the 21cm body all Zuzu/Baha clothes should fit just fine :)
    14. oh wow, i do love her ears - i can't beleive i just saw this thread!
    15. xD I'm still all restless and excited about Rubyy.

      I just made her a chair too, I can't wait to sit her in it D:
    16. Can't wait to see your pictures, Starflakes. Ruby is really beautiful. I love Jerry's teeth too. So darn cute.
    17. Well - i ordered! I got a white skin 21cm Ruby w/ 2 dresses :love hopefully she will fit in w/ my Pipos bunnies ...
    18. Where did you order the dresses from?
    19. Thanks for the info. I hope they update the English site soon.